Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 819: Sky sword

Just on the platform of Tian Zhi, when Zhou Bai and Xiang Tian enemies died fighting.

He fled all the way from the central city, hoping to be able to rush to the Yunchong River supported here and win the two, and finally felt the edge of the battlefield.

Seeing the huge projection covering the sky and the sun in the distance, Zhou Bai punched and punched Xiang Tian enemy, and the two old men were shocked.

Winning laughed excitedly: "You see nothing! White! My students! Now Marshal Lei Bu is not his opponent!"

"I said that Zhou Bai has the resources of immortals and gods! He will definitely be the savior of mankind!"

Yun Chonghe first touched his beard and smiled, then looked at the projection, but his face was dignified, only because the natural enemy of Xiang in the picture had already started the demon body, and a pair of huge wings covered most of the ring.

Seeing this scene, the two looked at each other with shock and shock in their eyes.

"That's ... aberration ... it doesn't seem very similar, it's more like the blood of a demon **** ..."



At this moment, with the wake of the elder Tianjian, his entire sword body has been transformed into a giant sword with a length of hundreds of meters. Under the reluctant manipulation of Yunchonghe, it cuts down to tear the sky. The rift to the ground fell to the head of Death Plague King.

However, the deadly epidemic did not move, but continued to dance on his limbs, showing his graceful posture, exuding endless temptations.

Because she knew that someone present could help her stop the attack.

As long as this person is present, she will never worry about being attacked by anyone, she only needs to focus on suppressing Li Xiuzhu.

At this time, Fan Ming, who had been sweeping around, shrouded his body under a layer of bright silver armor.

He was disdainful of besieging Li Xiuzhu with other immortals, but he would not let others sneak in on Death Plague King.

Looking at the giant sword falling from the sky, Fan Ming's body has moved a wave of air. The whole person appeared in front of the giant sword at an amazing speed, and then stopped for a moment. The air waves brought by them hit each other and burst out. burst.

In the face of the huge sword coming out of his face, Fan Ming has no concession, or that his fighting has always been to win the battle with strength and strength.

Then he saw Fan Ming looking at the giant sword falling from the sky. He gently squeezed his fist, and as the air was squeezed, he made a crackle.

It is such a **** action that all the people in the field seemed to be deterred. There was a sense of consciousness to leave the body and the feeling of being blown into the hands by Fan Ming.

Fan Ming's right hand at this moment seems to be carrying infinite magic power. Between every move, the heavens and the earth are changing accordingly, and the human mind is also shaking.

There is no change in the elemental power, no martial arts skills, and no use of the slightest cleverness.

Fan Ming handed out a fist simply, without fancy, directly with his fist to the strongest point of the giant sword.

The victory of Marshal Jiuxiao of the Thunder Department is to defeat the enemy's strongest point.

Perceiving this scene, Yun Chonghe's complexion changed: ‘After the elder Tianjian awakened, he immediately went to a complete distortion. He could only rely on the last consciousness to let me hand out a sword, and then he would be completely out of control. But even so, the power of this sword has definitely reached the level of immortal god, and it is an attack with hidden distortion ability.

Even if he was Marshal Leibe, it would not be possible to block the sword by virtue of his flesh alone ... ’

At the next moment, the giant sword transformed by the elder Tianjian had already collided with Fan Ming's fist fiercely. It was also that Fan Ming rushed to the blade too close, and did not give Yun Chonghe any chance to change.

The fists and swords slammed, and the loud noise spread all over the world. There was an explosion within a hundred miles. The aftermath of the two forces blasting out in all directions. A mountain burst into a blast, and some monks who were too low felt that they would As if smashed by an invisible sledgehammer, Qiqiao bleeding backed away.

In the shock of the earth, when the great sword was cut on Fan Ming's fist, it was as if a machete had been cut on the steel plate. The giant sword sank slightly, and then it was stopped and castrated. It was difficult Inch.

Fan Ming's figure didn't take a step back.

Seeing this scene, Yun Chonghe was shocked: "What a terrible body!"

Death Plague Tianjun glanced at the blocked Elder Tianjian at will, revealing a slight arc in the corner of his mouth.

Marshal Fan Xiao of Jiuxiao, has been a **** for tens of thousands of years, and is proficient in all the lightning methods in the world.

Before the strength of the heavens was twisted, when it was full of strength, it used to be the body of the thunder-quenched body, a body called the evil, and its combat power can no longer be measured by pure Taoism.

He was disdainful of sneak attacks, and even disdain for joining hands. The battle has always ended with absolute power and grandeur.

However, the elder Tianjian, as a deformed body that has always guarded the Xiyue City and is jealous of heaven, will not be easily resisted by Fan Ming after being completely deformed at this moment.

Then I saw the entire giant sword twisted violently, and a metallic sword continued to grow a flying sword. It covered the entire sword body like a sword and a mountain of sea, and was dense and dense like a needle. Intertwined and becoming denser.

Seeing this scene, Fan Ming frowned slightly: ‘Distortion? This feeling ... is Tianjian? ’

When the Great Sword was dropped, he thought it was a magic weapon, and now he realized that the other party was an aberration, and he was unwilling to continue to touch it with his bare hands.

When Fan Ming stepped back slightly, his body shook slightly, setting off a wild wind.

Then he punched out with the other hand, and the air was beaten and squeezed into a substance in an instant.

The layers of air flow were directly squeezed into a diamond-like state under the inevitable squeezing of the force, and then banged on the body of the giant sword, like a large invisible palm. Tianjian, then Shengsheng pushed the giant sword all the way up.

However, after several consecutive punches, Fan Ming felt that something was wrong. Although the Elder Sword in front of him turned into a sword, he still looked like a living creature. This kind of flying sword came, and it has expanded into a sword mountain in a short time.

Even with every blow from his fist, the Jianshan in front of him will grow stronger and bigger.

It is not impossible to continue to grow like this into a mountain range that spans tens or even hundreds of kilometers.

And if there is no limit to this growth, then even if the entire planet is destroyed one day, it is possible.

‘Ca n’t let this monster continue to grow. ’

Fan Ming's eyes narrowed, but he didn't keep his hand. One punch followed by another punch, and the increasingly huge Jianshan was severely bombarded into the sky, all the way out of the atmosphere.

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