"Brother Su!"

As soon as Duoling saw that Su Yuan was fine, everyone became happy.

"Great, we all survived"

"I just saw you fighting a sea snake and jumping down. We are still worried. Just hope you are fine."

"But what kind of place is this?"

"The water here is actually still warm."

Looking at other people, they also woke up one after another. Their whole bodies were extremely sore. There was a closed space around them, and there seemed to be large creatures parading under the water around them. I didn't know if they were sharks.

Everyone walked up cautiously. After getting off the board, they looked up and saw the water hole above their heads. Before they had time to study why the water above their heads did not fall but floated on it, they were attracted by a scent.

Dragging their wet bodies, they climbed up and put the package All pulled up, they gathered around Su Yuan

"smell good!"

The fat man and Uncle Ming almost stretched their necks.

Su Yuan clapped his hands:"Hey, hey, pay attention, this is mine."

"No, little brother Su Yuan, we have been through thick and thin together. If you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later, right? So let’s share the snake meat now..."

"no way."

Su Yuan slapped the fat man's hand away.

"If you want to eat it, cut it and bake it yourself."

As he said that, he pointed to the huge sea snake that fell with him.

At this time, it was clinging tightly to the rock wall that was glowing with light. The sea snake that had lost its heart seemed to be dying.

Fatty and Uncle Ming were busy. He got up and quickly cut the snake meat.

Before finding a way out, he had to make sure he was alive.

Su Yuan saw that the snake meat had a strong smell and the meat was too old. He was not interested at all, so he might as well eat the snake heart.

Shirley Yang and the others put the three forks The lifeboat on the halberd was brought over, and they were temporarily settled. Although the water here was not deep, they couldn't stay in the water forever.

Seeing Su Yuan, Shirley said a few words of concern, and her tone was polite to him.

"Brother Su Yuan, thank you very much. If you hadn't dealt with that sea snake, we would have been surrounded by enemies on all sides. We were afraid that we would have been shot to death before we fell. Su

Yuan nodded:"Sister Shirley, you're welcome. I'm not here for you anyway.""

Shirley Yang was stunned for a moment, thinking how could I answer your kid's words like this?

"You have good skills and are very courageous.

I also know that you are not an impulsive person, you will only do it if you have the ability and confidence."

These words praised Su Yuan hard and gave Lao Hu a hard connotation.

Lao Hu was changing out of his wet shirt in embarrassment. When he heard these words, his face turned pale and blue.

He was jealous. He was jealous to death. He was all in the limelight. It was occupied by this little brother.

Moreover, he was now glorious and eating snake heart, but they were all in extremely embarrassed state.

He took Shirley Yang to observe the terrain of the place.

The two of them looked at the sea water that was not falling above their heads. , very puzzled.

Even though he is well-informed, he has not analyzed the mystery of this phenomenon here.

Shirley Yang asked Su Yuan:

"Little brother, do you know what is going on now? This should be Guixu, right?"

She humbly asked for advice.

After all, it seems that they have no way out now and are already in a dangerous situation.

She feels that Su Yuan should know something because he is so calm.

Su Yuan's snake heart has just been roasted, and Duo Ling is kind enough to add the seasoning. Passed it into his hands.

She was responsible for the food for everyone, and the most supplies she brought with her were in this area.

"Thank you, let me share some with you"

"Thank you, Brother Su.

After taking a bite, he raised his head and answered Shirley Yang :

"Well, it's obvious that this is Guixu. The Marixennu you are looking for is sunk here. You can find it by searching nearby. However, before that, I would like to remind you that the trident has been severely damaged. The monster is probably going to take action soon."

Hearing this, Shirley Yang's heart skipped a beat.

If this were the case, wouldn't it mean that the house was leaking and it rained all night?

"There really are sea ghosts on this ship."

I've been on Trident for more than 20 days all the way here, and I haven't seen anything happen.

"Master Ruan Hei had previously said that he was not allowed to go to the bilge of the cabin because there were sea ghosts inside. Of course I didn't believe it."

Old Hu said

"but now..."

Su Yuan's current image to everyone is that of a reliable existence.

Although everyone was suspicious of what he said, they had to be cautious.

At this time, cold sweat broke out on Ruan Hei's forehead, and his expression changed drastically.

He said:"There really are sea ghosts. I didn't lie to you. Brother Su Yuan is right. The trident is now destroyed and the sea ghosts are coming out!""

"Guchai, Duoling, be careful and come here!"

He called Duoling and Guchai to his side, his tone had become a little shaky, and his eyes were fixed on the trident with half of the hull submerged in the water in front of him.

Even the fat man and Uncle Ming who were roasting snake meat, now Shi was too frightened by the weird atmosphere to make a sound.

Shirley Yang glanced at Su Yuan and found that his smart eyes were also staring at the trident.

She felt incredible, so she and Lao Hu went to check first, thinking We need to eliminate this problem to stabilize people's hearts.

"Lao Hu, let’s go over and take a look."

Ruan Hei stopped them.

"Don't go, you'll die if you go."

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