This last passage is not particularly long.

But it is fraught with danger.

The little brothers who walked in the front were extremely cautious.

Even Zhao Yu, who was walking behind, couldn’t help but get nervous.

Right at this moment.

The little brother suddenly stopped.

“There is a thirty-meter section ahead.

Just touch the mechanism.

Corrosive water similar to sulfuric acid will be sprayed from the wall.

It can dissolve people even the belt bones.

Which floor tile I stepped on.

You follow which one you step on.

Don’t step on the wrong step.

We’re both going to die here. ”

This is the first time that Zhao Yu has listened to the little brother and said so many things at once.

It can be seen that the little brother is interested in this poisonous water road.

How jealous and afraid.

In fact, Zhao Yu also knows.

If only the little brother came here by himself.

Surely not so careful.

But after all, I also followed.

The little brother is worried that he stepped on the mechanism.

And listen to the meaning of the little brother.

This 30-meter section ahead.

In addition to the correct flooring does not trigger the mechanism.

All other floors will start the mechanism.

Other words.

If someone who doesn’t know goes this way.

That’s not nine deaths.

It’s ten dead and lifeless.

There was a point that Zhao Yu couldn’t figure out.

The little brother is Zhang Qiling, the generation of the Zhang family.

Although there will be amnesia every once in a while.

But amnesia is not complete memorylessness.

Some things just need to be in similar scenarios.

will remember something.

It can even be said that it has developed an instinct.

It’s like a quick amnesia.

But his instinctive reaction.

Or to surpass ordinary people.

Little brother Zhang Qiling can understand the way to pass this road.

That’s excusable.


Determined to enter the meteorite.

Looking for Chen Wenjin, who restrained her physical changes, how did she get through this journey? Zhao Yu couldn’t understand this.

Maybe Chen Wenjin has her own secrets.

After all, the people of the House of Nine Gates.

They all have their own abilities and abilities.

If there is no skill.

Chen Wenjin would not have gone to the bottom of Xisha with them in Wu San Province.

“Remember every brick I stepped on…”

Just when Zhao Yu was thinking about the chaotic world, the little brother began to walk forward.

He walked slowly.

It seems to be waiting for Zhao Yu behind to follow.

It’s like thinking about which brick to step on next.


Because of the little brother’s caution.

Zhao Yu couldn’t help but be cautious together.

His body is as light as a swallow. It was like a river bursting its embankment and rushing out of the dantian.

Instantly covers every inch of the body.

The weight is one hundred and fifty pounds.

It became a weight of only 90 grams.

He is so tall.

Only 90 grams of weight.

The body is made of sponge foam.

There’s more than that.

In fact, with his current weight.

Even if you step on a floor tile that can trigger the mechanism.

Zhao Yu is estimated to be fine.

Because he didn’t weigh enough to step on the floor tiles.

But not afraid of what if, then afraid of ten thousand.

It’s better to be careful.

That’s it.

He followed the little brother.


Except for being a little nervous.

It was a 30-meter journey without any surprises.

The next section.

There is no danger.

Zhao Yu and the little brother easily walked to the end of the passage.

There is a stone gate in front of the road.

Just open this stone door.

You can reach the real tomb of the Queen Mother of the West.

Let’s be honest.

This Queen Mother of the West has a lot of heart.

Made a fake West Queen Mother Palace in the desert ghost town.

That is, the one where Xiaohua Xie Yuchen went with black glasses.

There is also the fake Queen Mother of the West on the immortal female corpse on the throne before.

It’s all a trick.

Now we are about to enter the real tomb of the Queen Mother of the West.

Zhao Yu felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

After all, you can find the tomb of the legendary Queen Mother of the West.

That’s enough for him to brag about with his future children and grandchildren.

There is a human-faced bird statue on the left and right of this stone gate.

Zhao Yu saw the little brother Zhang Qiling walking over.

First, twist the head of the human-faced bird to the left, to the right.

Then he walked to the right, and the man-faced bird’s head turned to Zuo Ning.

Finally he stood in front of the stone gate again.

I stepped on a floor tile.

The floor tile was slowly stepped on into the ground.

When the little brother lifted his foot.

But with a dull rumble.

The stone gate began to rise slowly.

Little brother this operation.

Zhao Yu who watched it was amazed.

Under normal circumstances.

There is only one mechanism to open the door.

But this last stone gate of the tomb of the Queen Mother of the West.

Three organs are needed.

to open.

If only this had been known in advance.

Can you open this stone door? The stone door opens.

There is also a short corridor that is three meters wide and about ten meters long.

There are several bronze menorahs on both sides of the corridor.

At this time, all the fire oil inside was burning.

When the stone door has just opened and there is a gap.

These bronze menorahs are burning.

Apparently Chen Wenjin went first.

Touched the switch that turned on the bronze lampstand.

Makes the bronze lampstand burn.

Walk through this ten-meter corridor.

Suddenly there is a light in front of you.

A hall the size of a basketball court came into view.

The roof is slow and round, with twelve steps descending it.

Look at it as a whole.

It’s like watching a game from the outside of a stadium.

There are twelve huge bronze menorahs in the hall.

The burning flame was more than a meter high.

There are dozens of small bronze lampstands on the surrounding walls.

The flames were slap high.

The whole hall is illuminated like daylight.

In the middle of the hall.

There is a circular stone platform with a diameter of about two feet.

A golden coffin was placed on it.

The golden coffin is inlaid with various precious gemstones.

What onyx, opal, Mazu green… Wait a minute! Buckle one casually.

Take it to the outside world to sell.

can be sold for a high price.

It is enough to turn an ordinary home into a small rich house.

Under the round stone platform of the golden coffin.

There are also eight sarcophagi.

Look there from Zhao Yu.

The golden coffin plus the eight sarcophagi.

It is a pattern of nine palaces and eight doors.

On the periphery of the eight sarcophagi.

There were also sixty-four soldiers armed with weapons

It was like a loyal escort standing there the army.

“Chen Wenjin.”

At this moment, Zhao Yu saw Chen Wenjin standing in front of a wall.

However, Chen Wenjin did not reply to his words.

It’s as if I’m fascinated by what I’m looking at on the wall.

Standing there motionless.

“Let’s go over and take a look.”

Zhao Yu walked over with his little brother Zhang Qiling.

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