Too Early

Chapter 1072: Golden fist blood fog

Jiang Zibai looked down at the town of Xianshan in his hand, and heard the words, such as the ancient well, calm and waveless: "I have really not seen the innate five virtues for a long time, your appearance really surprised me, but Your five virtues are incomplete. Nowadays, only cultivation has become a virtue, and it is still worse. If your Wude Taoist cultivation is complete, I am still interested in seeing you."

After that, the town of Jiangxian in the hands of Jiang Zibai suddenly burst into a burst of Huaguang!

The ninety-nine leaves far away from thousands of miles were severely wounded, and a large mouthful of blood was sprayed again, and his face was pale to the extreme!

The sacred knowledge he attached to the town of Xianshan was wiped out by Jiang Zibai!

The fury of the ninety-nine leaves is red, but because the facial features are as refined as the immortals, there is no hint of embarrassment. I think of the town of Xianshan, which was taken away, and the ninety-nine leaves are angry and screamed: "When I get together, I will get the five virtues." Day is when you are killed!"

The words are still there, and the ninety-nine leaves suddenly disappeared into the sky.

what? Congenital five virtues? !

In addition to the Wanjiao fairy tales, all face colors are dignified, and it is not that there is such a resurgence in the existence of this Wanjiao fairy tales! Congenital five virtues! Wu Dexian Wang once famous! Just... too hard!

"Is this ninety-nine leaves ready to be built into the innate five virtues?!" asked the real man strangely.

Someone was thinking about it for a while, then said: "The ninety-nine leaves are the innate Mude, and when he first appeared, he met a guy who was condensing the innate waters. The water body has fallen under his hand."

"More than that." Someone went on to say, "There have been four congenital tracts up to now, but two of them have been destroyed by the ninety-nine leaves."

"Hey, that ninety-nine leaves are arrogant, and fiercely savage is like killing! Once in order to chase a congenital body in addition to Xianyin Lin, killing outside the forest." Feihe real face is very ugly Said, "But that person can be considered to have sinned the immortal, and many people shouted and killed him."

"Oh, it is like Qin Haoxuan a few years ago." Yan Yunge's teachings are clear and meaningful.

For a time, the atmosphere at the venue became somewhat subtle, and Huanglong did not move, and did not care about them.

Wanjiao immortal.

Using the Wanli, it instantly appeared in the ninety-nine leaves of a valley far away from Xianyinlin. The raging palm smashed a mountain, and then took a few breaths before swallowing the anger of the lost town. .

"I dare to grab my town Xianshan!" The ninety-nine leaves are like a well-groomed face, "I must let you know that I am offended!"

"At the moment, only the fastest speed, find the remaining two virtues, devour them, and complete the cultivation of the innate five virtues, in order to revenge!"

Ninety-nine leaves sat on a lotus flower, and the ten fingers fluttered in front of him. The blossoming lotus blossomed on his side and faded. Gradually, the gossip figure symbolizing the universe and the universe condensed out. The ninety-nine leaves are turning fast before the body!

It seems that it was only after a short period of time. The ninety-nine leaves opened their eyes and locked the gossip figure in front of them. The corner of the mouth sneered a sneer: "They are here."

"Ginger predecessor!" Seeing the dust settled, Xu Yu looked anxiously at Jiang Zibai.

Jiang Zibai shook his head with a smile, then extended his slender index finger and played a few times on the palm of the town of Xianshan.

Four figures, one by one, fell from the town of Xianshan.

When I first came out, there was only the size of the rice, but just to land, Qin Haoxuan returned to normal height.

I saw a small doll with a powdered jade look curiously around, and asked in a tender voice: "Hey, what happened? Is this place outside?"

Xu Yu suddenly stagnated in the same place, cold intentions broke into the heart from the fingertips.

what happened? This little doll called him...hey?

Xu Yu had a stiff, slightly underground head and looked at the little doll.

The little doll is not the same as the 13th, but wearing a patch of cloth, but it is difficult to hide the brilliance and the grace of his eyebrows.

His skin is white and tender, and he also feels like a child's meat. The hair is neatly bundled behind his head. The most beautiful thing is his eyes. It seems to be a gathering of heaven and earth. It is amazing, and the facial features have not yet grown. However, However, there is a faint appearance of Qin Haoxuan.

why? How could this be?

The loud bang of Xu Yu’s brain was like a sledgehammer knocking down, which made her completely stunned for a while, and her mind was blank and she couldn’t say anything.

And at this time, the change is sudden.

Lin Fan, a disciple of Ximingge, who was originally controlled by the ancestors of the ancestors, suddenly offered a piece of implement, violently broke the **** and rushed to the blue of the two steps in front of him!

This change happened so suddenly that no one thought that such a thing would happen. Xu Yu subconsciously extended his hand to pull the blue, but it was still a slow step!

