That's it.

Lin Su is in the northeast,

Ah no,

Video of playing with mud in New York,

That's the end of it———

in the chat group.

The sand sculpture group members called it wonderful!!

[Star: You really went to play in the mud in this place called New York, didn't you!!]

【Black Tower: .........】

[Black Tower: It's Hell.........]

[March 7: What is the function of this black mud???]

[March 7: Why did these aliens fall in.........]

[March 7: Crawl out and become a human again???]

[Ruan Mei: I'm also curious about this.........]

[Ruan Mei: Did you use any genetic modification and tissue shaping???]

[Ruan Mei: It is possible to convert one species into another in such a short period of time on such a large scale.........]

[Ruan Mei: What is the ingredient of this black mud???]

That's a good question!!

Lin Su also wanted to ask the system!!

In the video just now,

Lin Su demonstrated two abilities that he didn't have now.

One is the one who waved the knife,

And all the Zetarians,

and even put their flying machines,

Huge Leviathan spaceship,

And the U.S. Air Force fighters,

Birds in the sky———

Get it all to the ground!!

It's as if there's a special gravity on these things!!

And the other one,

Naturally, it can turn the Zetarians into the black mud of Nigo!!

At first, Lin Su thought that this was some kind of black mud flowing from the Holy Grail!!

[This black mud is from the Sea of Life of Tiamat in FGO.] 】

[After a little customization of this system———]

[It can give birth to the life form that the user wants.] 】

[Nature and existing species can also be changed according to the user's wishes.] 】


Then am I going to create a world full of Kunkun for IKUN???"

[Theoretically fine.........]

"That can also create a world without Hi and Yuta people???

[Indeed doable.........]

[Then it's okay to turn Japanese and Koreans into dogs???]


[It is also possible to turn Americans into ??? because of it]


[Why don't you try it yourself???]

[Based on the host's current ability———]

[It's not impossible to create new species with the power of this black mud.] 】

[As long as the host's ability increases, the life that black mud can create will become more and more powerful.] 】

"The talking Fiji Cup is okay compared to the deformable ricochet!!

Since the pastries created by Nguyen Mai can speak!!

So why can't the Fiji Cup and ricochet!!

Americans are strongly encouraged to include both in their genders!!

Then Lin asked:

"So what's the other ability???

Looks like a manipulative ability???"

[That's not what it seems.........]

[That is to manipulate gravity.........]

[It's just that I made up that move casually.........]

[Anyway, it also fits your character design, doesn't it???]

"It does !!"

Lin Su agreed.

The name Bigdick is really something I can come up with!!

And in the chat group,

Everyone is also discussing enthusiastically———

[Walter Young: .........]

[Walter Young: I have to say .........]

[Walter Young: Lin Su is indeed challenging the nerves of these Americans. 】

[Walter Young: Judging from the dress and shield pattern of the man with the shield———]

[Walter Young: He should be a very authentic American???]

[Lin Su: Oh.........]

[Lin Su: The man you said with a very warped ass ???]

[March 7: Isn't the focus of this focus a little wrong???]

[Star: You still say that you are not Nantong!!]

[Star: It hurt me to go back and look at the next .........]

[Star: Don't say it, don't really say it!!]

[Ying: It is indeed !!]

[Fu Xuan: .........]

[Lin Su: This man is called Captain America, or Steve Rogers. 】

[Lin Su: It is a human who was injected with the blood relatives of super soldiers in World War II 70 years ago. 】

[Lin Su: He has four times the strength of the human limit. 】

[Lin Su: It was a super weapon used by the United States to deal with fascism and Nazi Germany at that time. 】

[Lin Su: By the way. 】

[Lin Su: The leader of Nazi Germany is Little Adolf~~~]

[Walter Young: That's why I said hell.........]

[Walter Young: The full name of this man named Adolf is Adolf Sidler.] 】

[Walter Young: I don't know what is going on in Sidler in this world in the video.........]

[Walter Jan: But ......... in my hometown]

[Walter Young: These are the culprits and war criminals who led to the world war.........]

[Walter Young: More or less infected by Honkai energy. 】

[Walter Young: Among them, Adolf Sidler .........]

[Walter Young: Slaughtered nearly 6 million Yuta people.........]

[Walter Young: And according to the fact that for every person who dies, it is equivalent to planting 60 trees.........]

[Walter Young: That's really equivalent to planting nearly 400 million trees.........]

[Walter Young: So much love for environmental .........]

