Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 882: get together

I saw Xuan Baijian flying in the air, turning into dozens of silver light shuttle atmosphere, stabbed Xuan Nu like a flash of lightning.

In the sound of Ding-Dang-Dang, under the assassination of Fei Jian, there was no mark left on Xuan Nu's mech.

The Xuan Nu was in the middle of her thoughts again, and the end of Fatiantian Sword blasted out from the sea of ​​knowledge, and brought a sword of light to her, but she still could not break the armor.

After successive attempts, Xuan Nu found that if she did not use the distortion ability, she could not break the armor at all.

"Inconceivable," Xuan Nu said with a look of surprise, "This armor is very protective. I am afraid that only the combat power above the Fairy Level can be broken."

Xuan Nu looked at him with surprise and joy: "Zhou Bai, you are so good."

"Oh, it's not a big deal, it's just something that no one has been able to do for thousands of years." Zhou Bai said with a smile: "You're happy."

Kristina couldn't help but say, "You're not plugging in yet."

"The plug-in is also part of the strength." Zhou Bai said indifferently: "You have the ability to open it."

Kristina was so irritated that Zhou ignored him and went directly to Mech. After choosing dozens of sets for the left, they left over 100 sets for himself.

Christina curiously asked, "Do you want to wear it yourself? Do you have more than 100 sets?"

"Of course I don't wear it myself," said Zhou Bai. "I still wear the abyssal dragon armor harder."

Zhou Bai's covetousness has various abilities to enhance magic weapons and share his defense power to magic weapons. He wears Abyssal Dragon Armor stronger than these mechs in front of him.

"I prepared these soldiers for the soldiers."

Bingsha is a martial arts soldier created by a special sacrifice method. A powerful Bingsha can not only perform martial arts skills, but also use magic weapons.

"Qihai Wanbing has intangible evil spirits" is the best way to condense soldiers in the world, condensing the seven kinds of visible evil spirits and invisible evil spirits in the heavens and the earth. The final condensed evil spirits not only possess spirituality, they can perform martial arts and magic It can be freely switched between reality and reality, and it is usually stored in the Qihai Dantian opened by Taoism.

At this moment, with Zhou Bai's thoughts, all soldiers poured out of his dantian. A total of more than one hundred soldiers fell into the material realm and became covered with golden armor from head to toe. Humanoid appearance.

Then under the control of Zhou Bai, all the soldiers put on the mech in front of them.

Zhou Bai pointed out at will, Tianhe Xingjian Sword burst out, and the horrible gravity directly threw a soldier to the ground and smashed a mountain with a bang.

But after a while, the soldier smashed into the sky and flew unharmed.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Bai smiled with satisfaction, and this time his strength went further.

Next, I saw fifty of them flying up, accompanied by the mech's dooming jets, and flew towards the direction of the central city.

This is Zhou Bai's request for Mech to transport fifty soldiers to the Central City for the Twisted Shadow.


In the central city, Twisted Shadow found an excuse to leave Wanxian Island and go outside the city to receive the 50 soldiers.

Although the Twisted Shadow cannot be cultivated and condenses the soldiers, it also masters the same Taoism while Zhou Bai is practicing.

I saw him hand-to-hand tactics, and between fluctuations in the clever mind, all the soldiers were included in Dan Tian Qi Hai.

"In this way, the Twisted Shadow finally has a Taoist technique that can be used in the city."

Zhou Bai breathed a sigh of relief, returned to Mingyue Mansion, and saw Mingyue waiting for him.

Mingyue nodded Bai Bai's head, and said helplessly, "Why do you like to go out and walk so much? Isn't it good to practice more at home?"

Zhou Bai smiled slightly and pinched Mingyue's finger: "It's too boring to stay at home every day, or my sister can go out with me."

Mingyue drew her finger from Zhou Bai's hand: "You little devil, always using his hands to move his feet, it's really bolder and bolder, the more honest you were when you first saw you."

