Too Early

Chapter 1049: Break through the family's financial breakthrough

“咎自自取?!” 裴 裴 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 人 人 人 人 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴If you can't give me a satisfactory explanation, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

He and the real person listened to this, sneered aloud, and heard the voice heard from the audience. He said, "Ye Qing, this is what you are wrong. At the beginning, we all said good, and entered the Wanjiao fairy tales." After that, life and death, some rules still need to be kept?"

"It seems like it is not a matter of rules to kill the disciples of the Allies." The Supreme Master Puguang was taught to pay for the real person. At this time, he talked. He leaned back on the chair and looked like a face. Laughing and laughing at the real people.

He and the real person did not fear him at all. He squinted his face and smiled. "It is a bit. But when life is threatened, I feel that Qin Haoxuan’s approach is completely correct and very compliant? After all, first It’s not him who is picking things up.”

The face of the real person is slightly cold: "Even if life receives a threat, I don't know if I must kill it. What is wrong with Shengrui? It is also a cultivator of the nine-golden golden flower. The future is boundless. Just killing it, some are not close to humans?"

"I don't understand the words of paying the real person. Why don't you kill it? If you want to kill Qin Haoxuan like Shengrui, do you want to wait for him to make a scorpion?" Is it necessary for him to be strong again to kill himself once?" Zhihe real people are also sharpened, and they are not allowed to pay for the real person.

"To be true to the real person is wrong. Shengrui and Qin Haoxuan are the same people after all, and they are the brothers and sisters in the alliance. But Qin Haoxuan is cold-blooded to the point where it is half-hearted. It is really chilling." The people on the side of the Yunyun Pavilion also spoke.

Shangguan Lingfeng sneered and raised his voice and said: "Go to your fellow men, go to your allies and brothers! If Shengrui cares about the alliance, will he bring so many people to kill Qin Haoxuan? And still 趁The key moment of Qin Haoxuan’s condensed flower, this little person’s mind is really disgusting!”

"Life is alive, can you be without mistakes? Shengrui is just a mistake, must you use your life to pay it back? We are willing to make a mistake for Shengrui and are willing to pay compensation. However, Qin Haoxuan ruined everything. "The halal people are flushed with red eyes and stalked their necks."

"Oh, it’s really light to say that the people in the Qing Dynasty are so arrogant. The key moments of Qin Haoxuan’s condensed flowers are disturbing. Even in order to prevent Qin Haoxuan from condensing the flowers, he will slaughter the early teaching disciples. If Qin Haoxuan does not condense successfully, I think it is now Are you a corpse in front of you? Is it true that the halal real people dare to say that they made mistakes at the moment, really even their own faces are not needed?" Shangguan Lingfeng has clear mouth and teeth, words and blood, and no mercy back.

Zhihe real person is also a cold smile: "Since the Qingzhen people say so, the old man also said that Qin Haoxuan is also making a mistake for a while, slipping his hand, accidentally killing your disciples under the door, can you also not swear, have you revealed it? ”

"You!" 裴 裴 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人

At the meeting, he was suddenly occupied by a slap in the face, and the smell of gunpowder was scattered in the air. The scene was tight to the extreme, and there was a feeling of a touch.

Pu Guang has no teaching to teach the empty man to look at Huang Long, gloomy eyes. Under normal circumstances, the 5,000-year-old little teacher, no matter how good his disciples are, his own existence will not care, unless The other party is purple! Yes, this Qin Haoxuan is really not a purple species, but his performance has to attract his attention.

To the real person is not the old fox, looked at the face of the real man, the eyeball turned, then turned around and shrouded a white soft light around the body, completely do not see the face of the immortal said: "Clear brother, you Is the Qinghui-teaching disciple An Jingxing and our super-Huahua not a good friend? Just as Jingjing is also inside, it is better for us to send a few disciples of the realm to go in and find a sight, let him with Chaohua, Haoxuan Also get close."

Qinghui teaches, the Supreme Master in the cultivation of immortals, and the white feathers have always been good.

When the real person in the cold listened to the words of the real person, he immediately understood it.

Now Qin Haoxuan has the best style, endless fighting power, and many amazing adventures. The most important thing is that it is good for people around you.

You see, a drop of fairy water, how many cultivators can't ask for an adventure, even Qin Haoxuan gave it to Yu Chaohua, how much is this opportunity?

If they have a colored fairy under the door, they can also work with Yu Chaohua and follow Qin Haoxuan on both sides, and they will certainly be able to get a rare adventure in the Wanjiao fairy tales! If you follow Qin Haoxuan to get an adventure, outside of this, help the early education to support a field, what is it?

Thinking of this, the cold real person nodded calmly, did not speak, but made a gesture behind the body, two disciples of the real world, get the cold and real people's instructions, flew directly into the Wanjiao fairy.

Seeing the practice of clearing the cold and real people, the face of the real people and the real person of the empty body suddenly sank.