[Walter Jan: That is indeed the ......... that should go to heaven]

[Walter Young: And according to Lin Sui's previous introduction.........]

[Walter Young: If this man named Captain America had fought in World War II, .........]

[Walter Young: That must be the one who knows all this......... So .........]

[March 7: This is too hell!!]

[Fu Xuan: It's really something that Lin Wei can do!!]

[Xi'er: It's really worthy of Lin Yi'!!]

[Xi'er: As long as you appear in every video, you can give us a whole new trick!!]

[Star: Lin Wei will never let us down in terms of not disappointing people!!]

[Xin Yan: Then what do those people with darker skin than me mean and whips???]

[Xin Yan: Why does Lin Su say that this is a farm tool???]

[Xin Yan: Isn't this not very good.........]

[Walter Jan: That's what I'm going to talk about .........]

[Walter Jan: There are three main types of people in my hometown. 】

[Walter Yang: There are yellow people like the Xianzhou people on the Xianzhou Luofu.........]

[Walter Jan: There are also Caucasian people like the Mondstadt in Mondstadt.........]

[Walter Young: And the dark-skinned black people like in the video just now.] 】

Walter Jan: They originated in my hometown on a continent called Africa. 】

[Walter Young: I have always been the target of discrimination because of the color of my skin. 】

[Walter Young: In the early days of the United States, slave owners arrested these black people and sold them as goods, and used them as slaves. 】

[Walter Young: The southern plantations that Lin is talking about in the video are one of them. 】

[Walter Young: It should be pointed out that .........]

[Walter Young: Slave owners were overwhelmingly white. 】

Walter Jan: But in my hometown, this kind of discrimination is now disappearing. 】

[Walter Jan: On the one hand, because of the threat of collapse, on the other hand, it is also because of the progress of civilization. 】

[Hu Tao: So what Lin Su did in the video .........]

[Kuki Shinobu: That's really hell.........]

[Lin Su: Don't .........]

[Lin Su: Why am I going to hell???]

[Shenhe: They hate it. 】

[Shenhe: When Lin Su took me to the United States to set off fireworks.........]

[Shenhe: These dark-skinned guys are as nasty as hilichurls. 】

[Shenhe: They will make strange noises at me and point at me. 】

[March 7: Ah, this .........]

[Shenhe: Same as in the video.........]

[Shenhe: That Olga Marie, like me, was also asked by Lin Su to wear clothes that covered her whole body.........]

[Star: No wonder the president of the earth covered himself tightly. 】

[Star: Lin Su is quite worried about being seen by others, right!!]

[Amber: I'll just say that it's not a cold day when I watch the video.........]

[Amber: Why does this girl named Olga Marie wear such a thick !!]

[Lin Su: This is not nonsense???]

[Lin Su: My wife is only !! I can watch]

[Star: Yo Yo Yo ~~~~!!]

[Jing Yuan: I'm a little curious. 】

[Jing Yuan: What is this Avengers???]

[Lin Su: It's a superhero organization. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Lin Su: It is to gather a group of elites with powerful abilities or special abilities together.........]

[Lin Su: Then go and fight the evil that threatens the world and save the world. 】

[Lin Su: Let's take an analogy. 】

[Lin Su: For the people of Zhan Lanxing, the Black Tower is their superhero. 】

[Lin Su: After all, how many times has this guy saved Zhan Lanxing???]

[Esta: Nineteen times.] 】

[Dark Tower: The name superhero is even more stupid than the name of that club!!]

[Lin Su: So you Xianzhou don't have this thing???]

[Sushang: If you say so.........]

[Su Shang: Is the five Xiao on the cloud considered a superhero organization???]

[Fu Xuan: ......... Probably count, according to Lin Sui's statement. 】

[Fu Xuan: Although the five Xiao on the cloud are already taboo that cannot be mentioned in Xianzhou now.........]

[Fu Xuan: But the feats they have created are indeed superheroes. 】

[Lin Su: This Avengers is the superhero organization of this earth. 】

[Walter Jan: If that's ......... that]

[Walter Young: The Destiny Organization and the Anti-Entropy Organization in My Hometown.........]

[Walter Young: It may be considered a superhero organization against Honkai.........]

[Xi'er: That's what it means.........]

[Ciel: The Star Dome train that saved us in Beloberg is not also a superhero organization???]

Himeko: Oops, .........]

[Himeko: We don't dare to be ......... this]

[March 7: We're all a little embarrassed~~~]

[Star: That's ???]

[Star: It doesn't matter if you praise more!!]

[Paimon: What are the Fatui ???]

