After all, the three of them were trapped by Mrs. Bai's round light technique before, and their bodies were somewhat weak.

It's better to take a little rest.

Not long after, the four people had returned to Laoxiong Ridge Yizhuang.

The civet cat Jin Yunu has been sitting on Xu Chen's shoulders.

It still feels very guarded.

It was as if he was afraid that someone would snatch Xu Chen away.

Hua Ling tried to tease Jin Yunu several times, but was scared away by Jin Yunu's pointed teeth.

The provoking flower spirit whispered from time to time,"Brother Xu Chen, your tabby cat is really fierce."

After hearing this, Xu Chen showed a smile on his face and reached out to touch Jin Yunu's head a few times.

Jin Yunu then lay on his shoulders and purred.

No more grinning.

By the time a few people arrived at the gate of Laoxiong Ling Yizhuang, Chen Yulou, Luo Laowai, Miss Hong and others had already gathered at the gate of Yizhuang.

Miss Chen Yulouhong and others had just heard gunshots in the distance and knew that Xu Chen was in danger.

It's a pity that it's pitch dark outside and slippery everywhereMuddy mountain road.

After everyone searched around, they couldn't find any traces.

I didn't find out where Xu Chen was.

Several people thought Xu Chen had encountered an accident.

After all, in this kind of barren mountains and wild mountains, we are hunting down something very evil.

Naturally, everyone felt unsure.

Luo Laowai even shouted not to take risks to find Xu Chen.

It would be best to wait until dawn and the rain stops before going to the valley to search.

But Chen Yulou and Miss Hong were worried.

The two people had already planned to gather people and go deep into the valley to search.

As a result, at this moment, Xu Chen, along with Partridge Whistle, Hua Ling and the old foreigner, walked out of the woods in a swaggering manner.

The moment she saw Xu Chen, Miss Hong couldn't help but cheered and almost rushed out.

But it soon became clear that there were three strangers behind Xu Chen.

Then it stopped.

Chen Yulou was also very happy to see Xu Chen back intact.

He immediately stepped forward and slapped Xu Chen up and down.

"You make your brother worried!"

Then he looked at the other three people who came back with Xu Chen.

Their eyes were full of doubts.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle can be regarded as famous names that have been admired for a long time.

However, the two have never cooperated before.

This time At that time, the three mountain-moving Taoist priests were all dressed up as Miao people.

So Chen Yulou didn't recognize it.

He thought it was Xu Chen who met three Miao mountain people in distress in the mountains and rescued them.

At this time, Xu Chen Chen immediately smiled and introduced to Chen Yulou that the three people behind him were the famous Taoist Banshan, Partridge Shao and his two tribesmen Hualing and Lao Yangren.

After hearing the name of Taoist Banshan, Chen Yulou was naturally overjoyed.

Because in the tomb robbing school, Banshan Taoist, Xiling Warriors, and Mojin Xiaowei Faqiu Tianguan have always been equally famous.

Today's Banshan Taoists are sparsely populated.

The leader among them is Partridge. Partridge Whistle.

And the leader of the Xieling Warriors is Chen Yulou.

The leaders of the two major tomb robbers factions naturally became friendly when they met.

Partridge Whistle was also very down-to-earth, and he immediately told the details of his encounter with the old lady Bai in the valley. He told it in detail.

It turned out that Partridge Shao, Lao Yang and Hua Ling originally wanted to rob tombs in other places.

Excavate the tomb of King Yelang.

There are many Miao people there, so they must be wearing Taoist priest costumes. It is not that convenient.

Therefore, these three people all dressed up as Miao people along the way.

When passing by Laoxiong Ridge, I heard the nearby mountain people mention that there is a yellow demon here who uses the remnants of ancient tombs to use the round light technique to harm people..

It is said that many people have died.

So I deliberately took a detour to think about this evil spirit and eliminate harm for the people.

But what I didn’t expect was that when I came along this way, I was attacked by the old lady Bai and the little raccoon man. A trap.

In fact, the most critical thing is not Old Lady Bai’s Round Light Technique.

Partridge Whistle and others have special methods to break the Round Light Technique.

The main thing is the little raccoon dog.

The three of them did not use that little raccoon dog before. They took it seriously.

But they didn't expect that this little raccoon could actually emit a scent with a mesmerizing effect.

As a result, when the three of them arrived near the ruins of the ancient temple, they were fascinated by the scent. Their hands and feet were numb and tight. Then the old lady Bai appeared, and the three of them were unable to resist the Round Light Technique, so they could only close their eyes and wait for death.

But at this time, Xu Chen came out and killed him.

Xu Chen's Jinyu slaves subdued the little lizi.

And Xu Chen himself used the revolver And the suppressive effect of"Song of Righteousness", he directly and cleanly killed the old lady Bai and rescued the three people.

Naturally, the three partridge whistles were very grateful for this righteous deed.

In addition, Xu Chen was the leader of the Xiling Warriors. Chen Yulou's brothers.

These three people have great respect for Chen Yulou.

Chen Yulou saw that Taoist Banshan, who was originally the same name as himself, was polite to him. He was naturally happy in his heart.

His face was bright.

And this face It was Xu Chen who helped him fight for it.

When he looked at Xu Chen again, he was naturally full of admiration.

His words became more and more affectionate.

He had completely regarded Xu Chen as his close brother.

And several people under Chen Yulou, Now everyone looked at Xu Chen with more and more admiration.

Especially the red girl's eyes were so fiery that she seemed to be glued to Xu Chen.

Xu Chen was very humble at the moment and didn't say much.

Afterwards, Chen Yulou immediately began to win over Partridge Whistle, hoping that Partridge Whistle would go to Pingshan to rob the tomb together.

After all, although Partridge Whistle was trapped by Old Mrs. Bai this time, there was a reason for it. He didn't expect the evil spirit in Lao Xiong Ridge to be so powerful.

Partridge Whistle's skills are still very powerful, and he must have a lot of tomb robbing aura of violence. The art of moving mountains and dividing armor is also a unique skill in the tomb robbing school.

If you can get the help of Partridge Whistle, your strength will naturally be greatly enhanced.

After Xu Chen heard Chen Yulou's invitation, he immediately smiled.

"Always keep your head in mind, don’t be too impatient"

"Although people from the Banshan Taoist lineage are also in the business of touching gold and fighting, their desires are different from others."

After hearing Xu Chen's words, Chen Yulou and several of his men behind him were stunned.

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