After a short delay, the four of them continued to move forward.

The terrain of the entire underground cave is roughly a three-layer terrace.

The first layer is a rocky beach and a river, the second layer is a mushroom forest, and the third layer is a lake. The junctions are all 20 to 30 meters high cliffs.

Standing on the edge of the second cliff.

Looking down at the lake on the third layer, you can see a small island in the center of the lake.

However, due to the light and water mist, the specific appearance of the island cannot be seen clearly. You can only see a vaguely raised conical hill on the island.

"Let's go, this seems to be the last level."

Looking at the island in the middle of the lake, Chen Wenxuan exhaled and adjusted his spirit.

The entrance to the Demon Kingdom Altar is right there!

After checking for a while, the four people followed the safety rope and descended into the lake.

There are many schools of fish living in the lake, and from time to time you can see some fish jumping out of the water.

This means that there are no powerful predators in the water, so there is no need to worry too much when entering the water.

The island in the middle of the lake is not very far away, and you can get there by swimming a few dozen meters.

The entire island in the middle of the lake is about half the size of a football field. The hill in the center of the island is like an inverted horn, and the terrain is also peculiar.

In addition, there are many rotten 750 cypresses scattered on the island, as well as many stone pestles that are obviously man-made.

Chen Wenxuan thought for a while and said to the three people:

"It should be an underground volcano. The hill in front is the crater."

"There are no traces of caves on the ground around. If there is a cave entrance, it can only be in the crater."

Walk down from the crater, after passing a crystal mine cave, you will soon reach the Demon Kingdom Altar.

Hearing Chen Wenxuan's words, the three people of Partridge Whistle nodded.

The island in the middle of the lake is not big, and you can almost see its entire picture at a glance.

There are no hidden passages on the visible ground. The only suspicious point is the raised crater in front.

When you get closer, you will find that this hill is indeed a crater. It is full of black volcanic sand.

It takes at least millions of years for volcanic rocks to turn from gray to black and finally form black gravel.

This also means that this volcano is indeed a dead volcano and will not erupt again.

Climb to the top of the crater and look inside.

After years of erosion, a large part of the crater has collapsed, and it is only about seven or eight meters deep.

There are many well-shaped structures made of black wood and stone at the bottom of the cave.

Those well-shaped structures are built from the bottom of the cave to the entrance of the cave, surrounding the inner wall of the crater, and look very much like scaffolding for building a house.

"There is indeed a way!"

"The road hidden under the crater just fits the custom of the Demon Kingdom that those below are respected."

Partridge Whistle breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

There are only three floors in this underground space, and this is the last floor, and also the last hope.

Fortunately, there is always a way out, and finally found it.

"Well, if nothing unexpected happens, the altar should be not far away."

"Don't rush down, sir, make a fire and roast some......"


Before Chen Wenxuan finished speaking, he heard a hissing sound in his ear.


Looking back, a salamander appeared from nowhere.

The salamander looked to be three or four meters long, like a giant crocodile, with several rows of sharp teeth in its mouth. It crawled towards the four of them.

"Let me do it."

Chen Wenxuan's hands moved extremely fast.

He instantly pulled out the meteorite knife from his back and chopped it towards the fire lizard's big mouth.


At the moment when the fire lizard was about to pounce on Chen Wenxuan, the meteorite knife flashed by.

The fire lizard fell to the ground, its head and body separated, and blood immediately splattered.

"It's actually a fire lizard, this is a good thing."

The old foreigner greeted it with a smile, took out a dagger and started to dig at the fire lizard. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The fire lizard is not an ordinary lizard, it is as rare as the deep-sea mermaid.

Although it is called a fire lizard, it is actually a super-cold lizard.

The temperature of their blood and flesh is lower than that of ice. Not only are they not afraid of fire, but they can use their body temperature to put out fire. It is more appropriate to call them ice lizards.

The reason why they are called fire lizards is just because the patterns on their bodies look like flames.

The rubber bands of fire lizards are resistant to cold and heat, and are tough enough that ordinary blades cannot cut them. They are just the right material for making digging pangolins!

After that, the four of them repaired on the spot for half a day. hours.

After drying all the clothes on their bodies and eating and drinking their fill, they climbed into the crater one after another.

Looking down from above, the crater is quite small, but after entering, they discovered that a large hole had been artificially dug underneath.

The bottom of the cave was built into a cylindrical space, and stone walls were built all around.

When the light was swept, many symbols and patterns were engraved on these stone walls, densely packed like a sky full of stars.

On the stone wall on the west, there is a quaint doorway with two stone doors standing on it.

There are no symbols or inscriptions on the stone door, only a pattern of an eye nebula.

The eye nebula faces the east, and there are four five-clawed animal patterns engraved on each of the four sides, making it look like the eye nebula is set off.

""Gaman Ningdun!"

Partridge Whistle was shocked and uttered four words.


Chen Wenxuan raised his eyebrows, a little confused.

Could it be that Partridge Whistle knew something that he didn't know?

""Gaman Ningdun!"

Partridge Whistle repeated, with a look of joy on his face.

"In the legend of King Gesar, Garman Ningdun is the most important place in the Demon Kingdom, and its corresponding symbol is the Eye Nebula."

"Senior brother, that's unlikely, right?"

When the old foreigner heard Partridge Whistle mention Gaman Ningdun, he didn't take it seriously.

After laughing, he explained to Chen Wenxuan and Hua Ling.

"The poets said that Gamanningdun, also known as Jilei Mountain, is a crystal vein."

"Moreover, there is a demon called Mahakala in that vein, and it is said that Mahakala can control the crystal ore."

"How can a demon that can control minerals be real?"

After hearing this, Chen Wenxuan suddenly realized.

Gaman Ningdun is probably a Tibetan term, no wonder he couldn't understand what it was.

Seeing the old foreigner's disapproving expression, Chen Wenxuan patted his shoulder.

"Don't be careless"

"As for Jileishan and Mahakala, I know a little bit about them. They are indeed true."

"What?"Hearing Chen Wenxuan's words, the old foreigner's face changed.

Partridge Whistle and Hua Ling also looked at Chen Wenxuan, waiting for Chen Wenxuan's explanation.

Seeing this, Chen Wenxuan did not keep them in suspense and said directly:

"Jilei Mountain and Mahakala are one and the same, so the full name should be Mahakala Jilei Mountain."

"Mahakala Thunder Mountain is a mineral vein composed of crystals with magical powers."

"That kind of crystal has the ability of a sonic stone, which can make sounds. It also contains a kind of crystal vibration energy that can cause earthquakes and even cause illusions."

"Simply put, you can think of Mahakala's Thunder Mountain as a kind of sound-moving stone that can cause earthquakes and has hallucinogenic energy."

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