Text Chapter 76 Arrived in southern Yunnan! Mandrill full of maggots! [2 more subscriptions] | Tomb Raider: Mummy at the beginning, sign in for a hundred years and climb out of the Lu Palace | Tomb Raider: Mummy at the beginning, sign in for a hundred years and climb out of the Lu Palace Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

Chapter 78

�� Chenzhu is one of the three ancient divine beads. In addition to �� Chenzhu, there are Jichen beads and Chidan.

Moreover, the dust beads are called Phoenix Galls, which is the key to lifting the curse of the ghost cave, and it is also something Ye Han needs to upgrade his longevity body, which must be obtained.

Before leaving, Ye Han bought a big villa directly near Wu Shanju!

The treasures brought out from the ancient city of Jingjue are almost sold. After sharing some of them with others, Ye Han still has tens of millions in his hands!

He let Queen Jingjue live in this villa, and also let the three people who touch gold also live in it, and arranged for Shirley Yang to teach Queen Jingjue some modern common sense.

For example, using mobile phones, computers, reading books, etc.

After all, Queen Jingjue is an ancient person thousands of years ago, and she is completely out of touch with modern society.

Although Xue Li Yang was a little dissatisfied, she agreed.

Queen Jingjue, plus A Ning, and herself, these are all three women, why don’t you exhaust you, Ye Han?

You must know that with Shirley Yang’s sexualityIt is absolutely impossible to accept this situation.

But as long as she thought it was Ye Han, her heart softened.

If it had been changed before, she would have flown to a foreign country in a fit of rage, and would not have dealt with Ye Han again.

But now, she is obediently staying in Ye Han’s villa and helping Ye Han take care of Queen Jing Jue.

And Ye Han, with the Iron Triangle and Ah Ning, has already set off.

The target is the worm valley in southern Yunnan!

Ye Han wanted to make a quick decision this time, so he flew directly to Spring City.

After leaving the airport, the group took a taxi and left Spring City.

The next day, they were already sitting on a bus.

Fatty slept soundly with a straw hat covering his face. This straw hat was bought at a roadside stall, and Fatty liked it very much.

Wu Xie was thinking about his third uncle, and was a little absent-minded.

This is also the reason why Ye Han wants to take him with him.

If he were to stay in Wu Shanju, what would happen to this kid, I’m afraid he would look for the third uncle everywhere.

With the third uncle’s method, as long as he doesn’t want to show his face, even Ye Han will have a hard time finding him, let alone Wu Xie.

It is destined to do nothing but useless work.

So it’s better to take Wu Xie and let him meet the world and watch the movie.

That’s right, Ye Han has already positioned Wu Xie’s position, just to watch physical movies.

The Insect Valley in southern Yunnan is a very dangerous place. There are countless poisonous insects, and the products produced by this technique. If Wu Xie follows him, it will be very exciting.

Ye Han glanced at Wu Xie, who was restless in the seat next to him, and laughed in his heart.

They sat in the last row, sitting in a row, A Ning leaned on Ye Han’s shoulder, and her heart was very sweet along the way.

Without Xue Li Yang here, she wouldn’t have to compete with anyone else to be jealous, she put her arms around Ye Han’s arm generously and rested her head on Ye Han’s shoulder.

Ye Han also feels very useful. Ah Ning’s character is definitely not a gentle little woman, but in front of Ye Han, she will become a person.

The bus is driving on a rugged mountain road with steep rock walls on one side and bottomless cliffs on the other.

This is a scene that is absolutely impossible to see in the city.

It is only in the 100,000 mountains in southern Yunnan that such a scene occurs.

The people in the car are basically some local mountain people, or some hawkers, who go into the mountains to collect some local specialties, and then sell them in the city to make a difference.

They speak in dialects.

Although Ye Han can speak corpse language, listening to these difficult dialects is really a headache.

The driver drove very fast and was obviously very familiar with the road conditions here, but unfortunately, an accident happened.

The car suddenly jolted, and then the driver stopped the car, scolded and got out of the car and lit a cigarette.

A Ning was beside Ye Han and looked out of the car window.

“It seems like a monkey was killed by the driver~”.

A Ning said.


Ye Han frowned.

According to the normal development, he guessed that it may be the same as the original story, where the driver smashed a human figure, and it was full of bugs.

Are you a monkey now?

“That’s not a monkey, that’s a mandrill.”

A middle-aged man sitting in front turned his head and said to everyone.

This person actually speaks Mandarin. Judging from his appearance, he should not be a mountain person, but a second-order dealer.

“I sell wild mushrooms. I come here to collect some wild mushrooms and take them to the hot pot restaurant in the city to sell.”

He introduced himself.

He should have also taken the initiative to talk to Ye Han when he saw Ye Han’s group of human beings.

This kind of person is very shrewd, very good at dealing with others, and the network is also very good.

“Brother, there are a lot of wild bacteria here, how can this thing taste better than meat?”

The bump just now woke the fat man.

He took off the straw hat on his face, wiped the saliva on it, and put it on his head again.

The old man who sold wild mushrooms twitched when he saw this scene.

This fat man is really sloppy!

A lot of people in the car were sleeping just now, and this fat man was the loudest.

Ye Han couldn’t help laughing when he saw this scene. This man didn’t look like a rich man, but his body was clean and tidy, different from those of the mountain people. I’m afraid this is a bit of a cleanliness addiction.

“This fat brother, you look like a foreigner. The taste of wild mushrooms is much more delicious than meat.”

“There are still wild mushrooms. After eating, you can see the villain running in front of you!”

“.¨I have been poisoned before, the experience is amazing!”

He said brightly.

But let him do it again, he must not dare.

“This mountain is stillIs there such a thing as a mandrill? ”

Ye Han glared at Fatty, telling him not to interrupt, and turned the topic back to Mandrill.

“This mountain has never been developed, who knows what’s hidden in it?”

“Local legend, there is a tomb of the original king behind Zhelong Mountain, but no one can find it.”

Said the wild mushroom dealer.

He also took a special look at everyone, and he felt that this group of people might have come to rob the tomb.

After all, who would travel to this ghost place?

The tourism industry in southern Yunnan is very developed, and many scenic spots have been developed.

Those who want to travel basically go to those scenic spots. These people from other provinces who have never eaten wild mushrooms must have other purposes.

Hearing the tomb of King Xian, Fatty’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Ye Han calmly pinched him. No one in this world knows more about Xianwang’s tomb than Ye Han, so there is no need to ask others.

“Damn it! (of money)”

The driver’s scolding came from the front, and A Ning stuck her head out again, and her face had changed.

“Ye Han, this mandrill is unusual!”

“The mandrill was killed by the driver, and some white bugs were crawling out of its mouth, eyes, and ears!”

Ah Ning was already prepared, Ye Han told her that there would be a lot of bugs this trip.

But when she really saw it, she was still a little disgusted.

That scene was really scary.

The driver had already walked to the middle of the car and took out a shovel from it.

He just felt unlucky, and wanted to quickly get the mandrill’s body away so that he could continue on the road.

“No way, maggots were born just after being hit to death?”

The fat man stuck his head out of the window on the other side and glanced, his scalp tingling.

Zhang Qiling also leaned over to take a look, his face was a little dignified.

Ye Han winked and told everyone not to discuss.

If he guessed correctly, this must have something to do with the evil technique, which is the method of offering the king, but now is not the time to discuss this matter. .

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