in a chat group.

Seeing this sentence of Olga Marie,

Sand sculpture friends are also very curious!!

【Walnut: Which trick ???】

[March 7: I'm also curious!!]

[Star: Lin Su !!]

[Star: Give us a spoiler!!]

Lin Su smiled when he saw it!!


I spoil the spoilers of your grandma's legs!!

I want to know what that trick is mine!!

Who knows what new tricks this sand sculpture system will come up with!!

[Star: These people are really wrong!!]

[Star: I naively thought that it would be good to break Lin Su apart!!]

[Star: Do they think that Lin Wei will let them go in this way!!]

[Lin Su: You said me like some evil villain!!]

[Star: Aren't you???]

[Star: You're going to rule over others!!]

[March 7: Lin Su probably wants to do things more than rule.........]

[March 7: Anyway, Lin suspects that you are a fun person when you are young???]

[Lin Su: Ah, this .........]

[Lin Su: Your question is a bit too sharp.........]

[Lin Su: I refuse to answer !!]

But actually.........

Lin Su did have the mentality of a fun person when he was a child.........

It's just that when Lin Su was a child, he was generally just having fun.........

Lin Wei, who has grown up, occasionally participates in fun.........

As for the current Lin Suo.........

Because the power is getting stronger.........

has become a fungiard who has no fun and wants to make fun.........

But how do you say it.........

Lin Su's fun is generally unlucky, and those who are unlucky are those who should be unlucky.........

For example, in the previous video, Lin suspected Aruba's stupidity.........

Not .........

It's skirmishers.

Let's be honest.........

Although the plot is systematically choreographed.........

But this is indeed what Lin Su wants to do with "one five zeros!!

"Wait until there is a chance later.........

Gotta let the Balladeer experience Aruba fun between both sexes!!"

Balladeer: Forget it if you kill me!!

Lin Su: I'm a righteous musician!!

Lin Su: How could I kill someone!!

Aha is a Chaos Evil Fun Man!!

Then I'm suspicious of being a chaotic and happy person!!


The fun people have been divided into flowers by you, right!!

[Zhongli: They seem to be preparing to do something important. 】

【Zhongli: Collect Infinity Stones .........】

[Zhongli: What is the Infinity Stone???]

[Zhongli: Could it be the ......... in the previous video]

[Zhongli: Lin suspects that the green gem in your hand that manipulates time ???]

[Lin Su: It's worthy of your !!]

[Lin Su: The observation is still so meticulous!!]

[Lin Su: The official name of the green gem in my hand is the Time Gem. 】

[Lin Su: It is indeed one of the Infinity Stones. 】

[Jing Yuan: How many Infinity Stones are there???]

[Lin Su: In this video, there are 6 in a universe. 】

[Lin Su: They are ———]

【Lin Su: Time Gem ———】

【Lin Su: Power Gem ———】

【Lin Su: Space Gem ———】

【Lin Su: Soul Gem ———】

【Lin Su: Soul Gem ———】

[Lin Su: and the !! of Reality Gems]

[Sushang: It sounds very powerful.........]

[Gui Naifen: So now Lin suspects that you have a few ??? in your hand]

[Lin Su: I can't hide it.........]

[Lin Su: Just one. 】

[Lin Su: This Infinity Stone is an artifact in this universe. 】

[Lin Su: If you collect all six Infinity Stones, you can do anything!!]

[Lin Su: For example, let the enemy have no asshole. 】

[Lin Su: Let the enemy kill the whole family. 】

[Lin Su: Let all the enemies become Paimon.] 】

[Paimon: ???]

[Paimon: What do you do with me!!]

Paimon: And you're collecting six gems just to do this kind of thing!!?]

[Paimon: If I collect six gems.........]

[Paimon: I need to have endless mora and endless food to eat!!]

[Ying: Can you make a little difference???]

[Ying: If I had six Infinity Stones.........]

[Ying: I'll let you all come and be my tool!!]

【Fu Xuan;...... You're a little bit promising, but not much. 】

[Hu Tao: Then I have to let my afterlife hall open all the universes!!]

[Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch: So what power do these six gems have???]

[Lin Su: First of all, it is the space gem. 】

[Lin Su: It can allow the holder to travel through time and space at will to reach any place in an instant.........]

[Lin Su: You can also let the holder move objects or rearrange the spatial sequence.........]

[Lin Su: The highest efficiency can achieve ubiquitous !!]

