Too Early

Chapter 1065: Hopeless to become a fairy mortal

Seeing the mother's words and stops, Qin Haoxuan brows gently and asks with a slight urgency: "What is it? Mother has a physical discomfort?"

Qin mother smiled and patted Qin Haoxuan’s hand: "It’s not this thing, it’s that I’m so old with you, I’m sure I can’t live in this world for a few years...”

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes gradually dimmed, and an indescribable sadness stirred up in his heart. He slowly picked up his fist...

"So, my mother thought, can I hold my grandson before I die?" Qin mother said with a smile.

Qin Haoxuan listened to Qin’s words and immediately stopped.

When Qin mother saw him, she felt that her son was shy and directly clarified her words. She said: "You look at the blue smoke girl, but you haven’t been with you for so long, and for the past two years, she has been with you. The mind of the mother can be seen in the eyes, where to find such a good girl? You can not take words to smash the mother, the mother looked out, you are not indifferent to this blue smoke girl."

Qin Haoxuan's heartbeat was slightly faster, and his eyes fell on the busy blue smoke in the kitchen.

In the past two years, the blue smoke that has never done housework learned to stir up a good dish, and learned to sew clothes to clean up the house. She did everything for this family. Taking care of the already elderly Qin Qin Qin mother is like serving her own. Loved ones, taking care of always going out to hunt or to study Qin Haoxuan in the town of Xianshan, just like... like a virtuous wife...

Think of the bits and pieces of the past two years, remembering the blue smoke that never complained, Qin Haoxuan secretly sighed: "No matter what, I owe her a lot."

Qin mother ordered Qin Haoxuan’s forehead and said: “A girl likes you so much, you are a big man. Do you want to drag people like this? Say, mother still wants to hold grandchildren, if you want to drag If you are a family, you can be the first one."

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and said with a smile: "How do I want to drag her? I am just..."

Thinking of Xu Yu outside the town of Xianxian, Qin Haoxuan's brow wrinkles more tightly, but look at the busy blue smoke in the kitchen, and then look at the Qin father Qin mother with a look forward to seeing his eyes...

In two years, there was no feeling that I slipped away. Qin Haoxuan thought, maybe it’s just a moment before, and the town of Xianshan will have time to flow, and the millennium will pass away.

I am afraid that when Xu Yu found this place, the town of Xianshan has not known how many years have passed, and there is no self-supporting body, fearing that it has already turned into a white bone at that time.

Leaving this place? Qin Haoxuan looked up at the sky, and his eyes were gray desperate. Without that decree, he might be able to fight hard!

A law is intended to land, and it is the ants that are pressed under the mountains.

"Wa, I listened to the blue smoke..." Qin mother said, "I know, you have a good girl outside."

Qin Haoxuan nodded.

Qin mother sighed: "If you can leave, the mother is willing to look for the girl outside, the big girl is the master, and the blue smoke will be collected at the time..."


"You listen to the mother first." Qin mother interrupted Qin Haoxuan's words: "In the past two years, my bones with you have been worse than a day. In a few years, I went with you, you two Continue to live here? Still like this? Have you thought about the blue smoke and the heart of the girl?"

Qin’s father gently patted Qin Haoxuan’s back. Sometimes men don’t need to talk, but they have already said it very thoroughly.

Qin Haoxuan knows that the blue smoke is really a good girl, and I know that the blue smoke is my own, but... I have Xu Yu earlier, and I only have Xu Yu in my heart.

But now... my parents are old enough... If I have really gone through some time, I haven’t seen my grandchildren, are I not filial?

"Mother... I understand..." Qin Haoxuan sighed: "The son knows how to do have to look at the blue smoke..."

"Hey! Good son, you are going to ask, go ask." Qin mother waited for Qin Haoxuan's words, and looked at Qin's father, and couldn't wait to urge Qin Haoxuan into the kitchen.

A few steps to the kitchen, Qin Haoxuan never felt when his feet would be so unintelligible, and even some did not know how to walk.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Haoxuan stepped in and took the blue smoke that was cooking. He was shocked: "What is this? Panic?"

The blue smoke of a coarse cloth was standing in front of the iron pot, and the iron spoon was still in one hand. The fine hair that was swept in front of the hand was rubbed into the back of the head. The facial features were exquisite, the expression was safe, and a pair of eyes looked at Qin Haoxuan in the house with a trace of concern. With joy that is difficult to cover.

The sun shines straight out of the window, giving the blue smoke a golden glow.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly remembered that when she saw the blue smoke for the first time, she was a blue-washed robes, and the whole person was a little bit arrogant and arrogant. She always danced with eyebrows and beautiful eyes.

However, he felt that the blue smoke of a coarse clothed dress was more beautiful than that of the Jinyi robes at that time, and it was beautiful with the precipitation of the years.

