Too Early

Chapter 1088: Can you pick up one?

There are so many zombies to practice, there is also a zombie at the level of the palace, compared to the small shadow corpse should be able to practice well, Qin Haoxuan touched his chin and thought.

Everyone looked at Qin Haoxuan's eyes changed, becoming very complicated, envious, greedy, hostile and many.

Feng Xiao sighed: "Qin Dao's luck is really enviable. It is rumored that if the corpse king really grows up, it is definitely something that makes the heavens and the earth fear, and even annihilates the gods."

"Oh? I have never heard of this." Qin Haoxuan was slightly surprised. He only knew that the small shadow corpse was very powerful. He never thought that the small corpse would grow up so much.

Feng Xiao gently smiled and pulled the topic apart, inviting Qin Haoxuan into the fairy tower.

In the fairy tower.

When Feng Wei introduced the grand introduction of Qin Haoxuan to everyone, and indicated that Qin Haoxuan should be included in the immortal society, for a time, everyone was silent.

They are not unclear about the influence of Qin Haoxuan in the Wanjiao fairy relics. They also know that Qin Haoxuan has joined the Immortal Society and has great help to the immortal society. After all, there is such a super-powerful killing god, other majors. If the power wants to deal with the immortal, it will have to be measured.


Several people looked at each other, but it was still a bit uncomfortable.

Fan Wei, the sixth giant, frowned. He looked at Qin Haoxuan with hostility and said to Feng Xi, "We have become one of the nine giants despite the fact that we are missing one person!"

"How many hardships did our ten giants break open before they laid down the foundation of today? Only the immortals will be able to achieve this status today. It can be said that the immortality of the immortals is now because we have ten people! But Qin Haoxuan has come Can join us and enjoy the success, the brothers still have a bit of mind." The fourth giant Shao Yingfei said dissatisfied.

Gu Yang, the seventh giant, was reluctant to let Qin Haoxuan join. In his view, he and Fan Wei were the first to support Zhou Sheng. If Qin Haoxuan really joined the Fairy Club, it would definitely be a disaster for both!

Su Baishan was not comfortable in his heart. He married Zhou Sheng for a long time. Naihe Zhou Sheng took care of his eyeballs and guarded the front. He did not give him a chance. He saw Zhou Sheng’s death. Also fell into the hands of Qin Haoxuan, he is even more unhappy.

However, Su Baishan wanted to think more. He just looked at it quietly and did not express his opposition. He did not agree.

The phoenix was waved, and all the quarrels in the fairy tower stopped, and everyone looked at her.

Although Qin Haoxuan did not move his face, his heart was slightly different. He did not expect that Feng Qi’s control over the immortal society would be so powerful. It seems that these people are really very eager to accept the phoenix.

"What do you mean, is it really important?" Feng Yu said in a word, everyone asked.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Feng Yan’s eyes fell gently on Qin Haoxuan. Undoubtedly, “How strong is Qin Haoxuan’s Qin Dao’s strength, so I don’t need to say it? If you really have a brain, you will know that Qin Daoyou joined. The immortal society will bring the benefits of the immortal society more than the benefits that the immortal will bring to him! This kind of thing can't be seen, what can the immortals expect?"

In a silence, Su Baishan smiled and arched his hand to Fenghuang. He said: "In fact, Su’s heart has been admiring Qin Dao’s brother for a long time. It’s our pleasure for the immortal to have Qin Dao’s joining.”

Su Baishan opened this mouth, and the rest is easy to handle. All of them then expressed their willingness to join Qin Haoxuan.

Feng Xiao nodded.

Su Baishan smiled and arched Qin Haoxuan, then turned to other people: "From today, Qin Haoxuan is the second giant of our immortal society, and the rest will automatically descend..."

"No." Feng Xiao suddenly made a noise, interrupted the words of Su Baishan, and then said in the eyes of everyone's doubts: "So from today, Qin Haoxuan is the first meeting of our immortal society! I am the second Giant."

what? The sound of Feng Yu is soft, and it is no less than thundering in the ears of everyone!

This time, everyone was shocked and completely incomprehensible!

"Feng leader! You have been doing things, we have been convinced, but this time, the big guys really do not agree!" The ninth giant said in accordance with the big stream.

"Feng leader, we will be able to go to today, and most of the reason is that we can work together and not in the chaos! But suddenly joined a Qin Haoxuan today, this is no problem, why should he be the first giant of the immortal society? Ah! We are not satisfied with a few!" Fan Wei said persistently.

When they discussed, Qin Haoxuan sat aside, his face looked faint, as if he had never heard the opinions of the people and those very unfriendly eyes.

Su Baishan's face is also very dignified. He said with a statement: "The phoenix leader, this is not a child's play. You are the first giant because the brothers are all convinced, but this Qin Haoxuan, when he first came, did not stand up, so he became the first A giant, we are not satisfied."

"What is Qin Haoxuan on?" He looked at Qin Haoxuan coldly to Tianyuan. The overall hostility is very obvious.

Feng Yan swept the crowd coldly, and many people swallowed the words that came to their lips.

"Why? With him is Qin Haoxuan, this is enough." Feng Xiao's voice, falling down word by word.

Everyone’s eyes were concentrated on the body of the second giant Su Baishan!

"If Feng Shou leads you to say this, my old ten can disagree with the first one." The tenth giant Yan stood up slowly and stretched out his hand with a respectful meaning pointing to Su Baishan. Not to mention the ability of the phoenix leader, is our second giant Su Erge, it is definitely the existence of the entire Wanjiao immortal! And, the skills of Su Erge, we all have seen. Qin Haoxuan is strong! But than the leader ......"

Strictly the last sentence, said very slowly, the eyes of the meaningful fall to Qin Haoxuan's body, it is directly said that this rumor of Qin Haoxuan is only a rumor, in the end there are some real materials, no one has seen .

"Yeah, Feng Shouling, Su Erge is a red-colored fairy! It is also an elite disciple of Supreme Masters. It has found its own fairy tales in the Wanjiao fairy tales, to say that it is high and strong. In addition to the phoenix leader, who can compare with the second brother?" The fourth giant said that he was convinced of Su Baishan.

Su Baishan smiled and waved his hand, but did not object to these people, because in his heart, there are some who do not believe in the strength of Qin Haoxuan.

"As for this Qin Haoxuan." Gu Yang squinted at Qin Haoxuan, with a trace of disdain on the face, "Who has really seen him, what I saw is that he borrowed some tricks and murders. