After a while, everyone came out of the water.

Aning took out the air probe and showed that it was normal, and everyone quickly took off their heavy diving equipment.

The fat man took a deep breath, and immediately buried it: “It’s so smelly!” But fat master, I like ~”

Indeed, the more smelly and dull the burial chamber, the more corpses there are and the older it is.

There must be a large number of treasures in such a tomb, which one does not love gold?

The fat man flashed a wolf-eye flashlight and began to look around the tomb impatiently…

The floor of the tomb is littered with various burial porcelain.

The surrounding walls are covered with quaint frescoes, a bit like the life of the tomb owner, and some rare and exotic animals.

In the center of the tomb is the huge pool, from which everyone came just now.

The fat man was not interested in these things, and he went into the pile of porcelain on the ground, if he came to this underwater tomb without bringing some treasures, he was unwilling.

“Fatty, don’t forget the rules~” Wu Tianzhen saw this impatient look, and suddenly reminded.

The fat man gave a blank look: “I know, just take one or two pieces!” Fat master, I only pick two of the most valuable convenience belts! ”

Wu Tianzhen snorted lightly, and also picked up a porcelain casually:

This is a typical Ming Dynasty official kiln porcelain, with a smooth tire and an official kiln print at the bottom.

It seems that the shipwreck tomb of the vast sea has not run.

Wu Tianzhen was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately looked at the porcelain bottle.

Generally speaking, the surface of the porcelain that accompanies the tomb owner will be painted with some ink paintings of the tomb owner’s life.

Some even depict the process of building the upper tomb, and the soil master who goes down to the tomb is the most attentive to this kind of thing.

Because there is often some important information implied in this picture, the critical moment can save life!

Wu Tianzhen was immersed in research, and the others were also curiously looking around.

Yin Nanfeng has been paying attention to Chu Wen, and she found that her future husband was not interested in these things at all, but stood by the pool and observed the bottom of the water.

Yin Nanfeng was a little puzzled:

What’s so nice to see in this underwater?

“What are you doing?” Yin Nanfeng asked curiously.

“Wang Zanghai, this little old man’s attainment in organs is simply unfathomable!”

Chu Wen sighed first when he heard this, and he pointed to the bottom part of the pool on the opposite side:

“You see there, there is a constantly rising underwater spring at the bottom of the pool. Wang Zanghai built the entire ancient tomb on the spring, driving the mechanism with water potential, which can not only prevent seawater from pouring and damaging the structure of the ancient tomb, but also maintain the operation of the mechanism for hundreds of years……. What a genius! ”

Chu Wen couldn’t help but sigh again.

Yin Nanfeng curiously looked in the direction pointed by Chu Wen:

In the dark green and dim pool water, she could see something about a meter below the edge of the opposite pool wall, but further down….

E, it’s dark, and you can’t see anything in the dark.

“Where is the spring?”

“Oh, I forgot~”

Chu Wen took his gaze away from the unfathomable bottom of the pool, turned to Yin Nanfeng, who was beautiful and delicious beside him, and grinned: “Your eyesight is not very good, you can’t see~”

“You don’t have good eyesight!”

Yin Nanfeng took the small powder fist and hammered Chu Wendi’s shoulder fiercely, and explained breathlessly; It’s not that your eyesight is too perverted!

This punch looks quite powerful, in fact, Yin Nanfeng didn’t use much force, and with Chu Wen’s current physique, it is similar to tickling.

Moreover, he could already react when Yin Nanfeng punched.

After being hammered twice by Xiaodi, Chu Wen suddenly grabbed Yin Nanfengdi’s small powder fist and stared straight at her.

Yin Nanfeng’s coquettish appearance is not common, the domineering lady becomes a coquettish little princess in seconds, and this sense of contrast makes Chu Wendi’s little heart tremble violently a little uncontestedly.

This nizi is really amorous~

Yin Nanfeng also noticed Chu Wen’s naked gaze.

But she didn’t feel disgusted, but a little cautious.

A touch of red rose in his ears, and Yin Nanfeng asked like a mosquito fly: “You……. What are you doing…”

“Dry~” The old tomb robber driver Chu Wen ghostly sent a sentence.

“Dry…….. Dry? ”

Yin Nanfeng suddenly thought of some picture that was inappropriate for children, and immediately changed his face: “Hmph! ”

Ouch hey, look at my broken mouth~

Chu Wen couldn’t wait to slap himself immediately, and just when he didn’t know how to relieve the embarrassment, the fat man exclaimed:

“Comrades, what do you think this is?!”


Chu Wen and Yin Nanfeng didn’t have time to think, and hurriedly rushed over there…

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