Mingyue's tone came with blame, but her face was full of smiles, and she could not see the slightest blame. Instead, a movement of Yuanshen power sent a table of fairy fruits planted in heaven.

"This is the fruit sent by Tian Yangzi. Try it."

"Has Tianyangzi been here?"

"Well, it seems to be a gift for the last time you broke the army." Mingyue flashed a strange color on his face. "It's a bit weird to say that the gift cannot be paid by him."

Mingyue Yuan's divine power peeled off a grape-like fairy fruit and sent it to Zhou Bai: "Come, open your mouth and eat one."

Just between the two of them making fun, Wei He came outside the house to ask for a meeting, Mingyue still wanted to refuse, Zhou Bai wanted to let him in, because he and Wei He talked well, and Wei He took him to participate in the Zheng A gathering of God.

Mingyue could not be white, and called Wei He to come in.

As soon as Wei He entered the courtyard, he saw Zhou Bai and Mingyue leaning together, Mingyue stuffed a peeled fruit into Zhou Bai's mouth, and Zhou Bai peeled a fairy peach to feed Mingyue.

Looking at the kindness of the two, Wei He secretly said, "The relationship between Mingyue and Tomorrow is so good, she's treating Tomorrow as her brother."

"It looks like I will have to be better with tomorrow and save the moon from being unhappy."

"But I have a few conversations with Tomorrow every day for the past few days, is it OK?"

"Well, after all, it's a family, you can still get closer."

Mingyue glanced at Wei He and said, "You are going to take him to a meeting of Zhengshen?"

Wei He: "It is a meeting of several orthodox **** organizations organized by the Blast Ministry. It is mainly to exchange the experience of the Taiwei Jiuyi algorithm."

Mingyue: "If the situation in the court is chaotic today, since you take Tomorrow out, you must be optimistic about him, don't let him cause trouble, I can be such a good brother."

Wei He raised his back and said, "Relax, Mingyue, with me here, to ensure that no one can hurt a cold hair tomorrow."

Mingyue took out a small flag and handed it to Zhou Bai: "Brother, keep the golden light trapped in the flag. Please keep it. I left a primal power clone on it. This time you go out to defend yourself Pay me back again. The gods of the Plague Ministry have a bad attitude towards mortals. You need to be careful. "

Zhou Bai's eyes suddenly flashed, and Jin Guang was trapped in the empty flag, and he thought, ‘I really want to sell it and try it. However, I have tried this distortion weapon in Mingyue. It has at least two powers, and it seems to be uneconomical to sell. ’

Wei He, looking aside, looked at the scene in surprise: "Even the aberrational weapons have been lent out, Mingyue is really nice to this younger brother."

In the voice of Mingyue, Zhou Bai followed Wei He to leave and ask questions about the party along the way.

Zhou Bai: "Brother Wei, isn't Zhengshen's relationship with Xianren a bit out of place now? Are we all right?"

Wei He: "The Lord God of the Plague Ministry has always been most concerned about research and has no intention of fighting, and the several Lord Gods who organized the party have a good relationship with me. It's okay."

The two flew out of Wanxian Island along the sea of ​​clouds, passed through floating islands and pavilions, and came to a palace.

Wei He walked into the hall with Zhou Bai and saw that there were already more than ten figures sitting cross-legged, floating, or standing in mid-air. Almost everyone's head was blue.

Wei He was surprised: "So many people came to this exchange?"

Zhou Bai felt excited: "It's all mine!"

At this moment, a teenager with white hair in Zhengshen came over, looking at Zhou Bai with a trace of disgust from the bottom of his heart.

He frowned slightly and said, "Wei He, what do you bring a mortal to do at this kind of gathering? Huh, what kind of thing is a dog or a dog qualified to come in?"

At the next moment, Zhou Bai felt a power of Yuan Yuan coming to his face, and overwhelmed him like a mountain, to overpower him to the ground.

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