Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 824: argue

Xiang Tiandi watched Zhou Bai cast a nine-day dazzling magic thunder tactic and watched him incarnate as Thunder shuffled around the battlefield. Naturally, he looked more and more angry.

Especially when he found the nine-day magic tricks that the opponent had performed, and he hadn't noticed some mysteries, he was even more angry.

Although the Moon Fairy on the side didn't do anything, she also squinted at Xiang Tian enemy. When she saw Xiang Tian enemy's angry look, he immediately sneered and said, "Xian Tian enemy, your Jiutian Dang Lei Jue was taken away, right? Well? Isn't it Lei Ye who can't understand Bai Shi's work now? "

Xiang Tiandi said coldly: "Mingyue, your Qihaiwanbing has also been drawn away. The time and energy and talents spent in this way of cultivation are much higher than my nine-day magic tricks. "

Mingyue laughed: "I am glad for Zhou Bai, how can he be a pure-blooded human race, and we have broken bones and tendons. I will give him something to help him cultivate Qiqi Wanbing. There is no problem."

Xiang Tian enemy snorted coldly: "You treat him as your own person, he may not treat you as your own person. When he slaughtered the ghosts and gods on the puppet of heaven, he didn't show weakness."

Mingyue immortal: "Li Xiuzhu told us long ago that it was Bai who knew the rules of the heavens and knew that he would not kill anyone."

Xiang Tiandi looked at Yan Zhenjun and Greedy Wolf who were beaten like dead dogs on the ground, and said with anger in his eyes: "He has never shown mercy to the immortal gods, Yan Zhenjun and Greedy Wolf have been so brutal. Almost to be killed alive, do you think he can show mercy to your men? "

The Mingyue fairy snorted: "I was almost killed, wasn't it not killed? And all four of your gods were injured, and Zhou never took any action against the gods. I now even suspect that you are gods Not all problems make him hostile to heaven. "

Xiang Tiandi suppressed his anger and said, "However, Zhou Bai cast a demon, how many people did the demon kill? Do you still want to protect such a traitor?"

"What kind of people, but just some demon cubs." Mingyue showed a little care, after all, although the demon offensive looks very powerful, but the death is basically the current demon hybrid. The immortal **** is rarely injured, and most of the time he is trying to recover.

After hearing Mingyue ’s words, Xiang Tian enemy showed obvious dissatisfaction: "After all, Tian Mo is the enemy of heaven, and what Zhou Bai did was to fight against the enemy. Besides, he also started to work against the immortal god, and even killed Ziyang. Now he still supports The heavenly teachings have caused such a terrible effect, it is a disaster to the world, and it is a naked act of magic. "

At this moment, the ghosts of the ghosts on the side shifted their eyes and secretly transmitted to Mingyue.

So I saw Mingyue froze a little, then stared at Xiangtian enemies and said, "Xiantian enemies, don't think that what you and Ziyang did is unknown. He secretly went to Wanxian Island and told Zhou Bai Go ahead. "

"Nonsense, are all the formations and restrictions on Wanxian Island a display? How could Ziyang set foot on Wanxian Island without your consent?" Xiang Tian's eyes narrowed, and it was impossible to admit it. But I also thought about Wanxian Island. I'm afraid I still left clues to immortal people to notice.

After all, Ziyang Zhenjun went to Wanxian Island as a sniper to attack Zhou Bai at the time, but the original plan was foolproof, but because of Zhou Bai, he fell short, and because the battle was too rushed, he could not clear the traces.

However, Xiang Tian enemies thought for a while, and the immortals at that time should have no doubt that they were the gods with blood of demon.

The Mingyue fairy went on to say: "Although Zhou Bai made some mistakes, they all have their own reasons and can be reasoned. Besides, with his talent, the future may change the world and create the glory of the human race and heaven."

Speaking of which, Mingyue smiled at Zhou Bai on the ground and laughed: "I see that after he was captured and sent to Wanxian Island, we should take good care of it, rehabilitate, and contact him again. , The future is bound to become atmospheric. "

The other immortals around looked at the tit-for-tat confrontation of Mingyue and Xiang Tian enemies, but they all showed their thoughtfulness.

"It's ridiculous." Xiang Tiandi shook his head, closed his eyes, and felt that he had nothing to say to this woman whose brain was full of pure blood.

As for the outcome below, he never worried. Don't look at Zhou Bai who beats Greed Wolf Zhenjun and Yan Zhenjun so badly, but as long as Death Plague King and Marshal Jiuxiao are there, then Zhou Bai can't turn the sky.

On the other side, the Mingyue fairy wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the voice of Tuguijin.

Qin Xianren and Wuwei Xianren looked at the situation on the battlefield from time to time, flashing hesitation. Although Xiang Tian enemy showed his demon body, it was very suspicious. But after all, Xianren and Zhengshen have cooperated for countless years, and the greedy wolf Zhenjun and Yan Zhenjun are also their acquaintances ...

Wuwei Fairy said hesitantly: "We just can't see how we can do this, isn't it good?"

The ghost **** Tu said: "It's just that the greedy wolf Zhenjun and Yan Zhenjun are defeated. Whether Death Plague King or Marshal Jiuxiao, they are all great gods who have accumulated tens of thousands of years of practice. With them, it is only a matter of time. "

The Ghost God is observing the entire battlefield at this moment, and secretly evaluates the current combat capabilities of all parties.

‘After the restoration of the Taiji Jiuyi algorithm during this time, the strength of the fairy gods mostly recovered a small part. Yan Zhenjun and greedy wolf true kings are both Taoists with a degree of Taoism of 120% and a positive **** with a Yuanshen power of 12,000 or above. They are not much different from our inaction and Lao Qin. Enough to crush mortals, but now it is not a thorough opponent. ’

‘My fighting power is about 3 Yan Zhenjun, and Xiang Tian enemies are a little higher than me, about 3 and a half, or 4 Yan Zhenjun. ’

‘Death Plague King and Marshal Jiuxiao have deeper accumulation and stronger strength, and are steadily above the four Yan Zhenjuns. ’

'It's Zhou Bai here ...' Tu Gushi God frowned. The more combat power Zhou Bai saw, the more strange he became. Under the superimposition of various strange abilities, it was difficult for him to define exactly how much the opponent's combat power was. .

But at least three Yan Zhenjun are there, and some strange abilities can even threaten the immortals who are stronger than him.

Thinking of the opponent ’s distorted weapon that defeated Xiang Tian enemies on the platform of the sky, and the appearance of just defeating the greedy wolf true king, the ghost of the ghosts secretly said: 'I do n’t know if it is my illusion ... How do you feel that Zhou Bai ’s combat power will increase 1 to 2 Yan Zhenjun. ’

At this moment, the sky was shining with bright lights, and everyone looked up, and saw that the starry fire fell from the sky, and fell to the earth like a meteor shower.

Looking at the ghost god, he found that there were countless flying swords that cut through the atmosphere, brought bursts of flames, and fell in all directions.

"That's ..." Suddenly, Mind of God suddenly thought, thinking of the giant sword just hit by Marshal Jiuxiao in outer space.

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