Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 867: Lie down (thanks to the leader of ‘Nine Moon Nights’ for rewarding)

After disposing of Donghua City ’s earth-shattering congregation, Zhou Bai returned to the abandoned factory.

At this moment, the people who have been infused with the seeds of crazy colors are experiencing their own changes with a novel look.

A total of thirty people were injected into the three abilities of the ugly picture by Zhou Bai, in order to compare which one has the greatest effect on the cultivation.

At the moment, they are all under the influence of folly, watching the distorted text on the ground to practice, which is tantamount to practicing Taoism according to the guidance of Bai.

The Xuan Nu is standing not far from them, like a big light bulb, providing facial pressure to those who need to practice.

However, even if they were enhanced by the ugly map, they were originally ordinary people after all, and they wanted to cultivate some achievements, and looking at the gap between them, it was still not something that could be realized in a short while.

So Zhou Bai looked at the rest of the people.

The crowds were all crowded in the corner, staring at the dark shadow floating in mid-air in fear.

In order not to grow outside branches, Zhou Bai was still covering his body with black mud at this moment, without revealing his identity.

Kristina said: "White, what are you going to do next? Even if you prevent these people from activating the blood of the demon, but as long as the blood of the demon is still in the human body, the heavenly teachings are still spreading the ten demon methods. Someone wants to activate. "

Zhou Bai: "Unless there are better options in front of them."

Kristina: "What choice?" She froze, looking at the people who had shared the ugly picture ability, and suddenly her body trembled and asked: "White, you shouldn't want a large area Are human beings dependent on a large scale? "

Zhou Bai smiled slightly: "Why not?"

Kristina said flatly: "It's too dangerous. Let ’s just say madness without saying anything else. As soon as you become a dependent, read your name and think of your name, it will start to cause distortion. The more people Speak your name, the worse the distortion will be. "

"Several people, a few chants are okay, but if ..." Kristina said coldly: "There are hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions of people in Donghua City saying your name, then What will happen? That will be an unprecedented distortion. "

Just thinking about that scene, Christina felt scalp numb, and began to lose hair again.

Zhou Bai nodded, of course he thought of a similar scene.

"As long as I don't appear in the public eye, no one will repeat my name on a large scale for a long time."

"You are concerned about the impact of the madness. It is indeed possible, but it is unlikely to happen unintentionally."

"Unless I deliberately do this preparation, the possibility of a large-scale mad catastrophe may be infinitely close to zero, and whoever has nothing to do will gather a bunch of people to read my name."

Zhou Bai finally said: "And if there is a dangerous situation in the end, then I have no choice but to lift the civilian status of all civilians."

Zhou Bai's identity can be taken back at any time. This was known when he first tried to turn the Xuan Nu into a dependent.

This is why he dared to turn so many people into foolish relatives.

Kristina still thinks that Zhou's behavior is too dangerous, but if she compares the behavior of massively activating the blood of the demon with the heavenly teachings, it seems that Zhou's method is much better, so that she doesn't know if she should stop it.

And she thought a bit in her mind: 'If Zhou Bai really turned tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people into foolish relatives ... then this would be one of his strongest weapons, maybe just a few simple steps, he Can destroy all human beings, turn more than half of the planet into a twisted zone, and drag endless void power into the physical world ... '

Zhou Bai looked at the rest of the people, reached out his hand, and floated crazy seeds to them.

He thought to himself, ‘The words of ordinary people are best suited to that ability ...’

Zhou Bai himself came all the way from the bottom. When he was in Donghua City, he was also exposed to all kinds of mortals, from ordinary civilians to retired soldiers, factory workers, cafeteria aunts, and monks at different levels in Taoism.

He has seen all kinds of misery, so he is still very clear about what the bottom people want.

‘Most of them just want to live in peace. ’

Looking at the people with fear in their eyes, the primal power of Bai Bai slowly swept through the crowd, and a message was directly injected into their sea of ​​knowledge.

"Eat this and from then on, you can lie down and fight madness and distortion."

In the face of Zhou Bai ’s message from Yuan Shenli, most of the people present would naturally not believe it, and did not want to eat the crazy seed of Zhou Bai at all.

But they were powerless to stop Zhou Bai. They could only watch Zhou Bai pour into their mouths one crazy seed after another.

Because of the absolute gap in wisdom, one mortal after another was forcibly infused with the crazy seed by Zhou Bai, and then became a foolish family member.

Under Zhou Bai's deliberate control, all of these foolish relatives have acquired the ability to lie in the sea and lie in the sea.

The reason why Zhou Bai chose to share this star point is because of the powerful survivability he provided.

When Zhou Bai was in the 0th level, he relied on his ability to lie down like a mountain to save his life many times to defend against the attacks of various opponents and monsters.

In addition to the enemy's attack, lying like a mountain can resist the madness caused by the distortion of the heavens.

Zhou Bai once relied on lying down as a mountain to reduce his risk of distortion.

At that time, Lai Rushan was able to effectively combat Daozang with a degree of Taoism below 20%, greatly reducing the risk of Zhoubai Daozang.

And now Zhou Bai has evolved his ability to lie down like a mountain to lie down like a sea, and he has been blessed many times by improving his Taoism.

Nowadays, the protection ability of lying in the sea is much more than ever. When these people lie down, their defense is even stronger than the whiteness of the 0th and even the 1st state.

This is a very amazing performance, meaning that when they lie down, they will greatly enhance their resistance to distortion.

Zhou Bai sent a voice to Xuan Nu: "Sometimes attack them with the sword of the end of the law."

As soon as Xuan Nv was thinking, a blue light swept past the people.

And being swept by this blue light, they immediately felt a strong agitation rising from the bottom of their hearts, and a faint whisper passed in their ears.

Their minds are gradually going crazy, and once their minds are crazy, their **** will begin to distort.

Feeling the change of your mind, but completely unable to stop this change, you will become more panic and accelerate madness.

Some experienced elderly people find that this feeling is almost similar to the feeling that they have been invaded by polluted brains in the past.

This discovery made everyone anxious and afraid at this moment.

"He is seducing us into madness, and it will be distorted if this continues!"

"Calm down, don't think about anything!"

"Please let us go!"

Looking at the eyes or despair or anger, the various hysterical crowds drank in white: "lie down."

boom! An element of divine power swept away toward the crowd, and the irresistible pressure pushed them down one by one, forcing them to lie down.

With such a lying motion, everyone was surprised to find that the inner anxiety and panic had just disappeared, the whispers were gone, the hallucinations were no longer visible, and the whole person suddenly went from head to toe. Relaxed.


Thank you, Pei Qian

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