After a while, the dark clouds dispersed, the wind and rain stopped, the sea gradually returned to calm, and the Trident found its course again and sailed smoothly.

Originally, Uncle Ming and Ruan Hei had experience in judging sea weather, ocean currents and tides, and other strange phenomena. In addition, Lao Hu's Feng Shui secret skills and Shirley Yang's mountain-moving skills, this trip thought There will be heavy protection.

But when the first wave of danger came, the general almost died.

Lao Hu is in a complicated mood now and is not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery on the sea after the rain.

"Lao Hu, what's going on with that ship?"

The fat man asked curiously

"I saw that the boat was dilapidated and old. It must have been sailing on the sea for a long time, and it looked like an ancient ship."

Lao Hu nodded:"Yes, that is indeed an ancient ship. There are many skeletons on it, and there is indeed fresh blood. At first, I thought it was a plague exile ship, but now it seems that it shouldn't be. The blood should belong to other seabeds. Biologically, the giant turtle was operating the ship and saw us, so it collided with us."

"There are really weird things happening, but Lao Hu, next time you can't rush in alone like this. If the three of us work together, we will live or die apart. Have you forgotten? In so many life-and-death situations before, the three of us worked together to save the day. If you were like this, do you know how worried Staff Yang would be?"

When the fat man saw that Shirley had been silent and had a bad look on his face, he knew that she was angry. Lao Hu was impulsive on his own, regardless of the consequences, so he quickly scolded Lao Hu in an attempt to resolve the dispute between the two of them. Question.

Lao Hu pushed him away and said,"I know, can you let me stand next to Staff Yang?""

The fat man quickly gave up his position, and he continued nagging:

"But having said that, I really have to thank that little brother Su Yuan this time. Without him, Lao Hu, I can’t even imagine where you would have been taken by that ship. Who is this Su Yuan? Why does it feel like you're home when you're in the water?"

Lao Hu nodded and said to Shirley Yang:

"Officer Yang, when Su Yuan jumped in to save me, didn't you notice that his actions under water were not like those of a normal human being?"

Shirley nodded.

"That's right, he jumped down at that time, and after a while he saw that he had killed the giant turtle dragging the ghost ship underneath. Without his underwater skills, it would not have been possible to do so smoothly, or even It can be said that it is perfect."

The two of them now have deeper doubts about Su Yuan's identity.

"Faqiu people have never heard of being proficient in water properties."

"I'm not sure whether he is Faqiu Tianguan, but I suspect he has another identity."

Lao Hu boldly guessed

"What status?"

"Do you know the three-surname family?"

Lao Hu was about to say something when his whole body suddenly shook violently.

Uncle Ming from the bow of the boat in front shouted:

"There is thick fog ahead. Look at the weather and there will be another storm soon!"

"If you encounter that ghost ship again, just bomb it!"

Lao Hu and Shirley Yang looked at each other and immediately arrived on the deck.

The supplies that needed to be moved in were moved in, and the ones outside were also stabilized. Just when they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, the storm that was coming soon swept the Trident again. , the waves on the opposite side hit them mercilessly.

Su Yuan was holding on to the pillar and was shaking. Just as he was about to walk to the cab, he saw Dali in the cab because he was seasick and finally couldn't help but vomited. Ah Hao Ruan Hei scolded him and told him to go out and stop causing trouble here.

Seeing that they could get seasick, Ruan Hei's face turned ugly.

"not good! The bottom of our ship has been damaged due to continuous impacts just now."

"Ruan Hei, Uncle Ming, please try to hold on!"

"Fatty, Guchai, go down and have a look."

After Old Hu finished speaking, he went to the bow of the boat to get tools. When he turned around, he met Ah Hao who was driven out by Ruan Hei to help.

However, this time the waves were more violent.

The trident was almost knocked off course when it became unstable.

No. I thought that as soon as Ah Hao went out, he was knocked over and fell into the sea without being able to stand still.

"Help, help."

After only two sounds, he was completely submerged by the waves. He had disappeared from everyone's sight. When he reappeared, only his head was seen on the sea. He was struggling in a panic. The harder he struggled, the faster he sank.

This is an unstoppable situation. This is the behavior of people who are good at water.

When Shirley and the others saw it, their faces became very ugly.

"Save Ahao!"

Dali and Uncle Ming shouted anxiously.

The sea water was flowing and the waves were fierce. Ah Hao, a landlubber, might not be able to hold on for long before he died.

Hu Bayi instinctively wanted to jump even more.

But he almost did it just now. He was a little hesitant as reported by the Lord of Hell.

You must know that if a person falls into the sea in such a harsh environment, the other person is still a landlubber. If he goes to save people, he might be the one who dies first, because landlubbers have a strong desire to survive. At that time, the person who came to rescue will just be dragged down.

In the end, Lao Hu still had a heart attack in the next second.

"No, you can’t just ignore it! Isn’t this little brother Su Yuan? Officer Yang, help me call Su Yuan for help. I'll go rescue people first."

With that said, he jumped down with a plop.

Shirley was so angry that she almost wanted to curse, so she quickly called Su Yuan over.

"Little brother, please help them and bring Lao Hu back."

Shirley's nervous hair stuck to her face and she didn't have time to move away. She saw that Lao Hu had been struggling and pushed his head into the sea again by Ahao.

Now the rainstorm was getting stronger and the waves were getting bigger, and they were still far away from the boat. Getting farther and farther.

Uncle Ming kept yelling at Ruan Hei to turn around quickly.

But Ruan Hei didn't.

Lao Hu's situation became very pessimistic.

But he was still trying to hold on, pulling Ah Hao and still not letting go..

He was waiting for Su Yuan's help.

Su Yuan had already seen everything in his eyes.

Faced with Shirley's request,But he was indifferent and looked at the two people floating in the extreme waves as if they were watching the excitement.

It was obvious that he had no intention of rescuing anyone this time.

Shirley was dumbfounded.

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