Because the cold is real, it is clear that it is to tell everyone that he has stood on the side of Huanglong.

Moreover, the two immortals who sent the two demons went into the Wanjiao immortals and helped Qin Haoxuan, which also caused great interference to their future actions.

Paying the attention of the real person, the eyes are low, just a moment of thought for a moment, then the voice and the disciple behind him: "Go out to the retreat of Du Yuyuan, tell him, the time is up."

The disciple suddenly widened his eyes and hesitated to look at the real person.

The real person did not look at the back, just said again: "Let him go in."

There was a hint of cold in the voice, and the disciple behind him did not dare to stop, and turned and left.

Du Yuyuan! Pu Guang is not a true ace disciple, and he is extremely talented. His talent is the first person in the past, and he is several times more than Zhuge Langyue.

The reason why Wu Diyuan did not immediately enter the Wanjiao immortality, on the one hand, the inside of the disaster is unpredictable, and the short-lived man wants to find out the situation inside and then let Du Yiyuan enter. On the other hand, Du Yuyuan has a deep opportunity. In addition to the Wanjiao fairy tales, another ruin was found, and the opportunity of Tianda was obtained in it, which was hitting the golden flower.

Originally, I wanted to let Du Xiyuan condense three golden flowers outside the Wanjiaxian, and then let him go in and kill Qin Haoxuan. However, the current situation has not allowed the empty man to hesitate.

Now, the reason why the short-lived real person is so confident that he puts Duoyi into the Wanjiao fairy remains because Du Yuyuan has got a golden fruit in the remains!

As long as Du Yuyuan re-condenses a golden flower in the Wanjiao fairy, he can cooperate with his golden fruit to kill Qin Haoxuan. Even if Qin Haoxuan is a ten-golden flower, he can still kill Qin Haoxuan!

In the sound of the sound forest, Qin Haoxuan and others can not feel the wind and clouds outside the Wanjiao immortal, everyone's eyes are still gathered in Qin Haoxuan.

The red color in Qin Haoxuan's eyes was slightly lighter. He glanced at the people around him. Those who followed Shengrui's cultivators, suddenly fell like ice, and the smashing movement could not move!

"Today's business, it's over, I don't want to kill any more, let's go."

Lin Fei and another five-petal golden flower cultivator Luo Kai, ecstasy on the surface.

The disciples of the early teachings understood that Qin Haoxuan had stopped because the rest of the people did not kill the disciples of the early teachings, so they were not allowed to die.

"Hao Xuan..." Liu Chengfeng sighed and said: "After this death is a Shengrui with a golden flower and nine petals. Is this the case?"

Qin Haoxuan slowly turned around and looked at Liu Chengfeng. The tone was plain and silent. "You want to fight? I really don't want to fight with you. Shengrui... I just regret not killing him early, otherwise I will not be a disciple at first." Damaged."

When Liu Chengfeng saw Qin Haoxuan’s eyes, he knew that it would be useless to continue to entangle this matter. No reason! Shengrui is doing something wrong! But... is it so over?

"Hao Xuan, can you think about one or two before you start working in the future." Liu Chengfeng said with a fist: "Of course, I will persuade the outside world, others should not hit your mind."

"it is good!"

After Qin Haoxuan sent Liu Chengfeng and others to leave, Qin Haoxuan’s dragon scale sword was in the air, and Qin Haoxuan himself sat next to the dragon scale for the early education of the people who were still practicing behind him .

A lot of onlookers, but also want to pick up the missing immortals, see Qin Haoxuan this posture, can only sigh, where to come back. Qin Haoxuan spreads his knowledge and observes the surroundings without relaxing.

The ten-petal golden flower blooms in midair, and the splendid golden haze is surrounded by the golden flower. The silky stream is like a small waterfall. It falls straight from the petals of the golden flower and falls to the early teaching. Disciple and Yu Chaohua.

However, soon, the color of the golden flower became dim, Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes gently, and then pinched a mark, the dragon scale sword standing in the air was slightly shocked, the blade opened, and the road was pure and holy. Guanghua overflowed from it, and a large piece of elixir suddenly flew out of the dragon scale sword, and then fell straight into the golden flower.

Some faint ten-flowered golden flowers, the time of bloom blooms boundless brilliance, and the power input into the people is more pure.

A lot of people watched Qin Haoxuan use his resources to help people feel the cultivation, and they opened their mouths.

"Is this Qin Haoxuan too big? He thought that he really could maintain the resources that so many people need?" Someone stared at the world's elixir that was constantly being sent out of the dragon scale sword, half of which was a pity. Said.

"Yeah, Qin Haoxuan is still too young to know how much resources a person needs to condense."

"However, really, is this Qin Haoxuan really only a disciple of thousands of sects? Why are there so many elixir?"

"I don't want to understand either. You see him at the end of the house. He said that he is a disciple of the 10,000-year-old or even the great sect. I believe it!"

"How come? Is it gone?" ()

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