Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 934: opposition

The Emperor could not say such a thing, let alone support the combination of Zhou Bai and Ming Yue.

This is the consensus of all the gods present.

The only possibility is that the Emperor Haotian at the scene is fake.

Then someone must be awakened to the real Emperor Haotian.

When the deadly epidemic Tianjun transmitted the sound, there was a positive **** slowly retreating from the scene, and even gradually disappeared into the physical realm and moved to Luo Tian realm.

But the next moment, with the blue and purple brilliance covering the whole hall, the space of the entire palace was split, rotated, and moved, as if it were cut into countless small worlds.

At this moment, the space of the entire palace was continuously stretched and twisted, and the space was in the hands of the Supreme Heavenly Supreme, as if it had become plasticine in the hands of a child, and let him play with it.

The entire palace also changed from the original stadium size to a length of more than ten kilometers, with a total area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

On the left and right sides of the space, there are the four main gods and the immortals of Wanxian Island. They stand opposite each other.

Zhou Bai stood in the middle of the entrance of the main hall, bearing the eyes of all the immortals and gods. The eyes looked like mountains, pressing on them, bringing endless pressure.

Opposite Zhou Bai, at the other end of the hall, at the end of the space, Mingyue stood with the Dengxian Book descending from the sky.

It seems that as long as Zhou Bai crosses the road between the immortals and gods, he can walk to the side of Mingyue and in front of Dengxian Book.

Death Plague King's brows frowned, but his young face grew old.

"It's the thirty-three heavens of the Supreme Lord. It seems that this big marriage is not over. He didn't plan to let us leave ..."

"Once the spirit man rises again, it represents another war of shemales, and this must not be allowed to happen."

"So many years of preparation must not be ruined today."

"Zhou Bai must die today."

All the gods are aware of this. The radiance of the various elemental powers, magic weapons, and Taoism are lit up one by one.

It's just that the high purple light represents the Supreme Heavenly Supreme.

Fighting with Supreme Master?

The highest level of strength with Xiandao supports the supreme battle that Tianting didn't know for tens of thousands of years?

That can only be filled with life. But how many people will they die?

Besides, the immortals are not far away.

What's more ... Emperor Haotian is in heaven, and they believe that Emperor Haotian cannot be aware of the situation here.

Moreover, Zhou Bai's degree of Taoism has not yet reached 100%. Can he really walk up to the Dengxian Book and write his name on it?

So the gods were ready to go, but no one shot.

They are waiting.

The four great immortals and thirty-six scattered immortals, they also endured the surge of Yuanshen power, and they did not immediately shoot.

"If Zhou Bai becomes, then the power of the fairy **** will grow again."

"Our numbers ... haven't increased in too long."

"This is an opportunity to rise again."

"Keep it white."

As long as Zhou Bai and Mingyue can really successfully combine, as long as their offspring can really give birth to a new pure-blood human race and a new fairy god, then time is on their side.

So they are waiting, waiting for the big wedding to end, waiting for Mingyue and Zhou Bai to really get together.

It was also when Zhou Bai really came to the Dengxian Book, and when Zhou Bai could really use the body of a mortal to achieve demigods, he proved that the blood of the human race on his body was also favored by Tiandao.

At the same time, at the end of the hall, next to Mingyue, with the flashing of blue and purple light, the Dengxian Book automatically flipped without wind. It seems that there are countless gold fonts flashing from the book, and it floats around the Dengxian Book. fly.

In the book of immortals, as long as a monk with a Taoism degree of more than 100% read all the Scriptures mentioned above, he could go straight to heaven and be placed in the immortal class.

As long as you write your name on it, you can become the **** of heaven.

From ancient times to the present, countless people have completed the leap from human to fairy **** by climbing the fairy book.

Today, Zhou Bai is standing at the door of the hall. As long as he walks to the end of the hall step by step, he can touch this book of immortal books.

But Zhou Bai's degree of Taoism has not reached 100%. Can he really rise through the book of immortals?

"White, come here and write your name on the book of immortals."

Accompanied by the voice of Taishang Tianzun, Zhou Bai took a deep breath, took a step, and moved to the position of climbing the fairy book.

After Zhou Bai stepped out of this step, he felt an astonishing pressure on his face. He seemed to step into the tens of thousands of meters of seawater all at once, and resistance came from all directions.

Tugui Shen said softly, "Under the Book of Immortals, mortals retreat. Without reaching 100% Taoism, it is impossible to approach the original Book of Immortals."

The immortals all around knew this, too. Dengxian Book connected Tiandao, and his rejection was the rejection of Tiandao.

"Can it be done?"

Everyone looked at Zhou Bai, every step of the other party seemed to step on their heartstrings.

Year after year, the fairy people have been looking forward to this day for too long.

But now, under the watchful eye of all the immortals at the scene, Zhou Bai stepped up to the immortal book step by step, and the pressure on him was getting stronger and his steps were getting slower and slower.

That's not a pure power, but something higher, which makes Zhou Bai have no idea how to fight, and how to move on.

‘It feels a bit like being controlled by poverty, but now I ’m being controlled and stopped ... because I ’m not enlightened enough? ’

Just as Zhou Bai stopped gradually, the voice of Tai Shangzun passed through the entire space, and also through the entire central city through projection:

"Today, I paved the way to the gods with the old people's luck, and became the first true **** of the new people."

During the speech, many immortals and gods felt at the scene. An invisible force was surging. Under the shroud of blue-purple light, a stream of blue-violet airflow turned into a five-meter-wide avenue, directly from the position of the immortal book. All the way to the foot of Zhou Bai.

The road paved with blue-purple air is full of emotions of fanaticism, hope, fierceness, pain, fear, and so on. It seems that countless people can scream, fight, and live in them.

Under the control of Taishang Tianzun, Qi Yun, a power that could not see clearly, was clearly visible to everyone at this moment.

This is the human fortune collected by Taishang Tianzun for a hundred years.

Today, they all seem to have become the road under Zhou Bai's feet. They will burn up and become the true **** of Zhou Bai.

There is no immortal **** who can see the changes and mysterious scenes in Taizun Tianzun. Only the changes in luck and changes in the book of immortality can be felt, which seem to contain countless mysteries of heaven .

It's like seeing Daozang for the first time. It seems that I saw everything, but didn't understand anything.

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