[Lin Su: Then there is the Time Gem. 】

[Lin Su: This gem allows the holder to have full control over the past, present, and future time.........]

[Lin Su: You can also do time travel, speed up time, rewind time, time confusion, .........]

[Lin Su: You can even make time loop indefinitely or modify and freeze any timeline at will.........]

[Lin Su: The highest efficiency can achieve omniscient !!]

[Lin Su: Then there is the Gem of Reality. 】

[Lin Su: Users can use it to erase and modify the reality .........]

[Lin Su: You can also make all illusory things such as ideas, fantasies, and dreams realistic.........]

[Lin Su: At the same time, the Stone of Reality itself also contains a huge amount of energy!!]

[Lin Su: Then there is the power gem. 】

[Lin Su: This gem can make everything possible and turn its imagination into reality.........]

[Lin Su: The user can master and control all the power, energy, and ......... through it]

[Lin Su: You can also copy all physical abilities to enhance the user's own attack and defense capabilities.........]

[Lin Su: This gem also has infinite physical power, and the user will become invincible and absolutely invulnerable!!]

[Lin Su: And this gem is also the glue of the self of all things in the universe. 】

[Lin Su: It can greatly enhance the power of other gems!!]

[Lin Su: Then there is the Soul Gem. 】

[Lin Su: The Mind Gem is the embodiment of cosmic consciousness, which can enable the user to improve his psychic ability and enter the minds of all other beings.........]

[Lin Su: The holder can read, manipulate, modify, create, and protect the spirit of life. 】

[Lin Su: It can also enhance the user's mental strength and mental ability———]

[Lin Su: It can allow the user to enter the minds of other people, and also let all dreams and thoughts enter the user's brain.........]

[Lin Su: It can also invade and control other people's minds, and it can also be implanted into the brain of all dreams, illusions, memories, thoughts and ideas into the target.........]

[Lin Su: It can also enhance the user's spiritual power and increase the ability of the mind, so that all beings with a mind can be dominated by it. 】

[Lin Su: When the Mind Stone is used with other Infinity Stones, its energy will increase———]

[Lin Su: Under the condition that its gem increases its strength, this gem can allow the user to connect to the brains of all the beings in the universe at the same time.........]

[Lin Su: And at the same time enter the mind of all things that exist and the mind that governs all things!!]

[Lin Su: At the same time, the Soul Stone itself also contains a huge amount of energy!!]

[Lin Su: Finally, there is the soul gem. 】

[Lin Su: This gem can steal, manipulate, modify or create souls, and even seal many things into gems!!]

[Lin Su: It can even seal the entire multiverse and the Infinity Stones inside!!]

[Lin Su: Now you understand the power of these six gems???]

[Lin Su: In this universe hundreds of billions of years ago, the Infinity Stones came from before all recorded time. 】

[Lin Su: They used to be a single unit, a lonely entity. 】

[Lin Su: They are a sentient existence with endless power. 】

[Lin Su: It's everything, and everything is it. 】

[Lin Su: And this existence is infinite and eternal. 】

[Lin Su: Just like I said before.........]

[Lin Su: The person who collects these six gems will become truly omniscient and omnipotent. 】

[Jing Yuan: So you're collecting this kind of thing???]

[Lin Su: Yes. 】

[Fu Xuan: .........]

[Fu Xuan: I didn't expect you to have such a goal.........]

[Lin Su: Not bad. 】

[Lin Su: In fact, in this universe, there are also beings similar to the star gods in your universe. 】

[Lin Su: They are called the Celestial Gods. 】

[Lin Su: Of course.........]

[Lin Su: I don't know who is stronger and who is weak between the Star God and the Celestial God Group. 】

[Lin Su: But after collecting six gems, you can indeed defeat the gods.] 】

[Lin Su: It refers to defeating the gods who are genuine and can easily destroy the universe with their strength. 】

In Marvel's comics.

Thanos, who obtained the Infinity Gauntlet,

But he directly defeated countless gods, and even eternity is not Thanos' opponent!! (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

In this form, Thanos even directly replaced Eternal !!

Do you see it

Shadow Treasure,

Eternity is not omnipotent!!

Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet above eternity!!

[Star: Lin Su is a musician if he gets six gems.........]

[March 7: Then he is really happy with the star god.] 】

[March 7: More Aha than Aha !!]

Star: ......... Think about it this way.........]

[Fu Xuan: It seems that there is nothing to worry about.........]

[Black Tower: After all, although it is not normal.........]

