"How do we get into the Coral Spiral?".

The fat man looked at the corals around the coral spiral and hesitated.

If you are not careful, the ship may run aground.

"The tide is about to rise, and we can take advantage of the morning tide to pass through the reef groups of coral spirals in one fell swoop!" Hu Bayi vowed.

The others were eager to try it, and the mussel beads within the coral spiral were beckoning to him.

It's been a tough journey.

"Boss Hu, before you came, you said that you had the ability to pull the stars, but now you don't see the light of day, if you enter it, you may get lost in the coral spiral!" Ruan Hei still kept his senses, if you can't get in and out, everything is in vain.

When everyone heard this, their expressions couldn't help but tighten.

Everyone also frowned and looked at Hu Bayi, Ruan Hei was right, they also knew that there was hope for it, so they followed.

"Don't worry, I have a way!" At this time, Shirley Yang, who had not spoken all this time, smiled and entered the cabin.

After a while, he took out a pitch-black crockpot.

The lid is open!

There are a few small fish in the water, the small fish are only one finger long, the head is huge, the whole body is red, the appearance is strange, and they swim happily in the crockpot.

She carefully took out one and put it in the empty cup, and then threw in a pill.

As Danmaru entered the water, the small fish began to push Danmaru arch in one direction.

No matter how many people turned the empty cup, the little fish would arch the ball to the east.

"Si Tianyu, it's too yin!" Lu Changge's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect this thing to finally see it.

He also knew that this fish mover was a unique stunt for mountain movers.

"Si Tianyu, what is Taiyinsan?" the fat man asked first, because he didn't know that there was such a fish before he came, Ruan Hei, and those egg people also had doubts in their eyes.

"You don't understand it too much, but you just need to know a little, this fish functions like a compass, in the case of magnetic disorder, this fish will still push this ball made of Taiyin to the east!" Lu Changge explained the role of Si Tianyu in a brief word.

Even Shirley Yang was full of surprise that Lu Changge actually understood this.

Lu Changge smiled: "I saw it from the Taoist classics!"

The others also began to study Si Tianyu, and they were amazed, because as Lu Changge said, this Si Tianyu's head was really facing east!

And so!

I also have the confidence to go to the coral spiral.

"With Si Tianyu, with the assistance of my mountain-moving faction's Kui astrolabe, there is no need to worry about the direction!" Shirley Yang also replied seriously at this time.

The others nodded their heads as well, their eyes blazing.

Mussel beads, here we come.

Every time it takes, the sea surges, and the tide still swells!

The crowd crossed the perimeter of the coral spiral in a sea willow boat.

"Look, that's the fairy mountain!" Youtan people looked at the clouds in front of them and fell into the sea, the picture was like a mountain, connected to the sea!

Extremely shocking.

Lu Changge also squinted his eyes and looked over, worthy of a coral spiral.

Then I estimated the time, and it was time to sign in.

Lu Changge acquiesced in his heart and said

[System check-in!].

After leaving the mountain, he checked in every day, but there was still no movement.

In fact, this time, he didn't take it to heart.

[Ding, the host signs in to the Coral Spiral and obtains the Water Control Technique!].


Hearing this, Lu Changge's eyes finally bloomed, and every time he didn't report his hope, he actually gave a big surprise.

As the sound of the system falls,

A cumbersome skill poured into his mind, this water control technique could not only control the water, but also allow himself to breathe in the water, but the degree of water control needed to match the aura in his body.

The aura is majestic, and the stronger the ability to control water.

However, with this water control technique, at least I have the ability to protect myself at least on this sea.

"Here we are, here we are!".

"We're at the Coral Spiral!".

"It's finally here!".

Ruan Hei, Uncle Ming, and the Tan people also cried with joy.

Hu Bayi was not so happy, but took out white rice and oil from a cloth bag.

Throw all of these things into the sea.

The rice did not sink to the bottom of the sea, but the oil was hidden in the seawater.

"The white rice does not sink, the oil slick does not appear, this is the image of a void on the bottom of the sea, and this piece is the core of the coral spiral!" Hu Bayi took a deep breath and finally arrived.

The boat went a little further and stopped the boat.

Everyone gathered for a meeting, and Jane talked about the next thing, now that there is no wind or waves, it is just the right time to take this opportunity to explore the depth of the seabed and the situation at the bottom.

The others were impatient and eager to try.

Everyone also looked at the two diving bells behind the sea willows. {A diving bell is a non-powered diving device, the diver's helmet is connected to the diving bell through a tube, which fills the inside of the diving bell with fresh air for the diver to breathe!}

There are only two diving bells, which means that only two people can go down to explore the terrain, as well as sea mussels.

"I'll go!" Lu Changge took a step forward, with the water control technique, in fact, he can protect himself without a diving bell, and with a diving bell, he has more guarantees.

This diving bell may be dangerous!

"Brother Xiao Lu, you are waiting on the ship, and the matter of this exploration is still left to me and Ruan Hei!" Hu Bayi hurriedly said, his task was not simply to collect mussel beads, but also to explore the sunken ship Mary Xiannu equipped with King Qin's bone mirror.

This matter had to be done by himself, and the other person who went into the water together was Ruan Hei, who had rich diving experience.

With the decision made, the two of them entered the diving bell and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea under the gaze of everyone.

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