Childe is numb.

What do you mean that you can see me everywhere except the solstice!!

Do you think I don't want to stay in Solstice?

I also want to be with my family,

I want to be reunited with my younger siblings~ Ah!!

But for the sake of - Her Majesty the Empress of Ice!!

I'm going to work harder-!!!

Now Morax's God's Heart is in my hands!!



You can't think of it!!

The first to get the Heart of God—

It's me Tartaglia!!

When I first saw the lady go to Mondstadt,

Childe was still a little worried.

Now it's going to be a lady's first credit!!

After all, the eleven executive officers of the Fatui have also analyzed it together-

There is a general feeling that Mondstadt's Heart of God is the best to get your hands on.

After all, Barbatos, who no longer wears a crown,

There really is nothing to be afraid of -

Plus the lady's hatred for Mondstadt and Barbatos—

The heart of this god of wind,

Presumably at your fingertips.

Result –

Laughing to death!!

A light curtain that can brush short videos was born!!

Now it's all right!!

directly exposed the whereabouts of the Fatui executives!!

This leads to Barbatos' Godheart, which was originally readily available-

But because of the exposure of the short video-

Cause the people of the Knights of Favonius to be alert,

Let the lady miss out on the opportunity!!

You can't do whatever it takes,

Let's do it in front of the entire Knights of Favonius???

Are you trying to start a war between Mondstadt and Solstice?!

Then the lady was photographed in Liyue again—

According to the internal assessment of the eleven executive officers of the Fatui-

Although Morax is strong-

But Morax is the god of contracts.

Wouldn't it be better to exchange the contract with Morax for the heart of the gods?

There is no problem with this plan.

That's what the lady is going to do,

And it has already begun to be implemented.


The light curtain came directly-

[The emperor was killed, and the whole audience was blocked!!]

Now it's all right!!

Morax decided to direct it himself!!

They even brought in foreign help!!

And I didn't ask the lady to cooperate,

It's looking for a childe to cooperate!!

As for why you don't look for a lady but a child-

I guess it's because Childe will give Zhongli Mora......

Now the lady is numb again!!


The old lady's abacus is ready!!

As a result, Morax, you gave the heart of God to Tartaglia's brainless ???

Okay, good!!

When the time comes, you will have to pay the price!!

Now the lady really has to go to Inazuma to try her luck-

Originally, in the game,

The lady is one of the Fatui executives, and in the task of collecting the heart of the gods—

The KPI is the best to look at -

After all, I got two God Hearts in a row-

The third one actually has a chance to get it-

Now I'm disturbed by the light curtain like this—

The lady directly did not receive any grains -

Childe directly sat on the throne of the first KPI!!

Childe is really grateful to the eight generations of ancestors of the light curtain family, okay!!

The video that beat him for three days and three nights has been lingering in his mind-

Gan !!

It's not just the son who is angry.

In fact, Lin Su finished PV this footprint,

I also think-

"Gan !!"

Why is this footprint PV the footprint PV point I see different???

I remember that the footprint PV of the original was like this!!

Could it be that Dainsleif had modified this based on what had happened in Teyvat???

And that's true—

After all, footprint PV means a super-large advance notice of painting a big pie -

In fact, in the original footprint PV,

Dainsleif, the Riddler, is just an ordinary person seeing an illusion.

When introducing Liyue,

The original PV said——

[In full view of everyone, the God of Contract was assassinated. 】

Game Reality: The rock god was not murdered, but faked.

But in the short video,

What Dainsleif said was-

[The god of the contract used his body as a spear and turned into a mountain that stretched for thousands of miles. 】

Isn't this Zhongli suppressing Othello and his wife—

Is there still a scene where you "backstab" Morax's fake demon god?

And in the clip that introduces Mondstadt,

The original PV said that-

[The dragon that has guarded the free city-state for thousands of years has fallen into confusion——]

[Can freedom commanded by the god of liberty still be called freedom?]

Game Reality: Anemo says he won't give Dvalin what he understands as freedom.

Rather, he wants Dvalin to choose for himself what it means to be free.

And in the short video,

What Dainsleif said was-

[Can the guided Zephyr be able to ...... in the reflection of the God of Liberty?

Establish true freedom?]

This obviously refers to the suggestion of the sand sculpture group friends who received the light curtain short video and the chat group.

The Knights of Favonius who made a change and Barbatos who reflected, but didn't fully reflect!!

As for what has changed.

That must have been the formation of the Mondstadt House.

As for Inazuma,

In the original footprint PV -

[The shogun is immortal, and the period of the shogunate's lockdown is endless.

