I know more about the persistence in his heart, so I am willing to give him everything I can,

On the contrary, if he is not willing, I am not willing to force him. He has abilities and secrets!

I knew from the very beginning that I asked him to deal with the group of people in the Northeast, and he secretly took me in and I knew it too! "

When Xiaozhuang heard these secrets, he was also shocked:

"Oh? Why do you still act like this, Your Majesty? What if he learns from Wu Sangui and King Chahar!"

Kangxi shook his head:

"Grandma, it's because I know him that I trust him, you know?

I even promised to give him a passport and let his descendants be the Lord of the Yellow Banner, but he hesitated! "

When this remark was made, not only Xiaozhuang, but even Eunuch Li, who was pretending to be a wooden man, exclaimed!

"What 5.6! Xuan Ye, do you know what you are doing? Let a Han be the master of the yellow flag!

Where do you want our Manchu and Aixinjueluo royal family to go! The Eight Banners are the root of our Manchu,

The inlaid yellow flag is the root of the royal family! I really don't know if it was right or wrong to choose you as emperor at the beginning!

Xuanye, you let me down so much! "

At this time, Kangxi turned against his previous respect and filial piety and said loudly:

"Wrong! Big mistake! Grandma, you are wrong, now I am the emperor of the world,

Instead of the king of that clan, what I want to consider is the livelihood of the world and the well-being of the people! It is not the gain or loss of one clan and one people!

It is because I know that Ye Chen is the same, that I am so relieved of him! He is the same person as me!

Although he has his own ideas, what he pretends in his heart is the whole world, the common people! "

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In the author's continued code words, someone may have said that I washed the Qing Dynasty,

But in order for the plot to be smooth and logical,

The author can only arrange in this way,

Otherwise, how could the emperor of such a huge country not know every move of his subordinates?

That would be unreasonable! thanks for your support!

There should not be many plots of the Qing Dynasty. Does anyone not like this description? .

088 Final battle!

Xiaozhuang was frightened by Kangxi's sudden outburst, she had never seen Xuanye in this state before,

She had no choice but to let go of her emotions and leave, taking heavy steps, her hunched back made her figure,

Looking so thin, a faint voice came from the air:

"Xuanye hope you are right! Daqing really can't bear other setbacks,

The imperial grandmother is old, and the future of our Manchus depends on you alone! "

Watching the emperor's grandmother leave, Kangxi couldn't help feeling guilty, tears fell again,

The legs that were about to chase slowly stopped and fell to their knees on the cold ground:

"Grandma's teachings, children will always remember them in their hearts!"



"My lord, your leg of lamb is here. According to your order, it's half-ripe and bloodshot."

A man dressed as a general handed the leg of lamb to Ye Chen who was resting under the shade of a tree.

After carefully looking at the food in the general's hand, Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction, 16

He held it in his hand and gnawed it regardless of his image. At this time, it had been a day and a night since Chou Shi set off.

The large formation of the Qing army and the Mongolian cavalry were faintly visible in the distance, while Ye Chen and the others stopped on a nearby hill.

Due to the lush vegetation, Ye Chen's group was not large in number, so they were not discovered by others.

Just when Ye Chen was enjoying himself, the leg of lamb general didn't leave,

Instead, he looked at Ye Chen with a tangled face, so that he was ashamed to eat it by himself.

Tear off a bit of the leg meat in your hand and hand it to the general,

"No, no, sir, that's not the meaning of the last general, it's just, it's just that we have arrived at the place,

Shouldn't you immediately go down and fight? Help Prince Jieshu and the others to rescue them?

Isn't it good that we are like this now! "

As he spoke, he pointed to the leg of lamb in Ye Chen's hand.

Hearing his words, Ye Chen instantly felt that the meat in his mouth was tasteless. But still explain patiently:

"Now is not the time, let everyone eat and drink enough to wait for the opportunity! Just follow the Lord Ben to rush,

Don't let your legs go weak at that time, and become an unjust dead ghost for no reason! "

Although the general was not satisfied with Ye Chen's explanation, he still ordered him to do so.

On the frontal battlefield, there was another **** scene.

The Mongolian cavalry is rushing towards the Qing camp one after another.

