Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 902: Choice (3)

Zhou Bai couldn't agree: "The Supreme God also wants to kill the immortal **** of the entire planet? How is this possible?"

Queen of Heaven: "Nothing is impossible. Too much respect for this man is a devoted one who seeks the way. He only wants to pursue eternal life and endless power."

Zhou Bai was puzzled: "What does this have to do with killing the entire planet?"

Queen of Heaven: "The more people in the material world who communicate with the void, the stronger the void will penetrate the material world."

Zhou Bai was startled slightly: ‘do the demons already know this theory? Sure enough, this theory is not just Dr. Zhuang and Li Zhengdao, they know ... ’

Queen of the Devil: "The blood of the demon can borrow the power of the void, and the deformed body is penetrated by the power of the void. Now the humans on the entire planet are more mixed with the demon. The immortals have also mastered the Taoism of the power of the void."

"They ... are all pests of this world, and their existence will drag the whole world into hell."

"So Taizun's idea is to destroy all life, such as immortals, gods, demon, monsters, humans, and cut off the connection between the void and the physical world."

Zhou Bai sneered: "What do you want to say, the Supreme Lord is doing this to save the world? Kill everyone to save the world?"

"Of course not." The Queen of Heavenly Devil went on to say, "As far as I know, the purpose of being too high is always one, that is to become the ultimate existence with eternal life and invincible power ... such as ... Heaven."

"But the penetration of the void caused the distortion of the heavenly path, preventing him from continuing to understand the heavenly path and approaching the heavenly path."

"Killing life on the entire planet and returning the degree of void penetration to thousands of years and tens of thousands of years ago, he can better understand the heavens and pursue eternity."

Zhou Bai shook his head: "A ridiculous plan, and if only he can communicate with the void in the end, how can you be sure he will do this? He will become an invincible existence, and no one can restrain him."

"And how can you be sure that this is his real plan?"

Queen of the Devil: "So we are now trying to communicate the void through the hexagram. To master more void power is to check and balance the immortal **** in the future."

"Even if this plan is unsuccessful, at least it will be possible to use the power of the Supreme Lord to destroy the power of heaven. No matter how many people die, it will only be good for us and not harmful."

Zhou Bai took a deep breath, and then asked, "Even if there is no impulse to kill, do you plan to kill people on the planet?"

"Crap." The demon queen said coldly: "White, I have seen enough of you and those mixed-race dress-ups, what do you think we are doing? This is war, on this planet, in this river system, only There can be one intelligent race, and that is us. "

Zhou Bai: "All humans on the earth are innocent, you have killed them enough."

"Innocent?" Said the Queen of Heaven. "The war will never stop because of innocent. Do you think they are innocent, but if these innocent humans grow up, when they have enough power, do you think they will not avenge it? No Trying to do everything possible to kill us? "

"And those fairy gods, they are thinking about killing us all the time. The deeper they grasp the void, the greater the threat to the world."

"There is also the blood of the demon. Whether it is the nature of the demon or the ability to communicate with the void, it will only destroy the world, make this world more and more unsuitable for survival, and make the heavens more and more distorted."

"Let them continue to live and continue to multiply, and it will only cause no one to live."

"Only by killing them, can we save the world and revive Homo sapiens civilization. The two evils have the least weight, do you understand?"

Metal tentacles stretched towards Zhou Bai: "Now give me the hexagrams, and we will continue our experiment today."

"What if I disagree?" Zhou Bai said, "I want to stop your plans?"

The demon queen said coldly: "Zhou Bai ... you are Homo sapiens, do you want to prevent the revival of Homo sapiens? Leaving them will only cause the infiltration of the void to become more and more serious, and the distortion of the heavens and conditions more and more serious."

Zhou Bai: "You don't need to kill all life on earth, Homo sapiens can be revived."

Queen of Heaven: "Best of both worlds ... that's just your wishful thinking. Why do you prevent the revenge of all sages? And why do you prevent the revenge of those mixed races? For your poor good conscience?"

The demon queen sneered: "But from the rise of Homo sapiens from this planet, with the destruction of countless lives and races, we can say that we came through the extinction of one species after another, the rise of a race, It represents the weakness of countless other races. "

"On white, this endless war started long before you were born. It started a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, 10,000 years ago, and 100,000 years ago."

"Whether it is a sapiens, a mixed race, a demon, an immortal god, in order to become the top of this world, they will use all means to exhaust all maliciousness."

"Zhou Bai, your existence as a sapiens was created by countless killings and genocides."

"Now, clearing the earth and restarting the world is the best choice, just like the genocide that the planet has experienced in the past."

"And you want everyone to live, it will only make the distortion of the heavens worse, and it will only make everyone die."

"You have to make a choice, whether we live alone or all die together."

Zhou Bai shook his head: "I can't watch my companions and innocents being massacred, and I don't want to see you being destroyed. I will find another way to solve this problem. So I still don't agree with your plan, you next What would you do? Threate me? "

The demon queen was silent for a while, and it seemed that she had not expected to talk about this, and Zhou Bai was still unwilling to compromise.

So she finally said: "All the mechanical units you make are equipped with self-explosive devices. As long as I give an order, they will all detonate the warheads in the body, and Donghua City will be blown into ruins first."

"So ... hand over the hexagrams."

Zhou Bai said indifferently: "Donghua City, if you want to blast it, blast it, but I won't give it to you for use." He secretly said, "Do you really have a back trick in your family? Just look at what weapons and means hidden in the demon. ’

The two sides froze for a while. At this moment, a small ripple visible to the naked eye flashed in the air, and a powerful gravity suddenly suppressed Zhou's body. With the power of Zhou, they felt it difficult to move their bodies. .

"this is……"

Em came up anxiously, and beside her, dozens of floating artillery floated around, pointing in the direction of Bai, flickering with a faint blue light. The energy of the entire demon base is being continuously input into these weapons. Under the horrible gravity, the light around Zhou Bai began to distort.

"Gravity gun?" Zhou Bai was surprised. "Don't you say it's still experimental? Is it already so powerful?"

The power of Yuan Shen on Zhou Bai exploded again and again, and he wanted to move his body, but found it extremely difficult, as if he was carrying hundreds of mountains on his body, which severely limited his power of movement.


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