Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 839: condition

Zhou Bai's mind flashed countless data recorded on the Nine Disasters of Heaven and Earth. He always knew that the Nine Disasters of Heaven and Earth itself was a very arrogant cultivation method, and the Nine Disasters auxiliary training system was only used to It only assists the cultivation of this practice.

Just like the gods ’swords, bows, swords, and other gods, they are filled with various Taoist and martial art practices in the past, allowing human monks to follow a more effective process. To practice.

It can be said that each star point is one or several ways.

"What kind of situation does Supreme Master Tian belong to?"

"And if his words are deceiving me, then it means that he sees the difference between my sapiens blood and spiritual blood?"

"Since he saw this, why didn't he tear me through? He even supported me?"

For a moment, Zhou Bai's mind was full of thoughts, but he felt that the Supreme God in front of him was getting deeper and deeper, and the mist was heavy.

Just as Zhou Bai was thinking quickly, Mingyue on the side heard what Tianzun said, but his face was full of excitement, and his eyes looking at Zhou Bai were full of excitement.

Obviously, this recognition by Tianzun allowed Mingyue to let go of a big stone in his heart.

Just listen to Tianzun and then say, "Well, would you like to contribute your own strength for the future of the human race and create a new human prosperity with Wanxian Island?"

Zhou Bai nodded with excitement and said, "Of course I do! I always want to change this world in my dreams, but I never knew what to do!"

In his mind, he calmly thought: ‘this old Huyou, he ca n’t believe the next sentence, but can he know if his lies are successful or not? If he could, he knew I didn't believe him. ’

A profound smile came from the sky: "Very well, since you are willing to bear this responsibility, it proves that Mingyue and I have not misunderstood you. Now, the most urgent task of reviving the human race is to breed blood and increase the pure blood people quantity."

"White, how do you like Mingyue?"

At the same time, Zhou Bai suddenly felt his palm tight, and Mingyue clenched his palm tightly.


In the Demon Base, Zhou Bai (Sharpness of Distortion), who was selling the Demon Organization, suddenly stopped.

Since this period of time, in addition to designing new mechanical family members and planning the manufacturing of mechanical family members, the Shadow of Distortion has continued to sell the Sky Devils organization to continue being lazy for the body.

These days, there have been more than two million lazy values ​​scattered and scattered, and the total lazy value has increased to 16 million.

Seeing the strangeness of Zhou Bai, Emperor Emoji crooked her head and looked at Zhou Bai with curiosity and asked: "Is Zhou Bai? Are you unwell?"

There was a helpless expression on Zhou Bai's face: "It's nothing, I'm just thinking, can't you maintain a pure friendship between this man and woman?"

Em frowned, and pulled out his nostrils and said, "Brother, who bullied you? Tell me, I'll help you choke him!"

After speaking, her body swelled for a while, except that her face was still a beautiful girl, her body had completely become a little giant, covered with spikes of electric light.

"Forget it, you can't beat her, this woman is super capable." Zhou Bai shook his head: "Stop talking about this, why are you coming to me?"

Em changed back to a beautiful girl, straightened up and smiled: "It was the Queen who asked me to come to you, and she asked you when to go to Mars, where the demon pool and a lot of consciousness algorithms need you. Homo sapiens to control. "

It's naturally impossible for Zhou Bai to go to Mars casually. After all, he doesn't know what is happening on the side of the demon now, not to mention that his strength is still in a period of rapid growth, and there are still many things waiting for him to do on the earth side. Naturally, you have to be fully prepared to consider going to Mars.

So Zhou Bai perfunctoryly said, "I've been busy recently, I don't have time. Let me talk when I'm free."

"(⊙o⊙) Oh" Em nodded and sat next to Zhou Bai, staring blankly at the other side as he put a piece of the demon organization into the void.

Zhou Bai: "What's wrong? Anything else?"

Em said stupidly: "Wait a minute, I'm reporting to the Queen."

After a moment, her eyes were in focus again, and she said bitterly, "Fuck! If the Queen said that I wouldn't come to you, I would have to keep Lao Tzu in Tianmochi for a year."

As if Bai Bai didn't hear it, he continued to earn laziness. No matter how Emm cried or begged, he didn't agree to go to Mars.

If the distorted or distorted shadow can pass, Zhou will consider it, but Mars is too far away, far exceeding the maximum distance that Zhou can control the avatar.

As for Em's plea in front, don't look at the other person's appearance as a beautiful girl, but know that the other person is a cold robot in white, and all the emotions know whether they are really disguised.

Looking at Zhou Bai's unmoving appearance, Em suddenly said, "The queen asked me to ask you, do you want to know who Li Tai is?"

The light flashed in Zhou Bai's eyes, and Shen Sheng asked: "The demon has found out where Li Tai is?"

Em: "The queen asked me to tell you that Tianmo's intelligence network is far beyond your imagination. He has found Mrs. Li, and is sure of his identity."

Zhou Bai frowned: "I haven't been able to go to Mars for at least the past six months, can you change the conditions?"

Just then, a female voice suddenly came out of Em's body: "Then help me get something from heaven, I know you're in heaven now."

Zhou Bai asked, "What do you want?"

"The original copy of the book of immortals."


At the bottom of Donghua City, in an abandoned building.

Zhou Bai and Xuan Nu experimented with Taoism, and after finishing the poem, they returned to Donghua City and found such an unoccupied building for the time being.

Although no one has used the room for a long time, Zhou Bai and Xuan Nu are both powerful men in the world, and using some small means to clean the room is enough.

Xuan Nu, in particular, seemed to be particularly keen on this matter, organizing the whole house from the inside out.

At this moment, Zhou Bai is planning to infuse laziness value into the second star point of the crazy map, and the 16 million laziness value is instantly reduced to 6 million.

Frenzy-Extreme: Each pain you cause to the target after each attack will be fully amplified. Pain itself is also an attack.

Cultivation method: When you see this sentence, I believe that you have become a cultivator who can stand on his own. It is time to abandon the point of cultivation and try to cultivate the stars with your own wisdom and hard work. I found that it ’s better to add a little bit of pie. In the future, I ’ll add a little bit of honesty and see less useless cultivation methods. I can also write less ...

Lazy (0/10 million)

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