Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 952: high

At this moment, countless immortals and gods over the central city stopped to look at the direction of Zhou Bai, and watched the thunder robbing constantly above Zhou Bai.

All this shows that Zhou Bai's identity and his bloodline have not been recognized by Tiandao. Just like all demons posing as the righteous god, his descendants can never be recognized by Tiandao.

Just after the fierce battle of immortals and gods, a fallen **** and immortal seemed to have turned into a joke.

In the light of the thunder in the sky, their efforts and efforts seemed meaningless.

Mingyue stared at Zhou Bai and asked, "Zhou Bai! What the **** is going on ?!"

Now that he has decided to go back in time, Zhou Bai has no scruples at this moment.

With the decline of wisdom, a strange smile appeared on his face: "Isn't this visible yet? I'm a sapiens, and my bloodline is not recognized by heaven.

It's just that the Supreme Celestial Master has used me to provoke the war of immortals, and you immortal believe it. "

Zhou Bai looked at the panel and smiled. "You have 31 seconds."

Zhou Bai's Current Wisdom: 31%

Zhou Bai touched his head, the corners of his mouth were getting more and more curved, and with the continuous decline of wisdom, he felt that the whole world seemed different, his body seemed to be getting more and more excited, and his brain was overturned, as if thinking, as if Not thinking again.

However, almost no immortal **** cares about the countdown to the week, so many immortals present, gathered almost the entire battle force of heaven, no one thinks that white can set off any storm.

‘The key question now…’ The ghost of the ghost looked at the thunder in the sky with a somber expression.

"Is it true that Tianzun is going to provoke the war of immortals?"

Almost all the immortals instinctively did not believe it, but after thinking about it, recalling that the entire big wedding was almost carried out under the impetus of Tianzun. Looking at the battlefield in front of him, looking at the thunderstorm above his head, it seemed that Tianzun was suspected. It's really big.

It is a pity that just after Zhou Bai triggered the thunderstorm and broke the celestial mystery of Lavender, which is too high, neither the Emperor nor the Supreme has disappeared. Even the gems on the immortal book and the absorbed power of the immortal book have disappeared. Even if people want to ask, no one can ask.

The Zhengshen and the immortals began to slowly gather together. The four immortals and many scattered immortals gathered together, and four Zhengshen, such as Death Plague Tianjun and Marshal Jiuxiao, also stood together, guarding the strange situation in front of them.

It is just that, whether it is a fairy or a god, looking at Zhou Bai is full of hostility.

The positive gods were angry at the fairy war caused by Zhou and hated him for destroying their hiding for so many years.

The immortals are angry at the deception and camouflage of the white. The goal of the new generation of human race over the years has not only failed to achieve, but also killed more than ten immortals.

They even hate to deceive them and live up to their fairness at this moment, even more than the positive gods posing as demons.

And if the war with the four priests is at war, they still need to face huge casualties. If they besiege Zhou Bai, they will be absolutely secure. This also makes them more inclined to move towards Zhou Bai.

Qin Xianren: "This white ... a mortal ... still with the blood of the demon, even posing as a pure-blooded human race, it is really hateful!"

There is sorrow in the eyes of the inaction fairy, because just now his comrade Ziyun died in the battle with Zhengshen, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Should immediately take down the white and judge him first, Be sure to figure out who the **** is behind the scenes. "

Daoxianzun's eyes are full of killing intentions: "There are still too many demons in this world, and a long time should be killed."

Dao Xuanxian lowered his eyes, and did not expect that the young man he was optimistic about would be a demon. At the moment, his attitude is completely the opposite: "The demon is not at odds with each other. The stronger this white gift is, the more dangerous he will be. It should be strangled early. "

On the other side, Li Zhengdao and Tian Yangzi, who had been fighting fiercely, also stopped.

Tian Yangzi looked at Zhou Bai in the sky in disbelief and bit his teeth and said, "Is this kid crazy? What good is he doing in this way? Isn't he himself dead?"

"All the immortals who supported him would oppose him and wish to kill him."

"And the demons and gods who originally wanted to kill him could not protect him, even because he caused the war of immortals, they would want to kill him."

"Zhou Bai did nothing but commit suicide!"

Listening to Tian Yangzi's voice, Li Zhengdao's Yuanshen trembled, and the voice of voice conveyed a vicissitudes of breath: "Some people are born with such stubbornness, and are destined to be eliminated by the times."

Tianyangzi: "I can go back to Immortal for the time being, what do you do?"

At this moment, Li Zhengdao's identity also seems a little embarrassed because of Zhou Bai's actions, which can be described as being hostile to both immortals and gods at the same time.

Li Zhengdao said arbitrarily: "Let me take a break for a moment, anyway, now their attention is not on me anymore. Besides my cultivation, no one in God's court can do anything about me unless the God and Tianzun take the initiative. "

So Tian Yangzi withdrew from the immortal's team, and Li Zhengdao disappeared in the air with a cloud of mist.

But now no one is in charge of Li Zhengdao, everyone is watching Zhou Bai.

The murderous hate in Mingyue's eyes seemed to condense into substance, looking at Zhou Baizhi and asking, "Zhou Bai! When did you know that you are a sage? Have you been lying to me for months?"

Regarding the existence of Homo sapiens, and some history of Homo sapiens, they stole Taoism. Mingyue also heard the introduction of Tianzun and Tao Anxian, and knew that it was a race born after demons evolved to them Between the demon and the spirit person, there are both characteristics, but generally not as powerful as the demon and the spirit person.

But Zhou Bai didn't care. With the continuous decline of wisdom, the distortion around him became more and more serious.

But he did not feel uncomfortable or worried because of the decline of wisdom or the increase of distortion.

On the contrary, he even felt that his brain was getting lighter, his thinking was more active, and his mood was getting more and more pleasant.

Zhou Bai's Current Wisdom: 26%

At this moment, all kinds of whimsical ideas are constantly rising in the mind of Bai Bai, he feels that his thinking is getting wider and wider, and the whole world in front of him seems to be different.

"Is this the feeling of 26% wisdom?"

"Sure enough ... stupid ... madness ... is the truth of this world ..."

"This feeling is really ... too high!"

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