The blood man has lost his mind, how could he listen to Aning.

Roaring, he rushed towards the fat man.

Seeing so.

Innocence picked up the long knife on the ground, gritted his teeth and rushed straight up.

“Hey, naïve!”

“Little Third Master!”

The third uncle and Panzi will have time to stop it in the future.

Everything, it happened too fast.

The crowd was hardly given a little time to think.

The bloody man saw that there were still ants coming up, and immediately let go of the fat man and rushed towards innocence.

A sprint! While!

With a slap, the long knife flew away.

Naïve hands are still shaking.

The next moment, the bloody man stretched out his hand and grabbed the naïve neck directly.


Innocence was caught breathless and struggled.

Right at this moment.

Lin Xuan moved, he could tolerate the fat man to die, but for naivety, he would never do.

A dash, came to the bloody man.



Without waiting for him to make a move, a loud gunshot sounded directly.

The Bloodman let go of his arm.

Staring blankly in front of him.

Bang! Then lie down directly.

“This… That’s accurate! ”

The fat man didn’t know what to say, so he could only silently spit out a sentence, and at the same time, gave a thumbs up.

The third uncle and Panzi on the side also stared at Aning who was holding a gun in amazement, they couldn’t have imagined that Aning was so protective of the bloody man, and in the end it was he who shot it.

“Little Third Master, Little Third Master!”

Panzi didn’t care about that, and rushed over and hurriedly hugged Innocence to check on his situation.

Lin Xuan glanced at it.

On the naïve neck, several black handprints were revealed, exactly where the bloody man had pinched.

Lin Xuan handed the innocence in his arms to Pan Zi, and then directly turned around and walked towards the body of King Naru.

Fumbling around his waist.

Finally, he found a brownish-yellow object the size of a fingernail, which he squeezed in his palm.

Again towards innocence.

“Open his mouth.”

Lin Xuan said to Pan Zidao.

“Little brother!”

Panzi was puzzled, but still slowly opened his innocent mouth.

At the same time, Lin Xuan also picked up the things in his hand and prepared to stuff them in.

The third uncle on the side naturally noticed.

When he saw the thing clearly, he suddenly exclaimed, “Qi… Kirin exhaustion! ”


Anning, who was holding the bloody man, instantly raised his head when he heard this.

In the next second, he actually jumped up from the ground.

Caught off guard, he held a gun against the third uncle’s head from the left side.

“Give me the unicorn, or I’ll kill him!”

This sudden scene instantly made the scene quiet.

“What do you want to do?”

Although the third uncle was held by the gun, he did not panic at all, but frowned and asked.

Ah Ning took a deep breath, “Use the Qilin to save Xiao Qi’s life.” ”

Everyone naturally understood who Xiao Qi was in her mouth.

Panzi glanced at the bloody man on the ground.

“Are you crazy? He is already dead and can’t die anymore, how can Qilin Exhaust save his life? ”

“Also, you are still rescued by us, what do you take in exchange?”

The third uncle did not speak again.

Obviously, this woman has gone crazy.

Because of the departure of companions, it is on the verge of collapse.

He can only wait for an opportunity to flee now.

“Hurry up, give me the unicorn!”

Anning’s tone became more and more urgent, she was not sure if the person in her hand could exchange Qilin Qiqi from Lin Xuan’s hand.

But at the moment, this is the only hope.

Outside, live broadcast room.

When the audience saw this, they also changed their view of Aning.

“Unexpectedly, this woman will take revenge.”

“That is, the most poisonous woman’s heart, she herself was still saved by the innocence of others, and now she can actually do this.”

“Hehe, now you men don’t talk about it, the longer and more good-looking, the more dangerous it is, you don’t understand!”

“Innocence has obviously been invaded by poison gas, and now only Qilin can save him.”

“It’s not easy to do this time, if you give it to her, wouldn’t you really lose your life that day?”

“So what, if you don’t give it, the third uncle is gone, this woman obviously has a problem with consciousness now, and if you stimulate it again, I estimate that everyone present will suffer.”

