in the video.

in the picture.

As Atreus rushed madly towards the fallen giant,

took out his mother's relic, and the knife "output" at the giant's feet-

Lin Su stood behind Kratos,

Gently snapped his fingers-


It seems to have fallen into some kind of madness,

Or Atreus, who is trapped in a state of uncontrollable emotions,

stopped his attack on the giant,

Then the knife in his hand fell to the ground,

Atreus's bloodied face bent down and picked up his mother's knife,

He looked at Kratos with some trepidation.

"I'm sorry......


I just ......"

Kratos didn't speak,

Just step forward,

Carefully inspect Kratos's whole body,

When it was determined that Atreus was not injured,

Kratos looked Atreus in the eye and said:

"You're not ready. "

As soon as Atreus heard this,

Suddenly asked angrily:


Why do you think I'm not ready!

I just helped you hit this mountain monster on the head!!"

Well, this giant has a racial name.

It's called a mountain monster.

Kratos, however, shook his head:

Word by word:


"I'm ready!!

I haven't been sick in a long time!!

I can fight side by side with you!!"

Atreus held the bow that Lin Su had given him tightly,

Looking at Kratos tensely,

Desperate to prove himself to Kratos.

But Kratos still said firmly:


Let's go home.

I'm not allowed to talk about it anymore!!"


What else did Atreus want to say,

But he was pressed on his head by a big hand,

Lin Su rubbed Atreus's hair and said:

"Your dad is for your own good,

Let's go

Go home. "

Then he stooped down and whispered in Atreus's ear:

"I'll tell your dad later,

Maybe he'll change his mind.

I'm your father's handle!!

Back then, your father and I not only fought side by side to defeat the enemy,

We also warmly entertained a lot of goddesses together!!"


Atreus's eyes widened.

His own father was hospitable to the goddess???

He also knew the goddess???

No, no, no......

He also hospitably entertained the goddess???

Uncle Lin is afraid that he is not teasing me!!

Just Kratos' temper 120,

Shouldn't it be a direct fight with the goddess???

It was indeed a fight......

"They didn't fight???"

Atreus wondered.

Lin Su smiled,

How did there not fight -

The bed is going to fall apart!!

Then Lin Su said mysteriously:

"Your father has a good relationship with the goddesses......

Soon he got into a fight with the goddesses......

That night,

Squeaky ......

The beds are all in—"

"Lin !! suspicious"

Kratos' ears are actually still very smart,

Even when he walked in front, he heard what Lin Su was saying to Atreus.

So he turned,

Walked towards Lin Su,

pushed Lin Wei away-

Lin Su !!

Stay away from my son!!"

Lin Wei smiled and raised his hands slightly-

"Yo yo yo yo ~~~!!"


It's this surprisingly cheap expression!!

Kratos can't wait to "bang" at this face, it's two axes!!

But he knew.

The axe slashed at Lin Sui's face,

will only make yourself scrap an axe,

As for Lin Su's face......

Absolutely nothing to do!!

Kratos didn't even know how many times it was a day to sigh.

"Let's go......

Go home. "

Atreus's little eyes twisted and twisted,

The corners of the mouth were slightly deflated,

Reluctantly walking behind Kratos,

Lin Su stood in front of the corpse of the mountain monster for a few seconds,

And then with a wave of his hand,

A cloud of blue flames covered the corpse,

In an instant, the corpse was burned to ashes.

Then he collected the carcass of the deer into the golden ripples,

Then he followed the father and son out of here.


Both father and son belong to the state of not speculating for more than half a sentence,

Atreus even saw Kratos go to check a place that had been sealed by magic,

Because there is no way to open the door,

came directly to a sentence -

"There's still no way to open this door~~~"

The "ha" flip flops are long!!

Kratos is also really good at the moment,

was choked by Atreus so angry and rebellious,

It's just a sentence with anger -

"I said-

Shut up !!"

Laughing to death!!

If this is the former Kuiye,

I'm afraid that I will be directly slapped in the face!!

It can only be said that

After all, it's your own cub,

Can't be angry,

Can't be angry,

Can't be angry!!

So he glanced at Lin Su, who was laughing on the side,

Kratos kicked it straight up!!

"Fuck you......"

Lin Su dodged with a dodge,

He raised a middle finger at Kratos as a gesture of international friendliness!!

Atreus's eyes lit up on the side,

Learned, learned!!

