Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 971: Knife

In the past few months, Xiang Tiandi, in addition to being brave and advancing, constantly awakening to heaven, and recovering the Taoism through the Ethereum Nine-Minute algorithm, is rebuilding the Thunder and Sword Techniques.

He gave up the nine-day dread magic thunder tactics that had been lost from the heavenly puppets, but rebuilt the martial arts martial arts skills with his own blood of demon blood and years of practice sword and thunder, and melted all his power in one furnace. , Created a nine-type big sky thunder knife.

At this moment, the thunder mountain sword sea is cut out, the thunder, sword and even the blood power in his demon body are integrated, and the realm of Taoism and martial arts can be described as magical, enough to break the mountain in one hit. Even ordinary fairy gods will be severely damaged by the gods and bodies under this blow.

Under this sword, Xiang Tian's enemies combined the method of psychic manifestation, condensing the destructive thunder and morality between the square inch, and the destructive power has been increased by more than ten times.

However, when facing the natural enemy of this type of Thunder Mountain sword, Zhou Bai took a step back calmly, and then cut it out with the same sword. The Thunder was born by himself, and the sword was full of light. It was similar to Xiang Tian enemy ’s Thunder and Sword method. .

After Zhou Bai ’s degree of Taoism broke through to 80%, his qualifications have continued to grow, coupled with the all-round growth brought by other divine maps, he has been called a rare genius for thousands of years.

Last time when his Taoism broke through 70%, with the powerful qualifications, he once cracked the Tianxia sword art of the Daxia dynasty in an instant. They resisted the deadly epidemic at that time.

Now, after the degree of Taoism has exceeded 80%, he has reached an incredible level in both strength and qualification.

To be honest, how strong Zhou Bai is now and how talented he is, even he himself only has a vague estimate. He does n’t know where his upper limit can go. He does n’t know if he can take himself Killed.

And at this moment, when Zhou Bai's eyes gently swept across the natural enemies in front of him, the nine-day dagger magic tactics that had been practiced, the mysteries of various swords and lightning methods, and even the short-time contact before the time was backward The mysteries of the divine body flashed in his mind.

For a moment, everything seems to be so simple, even the sword of the natural enemy in front of him seems to have no secret.

So at this moment, when Zhou Bai saw this kind of thunderous mountain sword of Xiang Tian enemies, he also exhibited with the amazing qualifications, and condensed the power of the sword into one point by virtue of his amazing control power. To the enemy in front of him.

The blade of light collided, the thunder shone, and Xiang Tian enemy only felt that every inch of his power was consumed, and the sword that was enough to fight the world did not set off a wave.

In particular, the idea of ​​slashing monsters and removing monsters in the sword was so different from him, that they disappeared and disappeared.

Xiang Tiandi's heart was astonished and abnormal: ‘This thunder and sword are clearly the practices I have re-refined in the past few months? How can Zhou Bai be so similar? This child's talent has reached this level? ’

The next moment, Xiang Tian enemy was so aggressive that he planned to take a full shot and win the opponent with the power of 160% Taoism.

But as Xiang Tian's enemies flickered with layers of space twisting, a sigh sounded.

Zhou Bai: "Marshal Lei Bu ..."

Daoguang Leiguang rushed towards his face, Xiang Tian enemies felt only a blank area in front of his eyes, and his sight was filled with white electric light. Only a thunderous sky and a sigh were heard in the sound.

"But that's it ..."

The next moment, Daoguang Leiguang had already distinguished each other, and tore down the sky to chop down Xiang Xiang's enemies.

The combination of Xiang Tian's thunder and sword methods is like the fall of nine days of thunder, which destroys the demon with extreme speed and power.

At this moment, Zhou Bai fell down with a knife, but it was a pure power, pure arrogance, and everything that was blocked in front of him was crushed into powder, tearing the world apart.

Xiang Tiandi's eyes widened fiercely, and Bai Bai's sword move at this moment was a ninth style of his own large-scale thunder knife—opening up the world.

Xiang Tian enemies also cut out with one stroke of a knife, and they collided with Zhou Bai's sword, then annihilated in layers of twisted space, and the sword that was enough to kill the immortal was cancelled by both sides.

He looked at Zhou Bai with a complex complexion, and his mind sounded an incomparable thought: ‘this boy ... just by the knife I just used, deduced my Nine Type Sky Thunder Knife to the last one? ’

When Xiang Tiandi felt extremely surprised, Zhou Bai's Lei Guang was again turned into a knife light, and said gently, "You haven't finished the sword method yet, there should be another way."

Xiang Tian En's face is circled, there is another style? I do not know how?

But the next moment, he saw Zhou Bai cut off with one stroke, and Lei Guang's knife light mixed into a real light, and with a thunder, it passed by and disappeared.

When Xiang Tian's enemies reacted, Dao Guang had swept through his hair.

This knife straddled the twisted space around him in a flash, struck a distance of dozens of miles within a split second, and chopped off the natural enemy's hair.

Xiang Tiandi's heart was even more shocked: 'This sword controls the thunder with the sword, and the sword with the thunder, and the sword cuts out like Jiuxiao thunder, and cuts the enemy in an instant ... even I only thought of it sporadically ... This time he saw me making a knife, but he even deduced it directly? ’

At this moment, Xiang Tian enemies had a deep sense of shock and frustration.

Even if he was directly kneeled on the ground, he would not have such deep frustration.

It was a feeling that IQ and talent were completely crushed.

After all, Xiang Tian enemies were Marshal Lei Bu, and soon suppressed the loss in his heart, and sighed softly, looking at Zhou Bai as usual.

‘Even if he ’s amazingly talented, but as long as he does n’t become an immortal, how can the sword be better than me? ’

‘If I ’m fully working on the power of psychic manifestation, no matter how high his skill is, it wo n’t hurt me. ’

‘What ’s more, I still do n’t use distortion weapons ... I still have a lot of post moves not used ...’

As soon as he thought of his full preparations over the past few months, Xiang Tiandi ’s confidence was restored.

On the other side, Zhou Bai said, "How am I doing this? It should be the last move in your set?"

Xiang Tiandi said blankly, "OK."

"Ha ha." Zhou Bai smiled gently: "Xian Tian enemy, you are not my opponent, but I am not here to fight you, but to discuss something with you, the deities who are posing as deities."

Xiang Tiandi snorted coldly, and said secretly in his heart, ‘He ca n’t hurt me, but I need to take him a thousand strokes or more. It ’s very likely that he will run away, so I just listen to what he wants to say. ’

Seeing Xiang Tiandi's silence, Zhou Bai continued: "Your **** emperor is missing. The **** emperor in the heavenly court should be too high."

Bai Bai's lazy value at the moment: 21.6 million

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