Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 969: dialogue

On the other side, Zhou Bai bluntly said, "Even if Li Tai's plan fails, the spiritual people on other planets find that it is only a matter of time. In fact, the spiritual civilization in the universe has been spreading through the void. Their knowledge is used to receive feedback from the pulse of the void and find the existence of other civilizations. "

"And if I can cooperate with the Supreme Lord's plan, then they can let me reborn as a spiritual person like him."

Zhou Bai's words are half true and half false, but the speculations about the spiritual civilization in the universe and the act of spreading knowledge in the void all have some basis, and they are the possibilities that he and Tianmo had once imagined.

In particular, Li Tai's identity is spoken from Zhou Bai's mouth. The appearance of these two points of Zhou Bai's identity reveals even more credibility to these words in the heart of the demon queen.

Queen of the Devil: "I see. I will send some monks who have cooperated with us in the central city to let them spread the news in the city. But this alone, I'm afraid I can't stop the plan of the Supreme Lord. I can't convince me. Four lords. "

Zhou Bai smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, just give it to me from God's side. Everyone is a reasoner, and I will convince them."

He glanced at the panel, laziness: 20.8 million.


In Zuo's treasure house, Zhou Bai looked at the upgraded Doomsday Armor in front of his eyes, and smiled.

Using three fairy god-level monsters Neidan and Zhou Bai to create a Void Spirit furnace for the end-day skeleton armor, one can endlessly extract energy from the void and turn it into one of the power of the end-day skeleton armor.

With plenty of power, more large arrays on the armour of the end of the day, the runes can run at full power.

Then, with the end of the day, Skeleton Armor once again wore on top of Zhou Bai ’s Nine Plague Gods, and all the radiances gradually lighted up. Zhou Bai felt that between his breath, the endless source of void power was drawn into the body. Then, after the transformation of the end-day skeleton armor, it became a pure mental power to supplement his physical strength and elemental power.

And with the operation of the Skeleton Armor in the end, the power of the armor gradually penetrated through the blood and bones, and spread throughout the body and the body of the white, as if there were countless small nuclear reactors buried in his body, accompanied by his Every move strengthened his power.

‘I ’m afraid that wearing this upgraded Doomsday Armor, my Yuanshen power, and the power of ** is enough to contend with many Heavenly Jun chambers. ’

‘If you can upgrade Greed Steel or have more powerful dragon scales, you can also upgrade the defense power of Skeleton Armor by a large margin. ’

‘Listening to Christina, before time went back, it seemed like I saw a dragon on the other side of heaven. ’

Zhou Bai squeezed his fist slightly, and saw a bang, and the air exploded like a bomb in his hand.

With such a simple effort, it is enough to level an entire street.

Not only did Zhou Bai ’s body have been further strengthened, even his distortions and distortions also possessed the ability to deal with the power of the void, and the two avatars that originally took 24 hours to make were suddenly reduced to Within half an hour, a distorted or distorted shadow can be remade.

‘This way, Twisted Shadows, Distorted Shadows can be consumed as consumables in a battle. ’

After strengthening the armor, Bai looked to the side and obediently lay on the ground, his face was weak, as if it were a wolf orangutan who had just been sterilized.

He asked casually: "Tell me about the plan of heaven."

"And how much do you know about Dengxian Book, Yaosheng, Homo sapiens?"

Lazy value: 21.1 million


After the exchange between Zhou Bai and the three-headed demon of Zuojia Treasury, the twisted shadow turned away from Wanxian Island and went directly to a small courtyard in Leibu.

"The other heavenly monarchs are on their respective sites, and there are many people around them ... At this time, it is confirmed that Xiang En, the house enemy under house arrest, has only one person in this yard."

In front of the courtyard, the two guarded monks saw the slowly coming white and immediately said, "Here is the forbidden area of ​​mines, who are you? How did you get here?"

Zhou Bai smiled slightly, his figure had passed the two, and the two monks slowly fell to the ground and passed out.

Pushing open the gate of the small courtyard, Zhou Bai slowly walked in, and saw Xiang Tiandi sitting in a gazebo.

And looking at Zhou Bai who walked in without hesitation, a trace of surprise appeared on Xiang Tiandi's face, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile.

"White, I haven't come to see you yet, you came here."

"You are so brave."

Thunder thunder flashed in Xiang Tian's hands, and the space around him was distorted.

The next moment, with his sword rising and falling from his hand, the knife light that thunder had exploded directly inside Zhou Bai's body, completely engulfing his body.

Lazy value: 21.4 million


Heaven, above the sea of ​​clouds in Miro Tiangong.

Li Zhengdao and Tianyangzi stood together, and in front of them was a cloud of dim purple light, like an aurora wafting above the clouds.

"Tianzun." Tianyangzi said: "Suddenly, there is a rumor that Mingyue's wedding is to be born in the immortals, in order to breed a new generation of people."

Li Zhengdao said: "In the central city, a monk was spreading the message that Tianzun was going to provoke an internal struggle between the immortals and gods. He also said that the emperor in the temple was false.

There are at least thousands of people spread, and the speed of spread is very fast. I secretly checked it, I am afraid that it is a devil ... "

Tianyangzi frowned: "Who knew our purpose in advance? Even the Emperor's affairs have been said, is there any traitor among us?"

Li Zhengdao's complexion changed slightly, and he looked at Tian Yangzi, all revealing alertness and suspicion. At the same time, he constantly filtered the names of his men in his mind, wondering which one had leaked the news, and now it is still full of storms.

Listening to the reports and doubts of one **** and one immortal, there was a voice of too high Heavenly Supreme in the purple light: "Don't be nervous, you and your men are all very reliable, and they can't join forces with the demon.

Without traitors, this matter should be passed on in vain. "

Tianyangzi wondered, "Zhou Bai? Why did he do this? And how did he know our plan?"

Mr. Taizun said meaningfully: "I'm afraid he has already experienced a big wedding."

Li Zhengdao and Tian Yangzi were all incomprehensible, and they did not understand what Taishang Tianzun meant.

However, in the sea of ​​Supreme Master's knowledge, Zhou Bai repeatedly tried to turn the tide, escaped from death again and again, and looked like an unknown prophet again and again, some information flashed in his mind.

However, he apparently did not answer the meaning of Tian Yangzi and Li Zhengdao, and said at will: "You can continue your previous work, the big wedding will continue as usual, you don't need to worry about the white things."

Watching a **** and a fairy nodded and slowly backed away, Taishang Tianzun sighed softly: "If the past has changed, will the future be doomed?"


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