Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 870: Give way

Within the demon base, countless electromagnetic rays flickered back and forth, and a single wire was wrapped around Zhou Bai's body. Various probes continuously collected all kinds of information inside and outside Zhou Bai.

On the other hand, Zhou Bai was lying in the air so quietly, his eyes closed tightly, and he seemed to enter a deep level of sleep. He had no response to the outside of the moon, and left the surrounding magicians to use various instruments to check it. His condition.

Further afield, Em maintains the existence of a void crack. Hexagram 20 is thrown into it by Zhou Bai, and has not yet returned at this moment.

"The brain is active ..."

"The clever response is normal ..."

"The elemental power radiates normally ..."

"The heartbeat frequency is normal ..."

"His consciousness is still working ..."

"He seems to be ... dreaming?"

In the communication network, the voice of the demon queen came: "Dreating?"

"Perhaps it's the role of the hexagram. Need to lift the hexagram in his hand?"

Zhou Bai's hands at this moment still hold the necklace hexagram that can see the past and future.

In the silence, only the sound of the current beating continuously passed through the air.

Each camera pointed at Zhou Bai's body from various angles and observed his condition.

After a long time, a sigh came.

"White ... what the **** did you see?"


Among the blaze of flames, 64 lights and shadows suddenly burst out, floating slowly in the air.

A white-haired Taoist stood on the top of a cliff with his back to Zhou Bai.

"Hexagram 64 has been completed today, to fill the void, in one move, you go."

Zhou Bai looked at the picture in front of him, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that no matter how he moved or wanted to speak, he couldn't affect the picture in front of him.

"Is this the picture I see with hexagrams? It seems to be someone's memory. I'm looking at this person's memory, so I see his vision."

Zhou Bai's mind made an analysis: "My attempt was successful. I traced through the void directly to the historical image of Gua Xiang's past, even the moment when the Gua Xiang was created."

Zhou Bai's heart was a little excited. The origin of Hexagram 64 has always been mysterious and inexplicable. He has all kinds of incredible powers. Even the Queen of the Heavens, the fairy of the moon and the elder Jiaojiao do not know the details of Hexagram 64 origin.

Now, their secrets seem to be gradually appearing in front of Zhou Bai.

A pair of hands appeared in front of the field of vision, apparently the hands of the owner of the field of vision.

He arched his hands toward his Taoist back, and a young and tender voice sounded: "Master, the leakage of the void is very harmful, and it may pollute the heavens and distort the world.

It is so important to fill the void with sixty-four hexagrams. I am a shallow person, and I'm afraid I can't take on this heavy task ... "

The Taoist man waved his hand, sixty-four lights and shadows had flown one by one, and seemed to directly inject into the vision master's body.

Then the other side sighed: "After the void was leaked, the human race suffered heavy losses, and the elites lost their lives. It is already fortunate to be able to make these 64 hexagrams. The rest is up to you ..."

While talking, the Taoist in front of him shattered into a piece of dust and dissipated into the air.


A cry came, and the picture in front of him began to flicker and blur, and finally disappeared in front of Bai.


When Zhou Bai returned to God, he had returned to the original Demon Base.

But his consciousness still stays in the picture just now, and seems to be carefully recalling what he just saw.

In the void crack on the other side, Hexagram 20, which looks like a music box, also fell out and returned to the material world.

Em screamed in surprise and held the music box: "Haha, come back, Guaxiang is back."

After speaking, she looked at Zhou Bai again, and said with a grimace, "Why are you doing this? Why did you throw the hexagram into the void? What if you don't have it? Scared me to death ..."

Listening to Em's questioning, Bai remained silent and did not answer.

After a long time, he broke free of various detection instruments on his body, and his body slowly floated.

The demon queen's voice rang out from the instruments around her, and the moment Zhou Bai had just woke up, she had already noticed this.

"White, what do you see?"

Zhou Bai said deeply, "I have seen the birth of sixty-four hexagrams, and I have seen someone create them."

Queen of Heaven: "What's next?"

Zhou Bai: "The back is gone." After finishing speaking, he floated to Em, and stretched out his hand: "Give me."

Em said, "How can it be for you! What do you do if you throw it again? We can't fix it if it's broken!"

Zhou Bai: "With the power of hexagrams alone, you can't see the past of the sixty-four hexagrams at all. But if you look at the past information of the emptiness with the hexagrams, you can know the origin of the sixty-four hexagrams. This is you Tell me. "

Smurf queen: "How do I know what exactly you see? This time I must let Em use the hexagram with you."

Bai Bai considered for a while and nodded in agreement: "No problem, then continue."

Hexagram 20 was thrown into the gap of the void again. This time Zhou Bai and Em caught the necklace Gua Elephant together, but this time after the Gua Elephant was launched, only countless changes in light and shadow were visible. There is a dark space with streets, alleys, wilderness, bedrooms, and so on.

After a long time, the two returned from the changing light and shadow at the same time. Em first reacted, and the picture just seen was instantly stored, classified, and analyzed.

Em: "That one just ... seems to be the picture that Hexagram 20 has gone through in the past."

Smurf Queen: "Why the first time you saw someone's memory?"

Zhou Bai also felt confused: "I don't know, try again?"

So they continued to try, but the two always could only see the relatively meaningless pictures experienced by various hexagrams.

Most of the time, Hexagram 20 is just put in a certain place, most of the pictures are meaningless, and there is no information at all.

Later, Zhou Bai and Em tried each of them separately, but found that they still failed.

Zhou Bai: "Did I just happen to happen? I just saw the birth of sixty-four hexagrams?"

After three hours, Zhou Bai still didn't see a meaningful picture, so he chose to give up temporarily: "Try again tomorrow, I have something to do."

So Zhou Bai's distorted shadow went on to sell the Sky Devil organization to earn laziness, and was ready to continue exploring the secret of the hexagram next time.


On the other side, inside a base of Fantianjiao.

Liu Gu and other ecclesiastical educators who were kicked out of Donghua City by Zhou Bai are now being detained.

Li Xiuzhu looked at the clothes stripped from them and sighed softly, "It is indeed a good gift."

Qian Wangsun on the side said, "Is Zhou Bai helping us?"

"It looks like he has made a choice ..." Li Xiuzhu shook his head: "He broke his own bottom line, he began to use his own ability to distort the minds of mortals on a large scale."

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