What kind of eternity does the god of eternal pursuit see in the eyes of the world?]

Game Reality: The lockdown order began a few years ago,

Lifted shortly after the arrival of the traveler, it is not "endless".

And in the short video,

Dainsleif said-

[And the gaze of the gods - and in a small light,

Glimpse into true eternity?]

This is also obvious,

It's the shadow of this otaku girl,

In chat groups and short videos,

Maybe the true eternity will be found?

And in the fragment of Sumeru,

The original footprint PV said this-

[Hui is the enemy of the god of wisdom,

Knowledge is the bait that floats on the surface of the sea of ignorance.

The scholars of the school city are giving birth to foolishness,

And God's wisdom has no problem with that. 】

The actual situation of the game: The grass god is not without an opinion on the "foolish behavior" (referring to the god-making plan),

On the contrary, due to her long captivity,

It is only through the void that the people (especially the "mad scholars") can protest.

And in the short video,

Here's what Dainsleif said-

[I don't know that in the worry-free dream that spans many worlds,

Can the god of wisdom learn true wisdom?

This worry-free dream that spans many worlds,

It should refer to the happy time when Nahida watched short videos with her sand sculpture friends in the chat group.

As for learning true wisdom –

Probably referring to the knowledge of the world outside of Teyvat.

For example, the Broken Iron Universe and the like.

After all, the knowledge provided by chat groups and short videos is endless.

As for Fontaine in the back,

In the original footprint PV -

[The God of Justice loves all the farces of the court,

and even thirst for judgment against the gods.

But she knows very well that only Heavenly Reason cannot be an enemy of her. 】

The actual situation of the game: Tianli is indeed invincible,

But it doesn't mean that there are no dead ends in the sight of Tianli.

The god of water thus used various methods to bypass the confinement of the prophecy set by the Heavenly Principles.

As for in reality,

In this short video of PV,

Here's what Dainsleif said-

[Maybe one day,

The god of justice will be in another opera house,

Find your own righteous ......]

Lin Su, who has played the game, knows,

The reason why Funina has always liked to soak in the Opéra Picolai,

Watching one farce after another-

Does she really love to watch it?

Impossible, right......

After watching for 500 years,

Don't you get tired of watching it?

It's all because—

The water goddess Fculculus told the fuff:

A dramatic trial would put an end to it all.

After that, Fufu was free.

So Fuve has been waiting for such a trial at the Opéra Opéra Picico.

However, this judgment is for Fufu,

Is it just?(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

From the point of view of the ordinary people of Fontaine,

They don't know the truth,

Naturally, I think it's righteous.

Because of Fufu's behavior of pretending to be the water god Fucarus,

But it's a crime of stealing the country!!

But the truth is known only to Fufu and Navelette.

So this trial,

Although it is the endgame of Fucarus,

Although it is the relief of Funinga,

But it's not the justice that Funinga wants.

So after the short video that was brushed by the light curtain was exposed in the future,

Maybe Funnina will be truly redeemed.

As for the later plots about the Fire Country Nata and the Ice Country Solstice -

In the footprint of the short video PV,

Dainsleif also highlighted the presence of light curtains and short videos. []

I have to say,

Dainsleif is indeed the ultimate Riddler.

It is recommended to go to Gotham City immediately,

Apply to be Batman's antagonist!!

And at this moment,

The short video hasn't ended yet-

It's still outgoing!!

in the video.

in the picture.

The camera pans to the night sky.

A star is incomparably bright.

"In eternity, which has no beginning and no end—

Humanity will live a dreamless life......

But in the blind spot of the gods' sight—

There are still people who want to dream—"

The picture changes again,

This time

Replacing the night sky,

It's a man in a black cloak,

Blonde hair,

With blue cross-shaped pupils—

Melancholy handsome.

The handwriting of [Kanria - the dream of the future-] is clearly visible,

The Riddler's voice continues—

"Humanity has the heritage of humanity –

We're not the residue left over from filtering out the Chosen One—

From outside the world,

We have gained the power to deny the world.


Those who have stepped into heaven and earth -

Your journey has come to an end—

But you haven't crossed the final door—"

The blonde man in the picture disappears,

The sea of flowers covered with Intivat flowers reappeared—

In a shot that is skimmed at high speed,

I could only see a lonely figure—

It's a young girl!!

Her eyes were full of sadness and confusion—

"If you understand the meaning of the journey—

And he came forward—

Beat me –

Order me to get out of the way!!

Prove to me that—

You're better suited than me to save him——!!!

And then under a curtain of light outside the world -

Let's re-weave all our destinies—"

Then the picture fell into darkness again.