Since a quarter of an hour ago, Xi Mingge’s disciple was controlled by his ancestors, Lin Fan was already planning to escape. In his experience, he knew that he was caught at this time, and most of them could not run, but Sun Qiang and others were swallowed. The death of living is too fearful and scary, and Lin Fan is dying!

He can see that the child is the key, and the child is so close to him, he can grasp it by reaching out. As long as he controls the milk doll, is it hard to say? !

In the exclamation of the disciples in the early days, Lin Fan was like an arrow from the string. In an instant, he came to the side of Yi Lan, so that everyone could not respond!


"Quickly open!"

A few quick screams came to memorize the blue ear. He felt a murderous attack from behind, and turned his head in doubt. He saw Lin Fan rushing toward him!

Out of Lin Fan and all the disciples of Taichu, it is expected that Yi Lan did not make their imagination exclaimed, even if there was no fear, only the eyebrows were slightly picked, and they said in their hearts: "Which is not long-eyed, I dare to catch me."

Then, the next scene, almost subverted the crowd of people, including the perception of the immortal inside and outside the Wanjiao.

I saw the little doll, and I didn’t give up. The little body shook and shook, and the whole body burst into a golden glow. The turbulent aura was crazy and the fists that he shook his head rushed!


Recalling the action of the blue shot is too fast, even Xu Yu has a moment of embarrassment, only to see the child with a low and light drink, a fist like a small sun shocked the boundless golden brilliance, violently handed out, huge The space of the power belt was shaking, and Lin Fan, who was stunned and stunned, was smashed into a **** fog by a child's fist at that moment, and even a complete hair was not left!

Breaking Lin Fan, Yi Lan turned and hugged Qin Haoxuan, haha ​​smiled: "The man dared to hit my idea, dead."

Qin Haoxuan pinched his face with a little pet: "You are the best."

Shocked, extremely shocked!

People outside the Wanjiao fairy have no idea what to say!

Such a small child can actually practice? Even a punch will be a master of the pinnacle of the peak of the turn into a broken? Not dreaming? !

"Teaching, have you seen it?" The red temper is excited to add. "Qin Haoxuan’s stinky boy not only came out, but he also brought a little nephew! Haha, I know, this kid is a big blessing, It’s so easy to be accepted by God!”

The disciples in the early days were also a delight, and they whispered one by one, and the cheerful atmosphere spread from them.

Huang Long’s eyebrows that have never been stretched in the past two years have finally let go. He looked softly on Qin Haoxuan and Yi Lan’s body and gently nodded, but his eyes swept to the side of Xu Yu’s body. The look in the middle of the complex is complicated, and in the end, I can only shake my head and sigh softly.

In the Wanjiao immortal, everyone was also stunned by the blue hand, only Jiang Zibai, a pair of eyes instantly lit up, looking at the memory of the blue, but said to Qin Haoxuan: "What is going on? Speaking."

Qin Haoxuan has raised it since he saw Xu Yuxin. He saw that Xu Yu was obviously sad, but tried to pretend that nothing was going on, and his heart was even more upset.

Hearing the words of Jiang Qin Haoxuan lowered his eyes slightly and gently touched the blue head with his hand and said, "This is the case, my son."

Xu Yu heard Qin Haoxuan personally admit that his face was a bit white, and there was a bit of pain and confusion between the eyebrows.

Huang Long and others who were outside the Wanjiaxian also heard it. First of all, they exclaimed their excitement. Then the eyes of the Baihuatang Church swept away. Everyone felt that it was a bit uncomfortable. He didn’t talk.

The tutors at the beginning of Xu Yu’s body were even more embarrassed. They only took a pair of eyes and sneaked on Yi Lan, Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu. Everyone knew that what was said at this time was not very good, so they all chose to shut up.

Recalling the blue holding Qin Haoxuan's thigh, he looked up at his head. Although he was not afraid of fear, but there was such a stranger and even a strange groan, he still had a slight tension, instinctively hugged Qin Haoxuan.

"Oh, your son." Hearing Qin Haoxuan's answer, Jiang Zibai's eyes were brighter, his mouth slightly tilted, and his eyes narrowed and glanced at Qin Haoxuan. "Isn't it yet too early?"

Qin Haoxuan nodded.

Jiang Zibai coughed and said with a smile: "If this is the case, then don't enter it, just go under my door."

After Jiang Zibai finished, he paused again and waved his hand: "I don't care about those imaginary, let this little doll follow me, not to enter my door, but to follow me for a while, pass on my path. ""

"Little doll, would you like to worship me as a teacher?" Jiang Zibai smiled at the blue, and he himself grew like a fairy. The temperament is different from the thousands of red dust. A smile adds more affinity.

For this little apprentice, Jiang Zibai has been tempted to use beauty.

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