Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 955: One second

Time is a relative concept.

One second is different for every creature.

For a cow or sheep, it may be just a blink of an eye.

For an insect, there may be hundreds of flaps.

For a computer, it could be hundreds of thousands of millions of calculations.

For a otaku, it may be the death of hundreds of millions of lives.

For different lives, the difference in one second is huge.

And when this gap appears among the immortals and gods, the gap between immortals and immortals, gods and gods can be far apart.

The immortals and the physical bodies of the immortal gods have been cultivated and strengthened for countless years, so that they have far more computing power and responsiveness than ordinary people.

When their spirits are highly concentrated, they can exchange tens of thousands of information with Yuanshen Power in one second, can release hundreds of Taoism, and can span tens of thousands of meters with one sword. , You can clearly see the trajectory of the bullet, the outline of the shock wave, the flicker of the flame, the change of the thunder ...

It is as if Marshal Jiuxiao and Zhou Bai are fighting each other on the way of ascending the gods, and they can have dozens of confrontations every second.

In the last second when Zhou Bai's wisdom decreased from 1% to 0%, for weak to strong and different gods, this second can be regarded as mortal tens of seconds to minutes. use.

The first is the message that Taizun Tianzun transmitted with the power of Yuanshen. It almost crosses the domain of countless spaces within one hundredth of a second and is directly transmitted to the ears of all the immortals present.

The transmission of information between the two parties is proceeding at a rapid pace, and Yuan Shenli carries countless information to and from the air.

"Hurry! Use all your strength to attack Zhou!"

"His current body and the void are forming a stable connection. Within a second, if he is not eliminated, his body will become a stable channel between the void and the physical world."

"The power of the void will begin to pour into the material world without limit, and the entire planet and even the entire galaxy will be filled with high-level void pulses."

Taishen Tianzun's cold voice transmitted with the power of Yuanshen, and even by virtue of his extremely powerful cultivation, he directly broke the space and introduced it into Luo Tianjie of the immortals, telling the frightening facts.

"According to the current growth rate, if five minutes later, all life within a radius of ten miles, the impulse of the void will be equivalent to reading 200 times per second."

"After half an hour, the Void Pulse within a hundred miles will skyrocket to a point where life is difficult to survive, and every second here will be subjected to a Void Pulse equivalent to reading 100,000 times the Dao Zang.

"And ten hours later, the pulse of void will spread to the entire planet, the world will be exposed to severe void forces, and all life will be subjected to the pulse of void that is equivalent to reading five million times of Taoism every second. All life on the planet will be completely distorted. "

"After a hundred hours, the entire solar galaxy will be exposed to the fiery pulse of the void and gradually become a part of the void. The sun, planets, and meteorites will be swallowed up by the void ... all the rules, laws, spaces, Time will slowly fail ... "

"Then it continues to spread and continues to destroy."

Along with Tai Shangzun's remarks, an apocalyptic scene gradually appeared in front of many immortals and gods.

This scene is really too scary and amazing. Even the immortals of Wanxian Island were dubious and incredible.

The four deities are even harder to believe in the warning of Heavenly Supreme, on the one hand because of today's war of immortals, and on the other hand, the description of the other side is too horrible, and the horror has reached an incredible level.

Tai Shangzun continued to add: "What I said above will not be exaggerated or concealed, and even the actual situation will be more dangerous than I have told."

"We must join forces to attack Zhou Bai with all our strength and kill him completely within a second."

"Otherwise waiting for us will be forever crazy and twisted."

After Taishang Tianzun delivered all the information with the power of Yuanshen, the time just passed one hundredth of a second, and the gods spent about 0.1 second of the incident thinking about the situation at hand.

Tian Yangzi took the lead in transmitting his opinions with the power of Yuanshen: "Everyone has seen the situation of Bai Bai. I believe in the judgment of Tianzun. We should really kill him first. This mortal is too dangerous ..."

With the approval of Tian Yangzi, several other immortals transmitted information with the power of Yuanshen, and also expressed their willingness to cooperate with Tai Shangzun's order.

After all, Taizhang Tianzong has a long history of prestige and has a very high authority and influence among the immortals of Wanxian Island.

With his personal explanation and the agreement of Tian Yangzi and others, soon the celestial beings of Wanxian Island transmitted information to each other, and completed the transmission of thousands of messages in a tenth of a second. They all reached an agreement and shot with all their strength to kill Zhou Bai.

"If you make a shot together, you will only interfere with each other if you only use Taoism and magic."

"Still uniting the Yuanshen power into an array to attack."

"The rest of the time is too tense, not every fairy can complete the battle unless the spatial structure is changed."

Tao Anxian: "Leave it to us, let's compress the space."

Tu Tu Shen: "Time is tight, and the Taixian Wanxian array will be ended, and Luo Tianjie will be used to kill him."

So under the discussion of the immortals, many immortals who had just hid in Luo Tianjie came to the material world together.

Then each of the four immortals took a step, and had already shuttled the space in an instant and came to different positions on the battlefield.

Tao Anxian Zun's body burst out with golden layers of elemental power, blooming like a lotus flower.

Under the package of Jiuqu Jinlian, the spatial structure of more than ten immortals was changed.

In addition, the three great immortals, even the ghost **** and Tianyangzi also took a similar thing and changed the spatial structure of the large block. law.

I saw that with the connection of the Yuanshen power of a famous fairy, the space shook violently, and Luo Tianjie, a famous fairy, was connected together, and turned into one small world after another in the physical world.

The Taixuan Wanxian Array is an ultimate array method that combines the Luotian world of the immortals and forcibly tears the physical space with Luotian space.

Each time Luo Tianjie connected to an immortal, the power of the formation and the range of influence will rise sharply.

At this moment, hundreds of immortals are launched in groups, which can tear the entire space of the central city and crush all the materials in it into powder.

The immortals here united to siege Zhou Bai.

On the other side of the Four Lord Gods, there is still a strong defense against Taishang Tianzun.

They used the power of Yuanshen to exchange information with each other, and exchanged quickly, but no matter how urged by Supreme Master, they did not see the intention of doing anything.

At this moment, the voice of Emperor Haotian came with the power of Yuanshen: "Tai Shangzun is not lying, continue, and Zhou will become a disaster that destroys the world. Now I will surround Zhou with the fairy. Something will come later. "

"It's not just my order, it's the meaning of the demon saint."

The authority of the Emperor Haotian, the name of the demon saint, and the white in front of him seem indeed very unusual, causing new distortions almost every moment.

So the four main gods hesitated for a while, after all, they decided to shoot all together, and first came to kill Zhou Bai together.

However, the methods of linking the Taixian Wanxian array with the immortal people for siege were different.

Death Plague King: "Use this weapon ..."

The positive gods have stood together since the Immortals and Zhou Bai just fought. At this moment, with the Death Plague Emperor taking out a distorted weapon, all the positive gods present at the same time poured the power of Yuan Shen into it. Hundreds of true gods came to push the power of this distorted weapon to an incredible level.

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