Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 912: Heaven


Dong Ming's heart was tight, only to feel that the other's laughter was filled with an unspeakable feeling, and then a strong attack came, dragging him towards the darkness.

He screamed and wanted to resist, but found that in this dark void, his mana had disappeared without trace, all kinds of Taoism and martial arts could not be exerted, and he was so helpless. Being dragged all the way.

Ji Wufan sighed in a low voice: "In the beginning, in order to completely cut off the void, I made a lot of preparations, because I was worried that some younger generation's disciples could not be tempted, or because of some reason, they reworked the Void Taoism. Information ... I never thought it would be lost to time. "

Ji Wufan: "I think about it, the faith that has been passed down from generation to generation will be forgotten or distorted, and future generations will be unreliable. The magic weapon will fail one day. Even if all the information is destroyed, there will always be people Investigate ... Time is our greatest enemy. "

"In this eternal time, I can only believe in myself."

"The only way is for me to personally supervise and guide humanity for myself."

Feeling that he could not resist at all, Dongming didn't want to resist, but asked, "What on earth do you want?"

"Ha ha." Ji Wu's hoarse laughter came: "Aren't you trying to fill the void? This is the void of the void."

Along with Ji Wufan's words, a light lit up in the dark, and Dongming didn't know if it was because of Ji Wufan's words, or because of dragging him.

When he saw the light spots, he found that the darkness around him had disappeared, and himself and Ji Wufan appeared in a pure white space.

Looking at Dongming's surprised look, Ji Wufan said coldly: "There is no substance in the void. Everything here is determined according to our consciousness and cognition. Many concepts in the material world have no meaning here."

"Most of the time, as long as you don't know, even if you go for 10,000 years, 100,000 years, you will find nothing in the void."

"But as long as you know, you can find what you want in the void the next moment."

Dong Ming's eyes flashed thoughtfully. After studying sixty-four hexagrams and voids for many years, they naturally understood a lot of void data, but it was the first time that they actually entered.

He looked at the white space in front of him and asked, "Here is the void in the void? Is it connected to the physical world?"

Ji Wufan said lightly: "Here is the heaven."

"What ?! Heaven's way?" In Dongming's shocked eyes, with the fall of Ji Wufan's voice, along with the change of Dongming's cognition, the entire white space changed drastically.

Green mountains and blue water, blue sky and white clouds.

Dongming can even see a row of birds flying in the sky in the distance.

As the mountains rose up, Dong Ming and Ji Wufan leapt into the air and set foot on the highest peak here.

The entire mountain top is a white jade paved platform, and in the center of the platform is a pure white gate floating in mid-air.

The gate is divided into left and right sides, about ten meters high and five meters wide. It just so quietly floats in midair, but it brings a strong appeal to Dongming.

Dongming curiously said, "This is ..."

Ji Wufan said lightly: "Behind the door is where the Tao is."

Tong Ming was startled, staring blankly at the door, wondering what to say.

Numerous monks and immortals have cultivated over the years. The generations of people have come to understand the Tao and understand the mystery, creating countless Taoism and martial arts, and constantly changing the world.

But what exactly is heaven? Is it possible to fully understand it? What will happen when we fully understand the Tao? These have always been the highest pursuit of generations of monks.

And now the result of this pursuit seems to appear to him.

There was also suspicion in Dongming's heart, wondering if Ji Wufan was deceiving himself, and the true Tao could really be seen so easily? How ambitious is that, and why is mystery difficult to describe, and how can it be behind this door?

On the side, Ji Wufan seemed to know the state of understanding very well, and smiled, "When I first saw it, I was as shocked and confused as you are."

"If you want to see it, just go and see what it is."

Dongming hesitated for a second, then walked step by step towards the white door, and stretched out his hands and pressed it on the door knob.

"Heavenly ..."

The door was lighter than he imagined. It was as light as nothing. Dongming just made a push and pushed the door directly through a gap. Through that gap, he saw the content behind the door.

Ji Wufan looked at the motionless standing in front of the door, as if stupid, as if he knew that the other party would have such a reaction. He didn't say much, so he looked at Dong Ming's back silently.

After a long time, Dong Ming slowly turned around, burst into tears, and smiled impressedly: "It turned out to be this way?"

"Hahahaha, in vain, we are all in vain."


When Zhou Bai was watching vigorously, his eyes suddenly turned black, and all the images had disappeared. When he returned to God, his eyes had returned to the base of the demon.

"Crouching ..." Zhou Bai couldn't help but cried: "Is this gone?"

Em, aside, also shouted, "Don't worry about the **** season! Why did you break here ?!"

The Queen of Demons asked: "What the **** did you see?" After getting Em's data transmission, she couldn't help but said, "Is it behind?"

At this moment, all three were anxious to enter the void immediately, grabbed Ji Wufan's memories, and see what was behind and what the heavens were.

After a long time, Zhou Bai only relieved from the shock of gaining memories, and his eyes flashed with thoughtful thoughts: "Ji Wufan replenishes the void and prevents the void from damaging the material world. And he seems to be still in the void I can always see the situation in the material world. Over a long period of time, he watched the development of the material world, and some changes occurred in his mind, changing his own ideas in the past ... "

"But what happened later? Did he come out of the void? Did he interfere in the physical realm?"

Em, aside, said: "White! Let's go ahead, I **** want to watch the follow-up, it's too uncomfortable to see that it's half or more."

On the Mars base, Xiao Pei's woman stood up naked and lamented: "With the successful acquisition of valid data, Em's void model has become more and more perfect, and the target memory found has also increased. According to this progress, the next time we search for valid data again, we should be able to completely improve the model. "

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