"What's wrong? How are you stupid?" Qin Haoxuan's straight eyes made the blue smoke cheeks red, and could not help but be stunned.

"I..." Qin Haoxuan said a word, and he stopped, and he was ignorant of his words, and now he does not know what to say.

"What's wrong with you?" The blue smoke was also lightened. Looking at Qin Haoxuan, I only felt that my heart beat like a drum. I only took back my eyes for a while, and some dodge the sun on the stove.

The yellowish sunshine made this silent atmosphere a little more awkward. Qin Haoxuan couldn’t think of anything, so he said directly: "That, you see, I haven’t married yet, have you become a relative?"

Blue smoke: "..."

For a moment, then I watched Qin Haoxuan, who hadn’t said a complete sentence for a long time, but the blue smoke instantly understood that a face was red and red, and she was somewhat ashamed but more happy to sue. Qin Haoxuan: "This is a fool! I won't even say a word."

Both of them were a little confused, and the blue smoke even felt that their heart was jumping out: "I, I don't have..."

Qin Haoxuan had a rough look at nothing, but the red ear tip also sold out his state at this time, and saw that the blue smoke was also a little panic. Qin Haoxuan suddenly calmed down. He looked straight at the blue smoke and his tone calmed down. Said: "Since we are not married, if you don't deny me as a weak species, now you are trapped in this town of Xianshan and become a mortal, and there is no way to promise what can be given to you..."

Listening to Qin Haoxuan as if hitting the heart, the blue smoke slightly hangs down and the eyes are secretly red. She quietly said almost silently: "How can I dislike you? I am happy and too late, how can I be disgusted?" you?"

Qin Haoxuan couldn't see the blue smoke, and she didn't hear her words. She just looked at her in the sunshine. She had a bit of tenderness in her eyebrows. He finally said softly: "If you don't want to give up, are you willing to be with me?" ”

The tears of the blue smoke came out. She covered her lips with one hand, fearing that she would cry, and the teardrops fell to the ground one by one, and then opened cheerfully.

When I saw the blue smoke crying, Qin Haoxuan panicked and hurriedly took two steps forward. He moved his arm with a slap in the face: "Don't cry... How did you cry... I... If you don't want to... ”

"I am willing!" Blue smoke whimpered to interrupt Qin Haoxuan's words, looked at the rare fears on Qin Haoxuan's face, and then refused to take care of the other, suddenly plunged into his arms, his hands clenched his clothes corner, stacked sounds Road: "I want, I am willing..."

Qin Haoxuan paused, and finally the body that surrounded the blue smoke.

The sunset has turned from the two, leaving a quiet and full of tenderness.

By the embrace of Qin Haoxuan, blue smoke has never had such a peace of mind.

This is all stolen from me. I am so despicable. The blue smoke bit his mouth gently, and the tears in his eyes are still flowing down.

She couldn't help but conceal her own use of the spiritual method when she first came out of the dragon scale sword. She felt that she was not honest enough to let Qin Haoxuan and her uncle and aunt be trapped here.

For a while, the blue smoke always thought, maybe he would confess that he could use the spiritual law, and rushed out, maybe he could find someone to rescue Qin but she did not, she was selfish Left Qin Haoxuan, do not want others to take Qin Haoxuan away from her. I was afraid that I would go out, and for a thousand years outside, even if I opened the town of Xianshan, I could only see his bones. It would be better to accompany him for a hundred years.

After the first few days passed, the spiritual law in her body was gradually sealed. The blue smoke did not panic, and even felt happy, and was happy that she could finally live with Qin Haoxuan in a world without outsiders.

In the town of Xianshan, he has her, and Qin Haoxuan's parents, and only them, such a day, the former blue smoke can not think.

Blue smoke is happy, and there is also a guilty concealment in my heart.

However, I don't regret it. Blue smoke leans on Qin Haoxuan, and her eyes are full of happiness. She knows that no matter how much guilt she has in her heart, she will still make the same choice even if she gives her a chance to come back.

Because she loves him.

The happiest thing is to count the Qin and Qin mothers. They are working for the rest of their lives. Most of them are their own children. Seeing the son and their favorite girls all show their intentions. The two old people’s mouths must be closed.

On the moon in the sky, the bright moonlight sprinkled a layer of glory.

In the courtyard, Qin Haoxuan and Lan Yan were dressed in the usual service, but there was a red hijab on the head of the blue smoke.

In the simplest environment, even if there is no such thing as a good service, Qin Haoxuan and Blue Smoke worshipped the parents of heaven and earth, and under the witness of the moon, they formed a couple.

"Children, wronged you!" Holding the hand of blue smoke, Qin mother not only red eyes, "We old Qin family, there is no way to give you a decent wedding."

Qin Haoxuan stood aside and slightly lowered his head.

"Mother, I am not wronged, marrying him is the happiest thing in my life." The blue smoke was slightly nervous and sweet.

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