Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 865: try

Faced with the existence of all wisdom under Zhoubai, he could infuse the 1500 points of pollution in the shadow of distortion with a single stroke of his mind.

At this moment, the tiger demon was injected with 180 points of pollution instantly, and went completely into a state of madness. The glance towards the shadow was frightened and longing again.

A squeak sounded, a tentacle pierced directly through the eye of the tiger demon and grew out of his head.

The tiger demon was unaware, and still crept towards the shadow with a frantic look.

"I see it! I see it!"

Huh! A tentacle grew directly from his throat, filling the mouth of the tiger demon, making him no longer able to make a sound.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Looking at the tiger demon that has become a tentacle completely, everyone in the audience is chilling. This kind of distortion is far more horrible than the monster just now.

Jiang Weishan shuddered in his heart: ‘What the **** ... see? ’

"Let's go!" Duran gritted his teeth. "Kill him!"

While Yu Gang and Jiang Weishan on the side were still thinking about whether to go together, they saw that only one demon rushed to half and had been harvested and attacked, one by one, and fell to the ground softly.

In the air, there are echoes of heavy sounds.

boom! With a little pollution, a bear demon exploded and began to deform directly. The flesh and blood continued to roll, as if the internal organs and blood vessels were to be turned over to the body surface.

"Weak consciousness ... is constantly on the verge of madness."

Another leopard demon floated, and in his intense struggle and fear, a dark, crazy-colored seed was poured directly into his mouth, transforming him into a foolish family member.

And the ability that Zhou Bai shared to him ... is Wenqu-Inspiration: the understanding of monastic knowledge has been greatly improved.

With the leap in the understanding of Taoism, countless past Taoisms, martial arts, and various kinds of knowledge have emerged in the mind of Leopard Demon.

The mystery of the heavens lifted the veil, and a lot of information appeared directly in his mind, but the leopard demon could not digest so many mysteries of the heavens at once, and was directly distorted by the heavens and turned into distortion.

His body began to swell, turning into a meat ball-like existence, and a large number of cracks appeared with the expansion, as if to tear his body.

"Fragile minds ... can't share the wisdom I give."

Zhou Bai shook his head. It seems that the star point of ‘Wen Qu-Inspiration’ is too much to improve his understanding, and suddenly he has learned too much cultivating knowledge. The mystery of heaven is obviously too dangerous.

Everyone looked at this scene in horror. Whether the demons suddenly fell to the ground themselves or their terrible distortions, all the people present were confused about what was going on, and they were horrified and helpless looking at the air. Black shadow.

Du Lan also fell to his knees, staring blankly at the dark shadow in the air.

From the beginning to the end, the black shadow just floated in the middle of the air and remained motionless, but they have left them with no power to fight back, like a doll being distorted.

"Why? Why don't I want to attack him?" Duran panicked. "He twisted my mind ?!"

Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, a large amount of black mud was secreted from the walls, from the roof and from the ground, as if pouring into the factory like rolling mud, as if to fill the entire room.

The black mud turned into crazy seeds and swarmed towards the remaining demons.

Taking this opportunity, Zhou Bai wanted to use these ogres to test the effect of the stars in the ugly map, and then planned to choose which one to use on the left.

In particular, several star abilities that may be more dangerous for others, Zhou Bai all shared on these ogres.

Along with the distortion of the five demons, Zhou Bai also selected three star points that are easy to use but not dangerous.

Wenqu-Talent: All-round Enhancement of Taoist Talent

Martial Arts-Golden Body: Inject powerful adaptability into the body, and enhance the effect of any body exercise.

And martial arts-Yan Ya.

As a result, crazy seeds were stuffed into the rest of the people. Zhou Bai had to see which of the three star points had the best effect on the cultivation speed.

Although Zhou Bai speculates that the pressure of the face may be the strongest, everything must be tried before it can be truly determined.

Seeing the whole process, Christina sighed secretly: 'The mortal has become so fragile in front of Zhou Bai, if Zhou Bai is willing to let go of the restrictions ...' More **** scene.

‘Fortunately, Bai did n’t use this power indiscriminately. ’

In the field, an old man was shared with Wenqu-QianQi's qualifications, and immediately felt a clear mind, and the whole world seemed to become clearer in his eyes.

Jiang Weishan was also stuffed with a crazy-colored seed and shared the power of face pressure. He opened his eyes and looked at the large and small lights around him, his face was all confused: "What I see ... in the end What is it? "

He suddenly turned his head to look at the black shadow in the air, but he could only see a pure darkness, not the slightest light, just like a huge black hole floating in the air.

Du Lan was also injected with a crazy-colored seed. He became a foolish family because of a gap in wisdom, and became a fear family because of fear.

At the same time, he was also injected with 90 points of pollution, and the whole person entered a state of delusion and fear. The trauma spread through him. Various horror illusions continued to flow into his eyes. He lost all courage and warfare. .

Du Lan looked around and saw an individual start to distort. He saw someone crawling on the ground into a puddle of mud, and someone's body continued to crack, sticking out faces from the cracks.


Du Lan made a miserable cry, and he stumbled to rush out.

He looked back, and monsters with tentacles ran towards him. A demon rushed to the monsters and shouted, "Duran! Escape!"

"Do not look back!"

"Do not look back!"

The light and shadow around him kept changing, and there seemed to be a voice calling his name behind him, as if pressed against his ears.

Duran ran with all his strength and dared not turn back.

He instinctively changed back into a human form along the way, and then ran all the way until he felt that there was nothing behind him to chase him.

Looking at the civilian area in front of him, there was a hint of surprise on Du Lan's face: "Escaped? I escaped? I'm not dead."

Then he thought of the dead demon companions.

"Go and find someone else ..." The first thing Duran thought of was to find other people in Donghua City to help.

He seemed to remember the dark nightmare again.

"It's definitely not a demon ... but some sort of more horrible ... more evil existence ... can play with our will and **** freely."

He walked in horror in the alleyways of the civilian area, trying his best to hide his body, for fear that he would be overtaken by the monster again.

Just so cautiously, running all the way to a small building with hidden signs, Du Lan knocked on the door: "It's me, open the door! Something major!"

The door opened and a young man said, "Duran? Why are you here?"

"Something is wrong, take me in to see them."

Du Lan followed the youth into the small building, opened the door to the basement, and walked along the stairs.

Every time Du Lan stepped out, he felt a tickling sensation in his body, aching pain in his muscles, and a clicking sound in his bones.

And looking at the underground passage of the black hole, he felt as if he was heading to the abyss of the ground, and an extremely depressed feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

The next moment, lights lit up, and a basement appeared in front of Du Lan. There were more than twenty people from the Church teaching in the basement.

But when they saw Duran, they were frightened.

"who are you?!"

Du Lan wondered, "I'm Du Lan!" His gaze swept across the glass, and a strange face appeared on it.

Duran touched his face and gradually panicked: "This is not me!"

Little by little his body became white.

At the same time, an unfamiliar voice came from him, accompanied by screams, roars, and crying ... echoing in the basement together.

"Stupid ... is a lucky thing."

"Let you bear my gift."

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