[Paimon: Is it the superhero organization of Solstice???]

[Zhongli: The so-called hero of the other and my enemy is exactly what it means. 】

[Lin Su: I can't say. 】

[Lin Su: Let's not discuss the obscure organization of the Fatui. 】

[Lin Su: Where did you just go???]

Seeing Lin Sui's words,

The Fatui executives in the group are so angry!!

But what about the gas???

Can't win, can't win!!

[Hu Tao: What is the situation of the black man who appears at the end of the video???]

[Lin Su: Oh.........]

[Lin Su: He's .........]

[Lin Su: He is the one who proposed the formation of the superhero organization The Avengers. 】

[Lin Su: It's just that at that point in time in the video,]

[Lin Su: The title of the Avengers has not yet been spread. 】

[Lin Su: That's why Bruce Banner asked me why I knew the name Avengers. 】

[Lin Su: Bruce Banner is the big green guy. 】

[Lin Su: Actually, he wasn't like this. 】

[Lin Su: He is a super genius scientist. 】

[Lin Su: But he was hit by super gamma rays in an experiment. 】

[Lin Su: It turned out to be like this. 】

[Lin Su: From a normal person to a green giant, he also has his own name, called Hulk. 】

[Lin Su: It's a stupid ratio. 】

[Lin Su: At first, these two people hated each other, and no one looked down on anyone. 】

[Lin Su: Blubaner dislikes Hulk as a stupid comparison. 】

[Lin Sue: Hulk dislikes Bruce Banner as a weak chicken. 】

[Lin Su: But in the end, Bruce Banner and Hulk reached a settlement,]

[Lin Su: The two became one and became Dr. Green, which is the big guy who looks a little smaller in the video. 】

[Lin Su: But I've also been to the parallel universe of other universes. 】

[Lin Su: The Hulk that Bruce Banner transformed into in that world is no longer because of gamma rays. 】

[Lin Su: It's some more powerful life——— Hell Demon OBA]

[Lin Su: It means that under all things, is the true demon lord who is located on the opposite side of God. 】

【Star: 艸!!】

[Star: Why are there so many parallel worlds in this world???]

[Star: Didn't you just say something about the zombie Avengers in the video???]

[Ying: What other world is the Avengers wiped out.] 】

[Walter Young: That's normal. 】

[Walter Jan: I have seen countless parallel worlds of myself in the Sea of Imaginary Numbers. 】

[Walter Young: Parallel worlds must exist. 】

Walter Jan: Maybe in other worlds, everyone's life and career will change dramatically. 】

[Fu Xuan: I hope there is a world where Jing Yuan is the general of Taibu Benzuo (Wang Haohao). 】

[Yanqing: I hope that there will be a world where I was born as the head of the Luofu sword. 】

[Shadow: I hope there is a world where everyone is there.........]

[Lin Su: I hope there is a world where all the beautiful girls in the group are my wife. 】

[March 7: Good Guys !!]

[March 7: Is There Really Such a World???]

[March 7: Aren't you afraid of explosions at home every day???]

[Lin Su: Don't be afraid !!]

[Lin Su: Because I am Lin Su, !!]

[Fu Xuan: Then I hope that there will be a world where this wish will not be fulfilled. 】

[Lin Su: Then I'll make a wish———]

[Fu Xuan: Stop !!]

[Fu Xuan: This seat knows what you have to say!!]

[Fu Xuan: Prohibition of nesting dolls!!]

And at this time.

Xianzhou Luofu.


Fu Xuan's office.

Fu Xuan's front is like the shadow treasure in between,

"'Duan g'",

A pop-up pop popped up!!

[Short video Q&A starts now.] 】

"Short video Q&A???

This is the one who said that the people in the group would be rewarded for the correct answer???

Gotta call Jing Yuan quickly........."

Fu Xuanqiao's face suddenly became serious,

Immediately connected to the communication with Jing Yuan.

"General, come here. "


Jing Yuan was stunned when he received the communication for Fu Xuan.

What's the situation???

Could it be that he was behind the infiltration of Xianzhou?!

Okay, good!!

It is worthy of Fu Qing!!

You can rest assured!!

The next General Luofu must be yours!!


I'll be right at the door of your office!!"

"Don't come. "

In the newsletter,

Fu Xuan's virtual projection covered his face.

"Ah??? amazing!!"

Jing Yuan was stunned.

"The light curtain said that there was no help for the audience outside the venue......... Strings"


Jing Yuan is served!!

"Then Fu Qing, come on!。

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