Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 815: Fairy talk

Hearing these words from the Qin Xianren, all the immortals and goddesses present were changing in color, and the eyes of Tu Tushen and others looking at Xiang Tian enemies became more meaningful.

Feeling the eyes of the people, Xiang Tiandi slowly said, "You're wrong, I just refined a demon body to strengthen my flesh. It's not a demon bloodline, not even a roc."

"Whether or not you should be handed over to us for inspection." Mingyue Xianren said: "If there is nothing wrong with you, I will admit it to you and pay compensation."

Xiang Tiandi said coldly: "My identity, His Majesty the Emperor, knows very well, and there is no need to check."

Death Plague King also nodded and said, "You, Xiang Tian enemies is Marshal Lei Bu, appointed by His Majesty the Emperor. Do you think there is something wrong with His Majesty? Or is there something wrong with him, even the Emperor and the Celestial Detective? Arrived? "

Death Plague Heaven King and Xiang Tian Enemy moved Haotian God Emperor and Taishang Tianzun out of the scene. Naturally, there were no immortals on the scene who dared to oppose it.

In fact, this is also the biggest fear in the hearts of several people at the scene.

The natural enemy is such an important position of Marshal Lei Bu, who often meets the Emperor or the Celestial Master.

They believed that no matter what method Xiang Xiang's enemies used to hide the demon body, the Emperor and the Supreme could not see it.

In this case, why didn't the Emperor and the Celestial Lord deal with the natural enemies? Is there really anything secret?

Seeing the hesitation in the eyes of several immortals, Xiang Tiandi seemed to have softened his attitude and said sincerely: "For all reasons, when I return to heaven, I will give you a satisfactory explanation. If I am really a demon, then I am willing to do it myself and leave it to you. "

The deadly epidemic on the side looked at Xiang Enemy unexpectedly, always feeling that after the World War I, Xiang Enemy seemed to have some changes.

Xiang Tiandi continued: "But at this moment, it is imperative to seize Li Xiuzhu and Zhou Bai. These two people are the source of the scourge today. If they are allowed to continue to thrive, the human condition will probably be eroded all day long."

Xiang Tiandi finally said: "Are you going to waste your strength fighting with us, or will you calm down the situation first and resolve the civil strife?"

Death Plague Tianjun secretly said: 'Xian Tian enemies, it seems that this defeat to Zhou Bai made him angry, but it did not make him completely lose his reason and fighting spirit. Maybe by this defeat, he can let him break through Heart trouble, change back to the original look. ’

And under the influence of Xiang Tian's enemies, a few immortals are increasingly hesitant.

The fight against the four lord gods is to go one step further, and then decline, and three exhaustion. As long as you do n’t do it for the first time, naturally the more you think about it, the more you worry about it, and then you stop, but not everyone will be so worried about gains and losses ...

"I don't care about this." The moon moon fairy's body is full of murderous power: "Shemales do not stand against each other, not to mention that they may have survived the **** war, a fairy of the fairy **** level."

"Did you all forget the cruelty of the Shemale War? Compared with this kind of demon, the current world-changing teachings, and even the demon, are nothing but the moss mustard. Grab Xiang Tian's enemies, press him for his true identity, and find out in the court of heaven. Is there any other monster, this is the real priority! "

Watching the atmosphere accompanied by the words of the Mingyue fairy again, Death Plague Tianjun frowned secretly: 'Although the relationship between Mingyue and Xiang Tian enemies is normal, they are indeed from the same palace ... This woman and the demon have deep blood and hatred, I am afraid it will not be easy. give up. ’

Death Plague Tianjun looked at Tianyangzi, the director of Wanxian Island opposite.

Then he saw the head of Wanxian Island and said to the fairy of Mingyue: "Mingyue, don't be impulsive."

Mingyue returned: "I was not impulsive. Although I was very angry and wanted to kill Xiang Enemy immediately, but I was not impulsive. The problems on Xiang Enemies were very serious, far more serious than the problems of Sky God and Sky Demon. Once he slips away today, he will certainly find a way to hide the truth. "

"Compared to Xiang Enemies, what is the teaching of the sky?"

Mingyue suppressed his anger and murder, and thought clearly responded: "With the power of the four gods, Marshal Lei Bu's weight, once we can't grab his horse on the spot, there may be no more chance."

Mingyue's voice poured into the ears of several immortals, and Tian Yangzi groaned and said, "But have you ever considered that we may not be their opponents."

The Mingyue fairy stunned slightly, listening only to Tian Yangzi's continued analysis and saying, "You and Tugui Shen have both been extracted from Taoism. The only one on our side who remains at the peak is me and Lao Qin and Wuwei."

"On the opposite side, only one of the natural enemies was extracted from Taoism, and the other four true gods remained at their peak. Among them, Death Plague King and Marshal Jiuxiao were first-class combat powers of the true gods. I have dealt with the most and deal with two. I will definitely lose. "

Mingyue gritted his teeth and said, "Is this how to let the natural enemy go?"

Tianyangzi persuaded: "Your condition is too bad, forcing a war, we are afraid that we will die two or three people, and we will lose more than our money. It may even cause a total contradiction of the immortal gods, leading to chaos. If there is anything, we will go back to Central City first. , False accusation to Heaven, everything is decided by Heaven, don't you believe in Heaven? "

There was a hint of hesitation on Mingyue's face, and he looked at the ghost **** on the side: "Ghost ghost, how do you say?"

From the beginning, Tu Tu Shen has not spoken, because he smelled an unusual smell from this incident: ‘the attitude of these positive gods ... is too calm, too rational, and there is no surprise at all. It was as if he had known the identity of Xiang Tian enemies, and there was no hostility at all. ’

His gaze swept over the standing positions of several gods, and the other side vaguely surrounded them.

His elemental power felt the change of the elemental magnetic force and the surging of the imagination in the ground beneath his feet.

‘Under our feet is the Sen Luo Vientiane Array under Death Plague King ’s cloth. It seems to be more active than before. ’

‘They are ready to go to war. ’

What suddenly happened in his mind was what Li Xiuzhu once said: "Bad ghost god, Mingyue, for the time being, you immortals really don't know this fact. I can tell you seriously and responsibly that the demons among the four true gods Absolutely a lot, Tianbei even keeps fairy god-level big demon as captains to handle some dirty work.

A ghost in the heart of the ghost: "Will the other four gods in front of you be also demons?" ’

Thinking of this, the ghosts of the ghosts are sinking in their hearts. The fighting power of their side is already inferior to each other. If the opponent is full of firepower, shot with all his heart, and killing the heart, then the fairy on their side may be thinking There is room for catching, just catching, not killing.

‘The opposite side is not only superior in strength but also killing. Our side is not only weaker, we also want to keep our hands. Now the battle is over, and the loss is too high ... and ... ’

Yu Guang, the ghost killing ghost, swept aside Tianyangzi, and he felt that his old friend was a little too hostile to Xiang's natural enemies.

After making this judgment in his heart, after hearing Mingyue's question, Tugui Shen said: "I also recommend that you go back and report to Tianzun, and everything will be decided by Tianzun."

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