[Black Tower: But I think Lin is slightly more normal than Ahba!!]

[Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality.........]

[Zhongli: Indeed!!]

[Sushang: Although Lin Su is usually very happy.........]

[Sushang: But I shouldn't do something as outrageous as Chang Le Tianjun???]

[Sushang: For example, blow up the Star Dome Train or something.........]

[Star: Indeed.........]

[Star: Aha this guy .........]

[Star: In order to kill Achivili, but he lurked in the Star Dome Train for half a year.........]

[Star: Although only one planet and the carriage of the Star Dome train were blown up in the end.........]

[Black Tower: That's why I said it.........]

[Black Tower: I can occasionally understand Lin Wei 0 ......]

[Black Tower: But I really can't understand Aha !!]

And in the video.

Faced with Olga Marie's request.

Lin Wei frowned!!


In the present ???"


Olga Marie pointed to the dense Zetarians in the sky:

"Just use the same trick you told me earlier!!"

"Good !!"

Lin Su nodded firmly!!

Soar straight into the air!!

Then I don't know where to pull out a Japanese katana.

Swing hard!!

I saw that the Zetarians flying in the sky were like they were pressed on their heads by something,

All fell to the ground!!

Including their gigantic bio-ships!!

And in the visible range of the naked eye,

Those Zetarians are like dumplings,

All fell from the sky,

If you have a top-down perspective,

You can see that it's not just these Zetarians

Even the fighter jets of the U.S. military,

Birds of the sky.........

Even flying insects.........

It's all going down!!

And farther away,

The fringes of New York City,

A gust of wind even caused a tsunami on the surface of the sea!!

Olga Marie's fist clenched excitedly:


That's the trick!!

What's it called???

Gravity Knife Bigdick ????

Why is it such a strange name???"

Lin Wei slowly landed on the ground,

Reaching out and patting Olga Marie on the shoulder:

"Don't worry about the details!!

Those who achieve great things are not informal!!"

Several old men beside him were stunned!!

What the is this!!

Just waved the knife!!

The alien fleet in the sky has all fallen???

Why such awesome characters.........

We didn't see it at all after the Battle of New York???

Although there are still a lot of unbelieving Zetarians who continue to emerge from the portals in the air.........

But there's nothing to be afraid of anymore.

What's the name of this trick that this beautiful girl said just now???

Bigdick ???


These old men are all serious Americans,

Naturally, I can understand English.........

God Bigdick .........

Isn't this a big eagle!!

Actually, Olga Marie also knows English.........

It's just that this girl has always had an innocent beauty.........

I didn't think about the English translation at all!!

Then Lin Su shook his head———


Fell to death a lot........."

Olga Marie was surprised:

"What are you trying to do about the enemy!!

Let's go to the address given by this man just now.........

Imperial palace.........

White House.........

Buckingham Palace.........

Kerry 3.3 Mlin .........

......... of the Château de Fontainebleau

He said that as long as he went here and persuaded the people who lived in it, he could become the president of the earth!!"

Laughing to death!!

Isn't it!!

Aren't all the leaders of the Five Constants living here???

Some sand sculpture group members may not know,

ZN is also part of the Forbidden City~~~!!

And 10 Downing Street, which used to be the side palace of Buckingham Palace,

That is, part of the house behind the palace,

It used to be the place where the British royal family fought cocks!!

So this message from the American hip captain to Olga Marie is definitely correct!!

However, Lin Su shook his head:

"I'm not sorry for the enemy.........

It's just that when I go out today, I look at the yellow calendar,

It says that I forbid killing today.........

I decided to give them a chance to be born again!!"

After speaking, Lin Su snapped his fingers,

A blood-red circle suddenly appeared in the sky,

There was a black ...... coming out of it

An unidentified viscous liquid that looks like mud!!

The liquid passed through the corpses of the Zetari on the ground.........

The Zetarians have been resurrected!!

And then it became one black man after another!!

Olga Marie tilted her head:

"What are you doing???

Lin replied:

"I'm making farm tools. "

Olga Marie was shocked!!

"You call this a farm tool ???"

Lin Su nodded seriously:


That's what I heard the southern plantations in this country used to call !!"

Then Lin Su looked at the mustache:

"I'm right???

I came to Earth to prepare for !!."

Then he handed the mustache and the American buttocks, each with a whip.

Then he pointed to the Zetari who had become black and said:


You go up and look for how you used to feel!!".

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