Later see the blame,

Do this gesture to them as well!!

This "fuck you" sentence is not bad!!

Gotta learn!!

Fortunately, these little eyes were grunted in Atreus's heart,

If Kui Ye knows,

The unlucky one must be Atreus,

What the?

You ask why it was Atreus who was unlucky, not Lin Su???

Laughing to death!!

Kui Ye can't do Lin Sue!!

There are limits to human beings!!

Lin suspected that he was forced to be a man anymore!!


A group of people are solving group after group of enthusiastic

Undead Warrior,

Berserk wolf,

and a frozen marauder,

The three of them finally rushed back home,

At this moment,

The remains of Kratos' wife,

has been burned to ashes,

Kratos motioned for Atreus to come into the house,

Take out a bag yourself,

Squatting in front of the fire that has not been completely extinguished,

Little by little, put the ashes of his deceased wife into a bag,

Kui Ye pretended to be on the side,

While saying to Lin Su, who was silent beside him:

"Her last wish is for me to be with Atreus,

Sprinkle her ashes on the highest mountain in the Nine Realms......"

"Does that require me to open any door???

Lin Su took out a pink door directly from his sleeve,

Kratos tightened the closure of the bag,

Said to Lin Su:

"You send yourself in. "

Then get up,

Walked to his house.

Lin Su raised his eyebrows,

followed Kratos into the house,

Kratos ignored Lin Su,

Instead, he walked to Atreus, who was sitting on the edge of the bed sulking.

Atreus touched the bow and two guns that Lin Su gave him by the bedside,

While muttering to himself about these weapons:

"It's not fair......

He doesn't understand anything......"

Kratos looked at his son and said:

"You're out of control. "

Atreus immediately defended:

"But that guy wants to kill us,

Don't you get angry when you're fighting!!"

Kratos calmed down and said to Atreus:

"Anger can be a weapon,

But you have to learn to control it,

Make good use of it!!

Obviously you can't do it yet.

If it weren't for the suspicion of Lin,

How long did it take you to get back to normal???

If you lose ......"

Atreus, however, said:

"It's been a long time since I've been sick,

I'm much better now!!"

"Okay. "?

Kratos knelt in front of Atreus, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Stretch out your hands,

"Come on. "

Atreus guessed:

"Are you going to let me hit you?"

"Not bad,

You try it. "

Atreus threw a fist at Kratos' outstretched hand,

was slapped away by Kratos,


What do you do???"

Atreus clutched his fists in pain,

Kratos says:

"Try again. "

And then it's still the same,

Atreus just needs to punch []

will be slapped back by Kratos with one hand,

Atreus leapt from the bed,


"Why do you ??? me like this?"

"Because you're too slow,

Come again!!"

The results are clear.

Atreus's incompetent rage was worthless in Kratos's eyes.

Looking at it because it was avoided by itself,

An Atreus stumbling to the ground,

Kratos pulled him up,

Staring into the eyes of Acbes, he said:

"Your anger......

will make you lose control......

The rest of the road is going to be very difficult for you!!"

Atreus didn't want to hear it,

was pulled back by Kui Ye again:


It's clear you're not ready !!"

At this time,

A scent entered the noses of father and son,

The two of them looked at the door of the house,

I saw that Lin Su didn't know when,

And put half a roast deer on the table,

Eat with relish.

Although this deer is roasted to the outside and tender on the inside,

But it looks familiar,

Atreus's attention was immediately diverted:


Isn't that the deer I shot ???"

Then trot to the table,

Just about to reach out to the hand,

was slapped off again by Kratos, who rushed in.

Atreus clenched his little fist:

"What do you ??? for?"

"Quiet !!"

Kratos pointed to the roof,

I can hear something flying by,

Then there was a cacophony outside the house,

Atreus was surprised:

"What is the sound ????"

Lin Su was about to speak,

Kratos motioned with his eyes to Lin Su not to speak,

Then there was the sound of someone slamming on the door.

"Bang Bang Bang !!"

"Come out!!

I know who you are......"

Atreus whispered:

"What's going on...... Do you know him???"

Kui Ye motioned for Atreus to shut up,

The voice of the man outside the door continued:

"What's more......

I know who you really are!!"

As soon as Kratos heard this,

Turn your head at once,

whispered to Atreus:


Hide underground......"