“After all, it is still naïve and the little brother is too kind, if you listened to the fat man’s words and killed it directly, how can there be so many things now.”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

“If that would be the woman’s death, the bloody man behind would not pinch Innocence again.”

“Alas, now I don’t know what the little brother will choose.”

Because that Qilin exhaustion was in Lin Xuan’s hands.

Therefore, the final choice is also in him.

The audience fell silent.

Everyone’s eyes were glued.

Until a certain moment.

Lin Xuan spoke.

“Release him, I’ll find other partners for you.”


In the end, Lin Xuan did not choose to give the Qilin to Aning, but exchanged it in another way.

When his words fell, he didn’t care what that Aning was.

Directly threw the unicorn exhaustion into the innocent mouth, and with a slap on his chest, the whole unicorn exhaustion suddenly slipped out of the abdominal cavity.


Anning looked at Lin Xuan and was directly stunned.

She never expected that Lin Xuan would be so decisive.

“I killed him!”

Immediately, the last hope was gone.

She drank heavily, and looked at the third uncle beside her.

“No, don’t!”

“Third Master!”

Panzi shouted anxiously.

However, Lin Xuan had not looked back.

And at that moment.

The gun, fell.

As if all his strength had been drained, Ah Ning fell to the ground softly.

She glanced up at Lin Xuan.

There was longing in his eyes.

“I hope you keep your word!”


Soon, after swallowing the unicorn, Innocence slowly opened his eyes, and he shook his head.

The heaviness inside actually disappeared at this moment.

The whole body is also unprecedentedly light.

He was a little surprised in his heart, but before he could open his mouth to Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan stood up on his own.

At the same time, walk towards the passage.

“Where are you going?”

Innocence shouted.

Lin Xuan’s back paused slightly.

A word spat out.

“Help her find someone!”

The words fell, and soon disappeared into the shadows of the cave.

Watching Lin Xuan’s back leave, Anning also seemed to put down a pimple and lay directly on the ground.

The other side.

The third uncle and Panzi supported Innocence and leaned behind the stone platform where King Naru’s body was.

“Third Uncle, Panzi!”

“What did the little brother give me to eat just now?”

He asked suspiciously.

“It’s the unicorn.”

The third uncle said with a smile.

After a pause, he continued, “Qilin is a valuable Chinese medicine, general

It is used to smoke corpses, and the longer it is placed, the darker the color, and the better the effect. ”

“By the way, the one that the little brother gave you just now was taken from the body of this Lu Yan King, and looking at the color, it is estimated that it has been at least a few thousand years.”

“Stinky boy, you are a blessing in disguise this time!”

Innocence was puzzled, “I’m dying, what blessing?” ”

The third uncle shook his head, “You don’t understand, this unicorn can not only cure diseases, but also drive away evil spirits and avoid insects, and the blood of that little brother can disperse corpses and turtles, which should also be used for this.” ”

“Such a god?”

The fat man raised his eyebrows.

“I just said, just now that lady tried hard to grab this thing, it’s really not simple.”

As several words fell.

The outside world is also full of discussion.

“It seems that Elder Gu is right, this Qilin is really able to repel evil spirits and avoid insects.”

“Yes, yes, it has been put for thousands of years, even ordinary medicinal materials can be worth a lot for so long, right?”

“However, it looks very ordinary, it actually has such a high effect, heck, it’s really amazing.”

“Then again, the little brother will not be in danger, he goes to the cave alone to look for people, in case he can’t get out before dark, wouldn’t it…”

Suddenly, an audience member mentioned a point.

An important point.

Before dark.

Now, but it’s been a long time, it will be dark in a few hours, if something happens…

This is the moment.

Kyoto, Bureau Seat.

Her good-looking eyes flashed a different color, and she stared at the back, not knowing what she was thinking.

But his mouth was muttering.

“Every time, every time.”

“You can’t think for yourself.”

“So many people worried about you, so many.”

Gradually, gradually.


A crystal tear fell.

Everything, fall into a quiet loss.

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