The Riddler's voice also began to sink into memory-

"My memory has worn down too much—

But I always remember—

He also loves these flowers—"

Since then—

This short video called [Footprints],

It's over.

Not long.

It's only four and a half minutes.

But the impact on the sand sculpture group is immeasurable!!

Lin Su was shocked!!

He remembered that it was Brother Kong who originally appeared in PV, right?

And what Dainsleif said was that she wasn't him.

But in this short video,

Dainsleif was talking about him, not her!!

What the?

The Teyvat Abyss of this world in the chat group is drawn from Brother Kong?


That's fine.

What bad luck!!

Why didn't you win the Yingmei!!

[Ying: I feel as if I understand something!!]

[Ying: The guy who appeared in the short video-]

[Ying: Definitely know my brother!!]

[Ying: The one he said must be my brother!!]

[Funina: He also said that he wants you to defeat him and prove that you are better suited than him to save your brother.] 】

[Shiluwa: What is the relationship between this man and Ying's brother?]

Ying: I don't know. 】

[Ying: But I'm curious to know !!]

[Kaeya: This man is a Kanria. 】

[Paimon: Huh???]

[Paimon: Kaeya how do you know???]

Kaeya: Because of his eyes. 】

Kaeya: You saw it too, right?

[Kaeya: The pupils of this man's eyes are cross-shaped. 】

[Kaeya: This is the characteristic of the Kanria people. 】

[Paimon: Speaking ......]

[Ying: Kaeya, your eyes are also cross-shaped-]

[Paimon: Are you Kaeya also from Kanria?]

Kaeya: Yes, I'm a descendant of Kanria. 】

[Jing Yuan: After Kanria destroyed the country, it seems that there are lucky people who have escaped. 】

[Ying: So where is this person?]

[Ying: I'm going to go to him right now to fight !!]

[Lin Su: Don't go, maybe you won't be able to beat him!!]

[Ying: Impossible, absolutely impossible!!]

[Fu Xuan: What he said is to obtain the power to negate the world from outside the world——]

[Fu Xuan: Is it referring to this light curtain and short video?]

[Lin Su: It may also refer to Ying and her brother, right?]

[Lin Su: After all, didn't Paimon say it before......]

[Lin Su: Ying doesn't have a vision, and she can also use elemental power. 】

[Paimon: That's right!!]

[Paimon: You don't know ......]

[Paimon: Travelers only need to touch the Seven Heavens Statue ......]

[Paimon: Can resonate with elemental power!!]

[Paimon: Now that you can use the Wind Element and the Rock Elemental freely!!]

[Childe: I'm so envious!!]

[Xiangling: It's really amazing......]

[Chongyun: Doesn't that mean ......]

[Chongyun: Will Ying be able to use the seven elemental powers smoothly in the future?]

[Xingqiu: Indeed!!]

[Bennett: If I can use the ice element, then I can freeze the sea and go to Inazuma???]

【Leosley: ......】

[Leosley: That's a genius idea. 】

[Lin Su: Laughing to death!!]

[Lin Su: Ice Elemental Vision Friends, Listed !!]

【Ganyu: ???】

[Leosley: What do you want to do?]

[Kaeya: Mr. Lin Su, what the hell do you have in mind?]

[Eula: Surely nothing good !!]

[Fimini: I...... Am I going to be listed too???]

[Charlotte: Is Mr. Lin Su going to prepare any big news for us???]

[Shenhe: ...... What's the matter?]

[Kamisato Ayaka: I don't know what Mr. Lin Su is going to do first?]

[March 7: We seem to be ice elementals too!!]

[Yanqing: Isn't this a coincidence, I'm also !!]

[Pera: Me too......]

[Lin Su: Otherwise, you will hold a sea-crossing competition. 】

[Lin Su: Let's see who crosses the sea the fastest. 】

[Lin Su: Win the title of the True Monarch of Treading Ice and Crossing the Sea!!]

[Lin Su: The reward is 10 million Mora, or 10 million credits!!]

[Ying: You wait!!]

[Ying: I'm going to touch the statue of the Seven Heavens in the winter to !!]

【Star: Groove !!】

[Star: Father, wait, my friends borrowed an ice-type Vision !!]

[March 7: Hmph!! this girl is not a vegetarian!!]

[Arataki Itto: How many ???]

[Arataki Itto: 10 million ?!?]

[Arataki Ichito: I'm going to go to the Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes Statue to detain an ice-attribute Vision !!]

[Kujou Sara: Try ??? when you get closer]

[Shadow: ...... Eight].

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