Then Kratos looked at Lin Su again, who was still eating and eating like a person who was nothing,

Changing the Tone:

"Lin Su,

You protect Atreus from hiding!!"

Lin Su raised his head.

"Are you sure ???"

"I'm sure !!"

Kratos lifted the carpet,

Open the basement door,

"Come in,

I'll deal with !!."

"Okay. "

Lin Wei put away the venison,

One hand lifted Atreus,

Jumped into the basement,

Then he looked at Kratos:

"Go with confidence,

I took Atre Reston Dua Lang's ~~~!!"

"What ???"

Kratos apparently didn't understand,

But still closed the basement door,

Re-carpet the carpet,

Walked to the door,

I opened the door—

At this time,

The video came to an abrupt end.

Who's outside the door?

What happens next?

What will Lin Su do?

What's next for Kratos and Atreus?

I don't know.

Because the video is over.

[Sushang: Ah???hh

[March 7: No ???]

[Funina: That's gone???]

[Ying: Anyway, let us know who the person outside the door is!!]

[Star: People outside the door seem to know Kratos' identity???]

[Hu Tao: Could it be the enemy???]

[Arataki Itto: The ??? who came to seek revenge]

[Paimon: What does it mean to dendua lang???]

[Lin Su: You're still too young......]

[Lin Su: Promise me ......]

[Lin Su: Don't ask this kind of question in the future, okay???]

[Lin Su: It's not a secret. 】

[Lin Su: I want to talk to Fu Ningna, Shen He, Fu Xuan, Jing Liu, and Ruan Mei Deng. 】

[Fu Xuan: ???]

[Fu Xuan: What does it mean???]

[Shenhe: Okay. 】

[Ruan Mei: Oh??]

[Funina: What do you mean!!]

[Funina: This good dua lang !!]

[Lin Su: It means to make friends. 】

[Funina: Do you think I'll believe your nonsense!!]

[Funina: That's right.] 】

[Funingna: Lin Sue. Who's the one knocking on the door???]

[Lin Su: I know. 】

[Lin Su: But I just won't tell you. 】

[Lin Su: Eh, hey~]

[Funina: Abominable !!]

[Fu Xuan: You have to sell this too???]

[Lin Su: What sells Guanzi. 】

[Lin Su: I'm raising your expectations !!]

[Lin Su: I want to know what will happen next......]

[Lin Su: Let's listen to the next decomposition !!]

[Star: The devil knows when he will be able to brush up on the follow-up video!!]

[March 7: It's ......]

[March 7: I remember ...... half a month ago]

[March 7: Didn't you brush up on a short video explaining the movie???]

[March 7: Only half of the !!]

[March 7: The remaining half has not been brushed until now!!]

[Hu Tao: I have an impression......]

[Bennett: I remember if it's called "Inception"???]

[Kamisato Ayato: It seems that this is indeed the name......]

[Qingque: Ah...... I remember it too......]

[Qingque: It seems that it will be over when the male protagonist forms a team?]

[Jing Yuan: Indeed. 】

[March 7: I don't know when the next brush will be......]

[Xing: Lin Su, you should tell us. 】

[Star: Who is knocking on the door?] 】

[Star: Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well tonight.] 】

[Lin Su: You can't sleep well at night???]

[Lin Su: Then I'll rest assured!!]

[Star: 6!!]

[Lin Su: I will brush it in the morning. 】

[Lin Su: Don't be in a hurry, don't !!]


Although Lin Su knew who was knocking on the door,

But he really doesn't know what the plot will be after that.

After all, the devil knows what the system will do.

There's not much revealed in this video.

Anyway, Lin Su saw that he had the king's treasure.

As for the contents of this king's treasure,

Then Lin Su didn't know,

After all, the treasure of the king of the empty shell is not expensive in the system mall,

Although Lin Su didn't feel that it was worth the price,

But it is undeniable that

This thing eats crickets when it opens!

I might want to consider,

Tune for a few days of resonance points,

Buy one?

After all, I constantly improve the cheats that I have blown in the group,

That's excellent too.

So far.

The sand sculpture group members in the group have no doubts about Lin Su's identity.

After all, Lin suspected that he should be banned,

will still be banned.

should be spoofed by short videos,

It's still going to be spoofed.

It's just that the frequency is relatively low.

But this is normal.

After all, there are still a lot of people in the group who haven't been spoofed!.

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