Although many traps have been set up on the ground, the traps are dead after all.

How useful can it be, but it's just a pothole, filled with human life,

"Brothers, hold on!"

"Brother, tell my mother that I can no longer be filial!"

"Damn! Corporal, my spear is broken, and the enemy broke through the formation!"

"No way! If the spear is broken, bite it with your teeth! If you don't know how to bite, what kind of soldier will you fight!"

(Suarez feels someone is mocking him behind his back!)

Inside the Qing army camp

Three or four officers are reporting the battle situation to Prince Jieshu:

"General, we are almost unable to stop the offensive on the frontal battlefield. Bows, arrows and muskets are all short of subsidies now.

The barbarian cavalry has rushed into the formation several times. If it weren't for the soldiers fighting with their lives,

It is estimated that the army has already been defeated at this time, when will the imperial court's reinforcements arrive?

According to the situation at this time, I can't last for two days! "

"General, the situation on the left-wing battlefield is similar, and the brothers are all carrying it with their lives! There have been too many casualties in the past two days!"



Prince Jieshu couldn't sit still at this time, he knew the situation better than anyone else,

He who has been on the battlefield for a long time seems to have seen the cruelty outside the account, but kindness does not control soldiers and righteousness does not control wealth.

"Announce, all the soldiers take turns to eat and rest, and all of them will be filled with my life,

Your Majesty's return aid is already on the way, and I have received accurate information from here. "

As he spoke, he pointed to an upside-down letter on the table!

"As long as we survive tonight, we can win, but those barbarians will definitely launch a general attack today!

Everyone paid my attention. If that side collapsed first, all would be lost!

Before you are killed by barbarians, I will take off your heads first! "

Hearing Prince Jieshu's murderous words, instead of panicking, all the soldiers showed ecstasy.

"General! Really? Has Your Majesty returned for help?"

"Haha, I'm really waiting! Damn barbarian! The chance for revenge has come!"

"Don't worry, general! Our right wing will never let a barbarian in,

Who dares not to fight, I will kill him first! Kill myself again! "



Seeing that his subordinates were full of confidence again, Prince Jieshu also showed a smile on his ugly face,

"That's all, all right, go back to work, and I'll ask the emperor to reward you in person."

Hearing this, the soldiers became depressed, obviously remembering it,

The scar-faced Tanma who has died for the country and locked himself with the horse even to death.

Watching the generals leave the big tent, Prince Jie Shu finally couldn't bear the pressure,

Sitting slumped on the main seat, placing his heavy head on the table, a gust of **** wind blew in from outside the tent,

It brought a long-lost relief to him who was tense for a long time, and the letter on the 683 table was blown up to reveal a corner.

It's written on it

"Jie Shu sins against himself, and must be sacrificed!"

What kind of reply letter is this? It is clearly a last letter written by Prince Jieshu for himself!

"Woo! Woo!"

A long sound of the horn awakened Jie Shu, who was snoozing, and he stood up quickly:

"Come on, come on, what's going on outside!"

A soldier outside the tent ran in staggeringly and said loudly:

"It's not good, it's not good! The dog barbarian launched a general attack!"

The smell of blood and the sound of fighting resounded through the sky! Each horse stamps on the ground with its hooves,

There can be bursts of blood splashing.

Under the dark sky, the people on the ground are constantly biting and gnawing at each other like ants,

People in front kept lying down, and those behind kept pushing forward, showing the cruelty of human beings at a glance.

The formation of the Qing army was crumbling by the impact of the cavalry, and many times it had already broken through.

But he was blocked by the follow-up people who took the corpses and piled up a high human wall, so they reluctantly resisted!

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089 Ye Chen makes a move!

Seeing that the Qing army was about to be unable to hold on, Prince Jieshu walked to the front line wearing armor.

He swung a knife head-on and chopped off a Mongolian barbarian from his horse, and stepped up on his own.

Keep applauding and going everywhere to act as firefighters:

"Soldiers, hold on! Reinforcements are coming soon! As long as you win, this king will reward you personally!

Feng Hou worships the prime minister, and seals his wife and son! Right in front of my eyes, follow me to kill! "

The officers and soldiers in other places became even more fearless when they saw Prince Jieshu taking the lead!

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