Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 827: Absorb (Thanks ‘DXK19980215’ for one hundred thousand rewards)

After seeing that Zhou Bai had let go of the greedy wolf, the deadly epidemic Tianjun left without waving, apparently, even if there was a temporary truce, they were reluctant to reach an oral agreement with Li Xiuzhu and Zhou Bai.

Even so, the deadly epidemic Tianjun, Tianyangzi, and Marshal Jiuxiao led their teams, flying at high speeds in three directions to solve the distortion in the sky.

The heavenly monks around were also assigned by the immortal gods, and each went to the ordinary direction to support the immortal gods, helping them to destroy the aberrations in the sky.

Before leaving, they were still unbelievable. This time the siege was over.

Who would have thought of the Ten Great Immortals and laid the Tianluo Di net, it turned out to be such a result, the momentum of the entire team can be described as very depressed.

Someone is unwilling: "Just let them go?"

Some people are helpless: "After all, the heavenly courts have to worry about the safety of the world, and give priority to solving the aberrant distortion."

In the sky, Xiang Tiandi took a deep look at Zhou Bai before leaving, and said secretly in his heart: ‘Zhou Bai ... next time ... next time I will definitely take you back to heaven. ’

At the same time, Xiang Haochu flew out of the floating palace, greeted Xiang Tian's enemies, and said with concern: "Father, are you okay?"

Xiang Tiandi put away all the emotions in his heart and looked at him with a smile: "It's okay, let's solve the aberrations in the sky first, otherwise the whole world will never be peaceful."

On the other side, looking at the departing gods, Qian Wangsun took a sigh of relief, but suddenly found that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit wrong.

Winning destruction and Yun Chonghe stared at Li Xiuzhu and Zhou Bai, their eyes were full of doubts. After all, the two of them called the demon and the other was the demon. They couldn't help making them doubt.

Zhou Bai glanced at the figures of the demons, and he had a lot of things to say, but knew that it was not the time to say these things, and sighed, only to think that although today ’s World War I helped the Church of Heaven to block the siege of Heaven, but things seemed It's more complicated, and it's moving in a direction he didn't even expect.

Zhou Bai touched his hot glowing eyes, and slowly resisted the impulse in his heart, and said slowly, "Let's get rid of the distortion in the sky first."

"I know you have a lot of questions in your heart. When the aberrations in the sky are resolved, I will explain them one by one." Li Xiuzhu said, looking at the demons hiding in the seams: "Kill the sky together Aberrations, you guys also come to help. "

So Zhou Bai and his party soared into the sky and flew to the west sky to hang off the deformed body. The immortal side is responsible for the three directions of east, south, and north. Although there is no communication between the two parties and no oral agreement, they maintain a tacit understanding, silently strangling the distorted flying sword of the sky together.

Zhou Bai pointed out that dozens of swords ripped away from the sky, directly across a distance of several kilometers, and tore a large piece of distorted flying sword into pieces, but there were also several distorted flying swords around, avoiding them. The sword gas flickered away with flickering light, and more than a dozen flying swords each performed different sword skills, actively killing them towards Zhou Bai.

Zhou Bai wafted his sword at hand, and played a few tricks with these distorted Feijians, and his heart sank a little: ‘It is Jijiange ’s swordsmanship… It really is Elder Tianjian. ’

When he saw the giant sword falling from the sky at the first glance, Zhou Bai had some speculation in his heart. After all, he had seen the distorted Tianjian elder in the future in which the Central City War was reversed, not to mention Yun Chong who appeared later The river and the win are dimly pointed out.

Looking at the current aberration flying sword, Zhou Bai sighed softly: "Thank you, Elder Tianjian."

It is a pity that although Zhou Bai has the ability to go back in time and be dependent on Madness, he only has four hours. The elder Tianjian has already reached his limit and fell asleep completely.

Even if Zhou Bai returned four hours ago, he could not help the elder Tianjian to restore his senses.

And although I knew that the deformed body in front of me was transformed by the elder Tianjian, there was no sign of retention between Zhou Bai's hands.

Because he understands that for humans in this era, whether it is between masters and apprentices, fathers and sons, or relatives and friends, once the other party is found to be distorted, killing the other party is to help the other party to liberate.

If the elders of Tianjian still keep some sense, then what they want most is to make people kill themselves.

When attacking more than a dozen distortion flying swords one after another, this time Zhou changed his method. Instead of shredding with sword gas, he wrapped his Yuanshen power with the armour of the end. With these distortions Feijian rolled over.

His Doomsday Skeleton Armor can be upgraded by a higher level of greedy steel, or distortion essence blood, true dragon inverse scales, Xun Peng soul and monster Neidan.

Previously absorbed the aberrant essence of Jiao Jiao and a group of elders, and the scale armor on Canglong to upgrade.

This time, these distorted flying swords look like flying swords, but they are actually deformed creatures. Zhou Bai launched the end of the day Skeleton armor to try to absorb them from the distorted flying swords. Aberrant sperm blood.

Under this volume, he immediately felt that the power of the Skeleton of the End was self-initiated, and there was a faint sense of excitement, and then the Yuan Shen's power shrank sharply, and he shattered the flying sword inch by inch. Struggling, twisting, and screaming, the sword rolled up a little bit of aberrant essence and was swallowed by the Armor of the End.

Between the movement of the armor, there seemed to be a slight red flush, but there was no other change.

Zhou Bai knew that the aberrant essence was not enough, and he rushed towards the other aberrant flying swords.


Originally flying all the way at high speed, finally rushed to the battlefield and the twisted shadow and Xuan Nu hid in the clouds and watched the situation on the scene.

Although the number of deformed flying swords falling in the sky is amazing and the range is very wide, there are ten immortal gods in the northeast and southeast, and with the help of the monks in heaven, the flying swords are quickly destroyed, I am afraid that before falling to the ground , It will be cleaned up.

Zhou Bai waved his sword all the way, killing the distorted flying sword in large swaths, while Yuan Shen's power rolled back, catching the distorted flying sword that was beheaded by him, and continued to absorb the aberrant essence blood with the eternal skeleton.

The distorted shadow looked at Li Xiuzhu's situation. The other party sat in the middle of the town and did not do it himself. Instead, he directed a large group of demons to fly in the sky, each exhibiting extraordinary energy. Large distortions of Feijian bombarded into slag.

Xuan Nu also looked at this scene. She held Zhou Bai's palm and squeezed tightly, and frowned, "Zhou Bai, must you kill this aberrant body?"

Zhou Bai thought that this is not nonsense. Yu is public and private. Whether it is to understand the elder off the sky sword, or to protect the ecology of the earth, he cannot let the elder of the sky sword deformed.

‘Xuannv is all right, it ’s too virgin for the distortion. ’

However, he still squeezed Xuannv's palm on the surface and said, "You don't want to kill, then we will leave a distortion Feijian for you."


Thanks for "qexnzc"

Wonderful book house

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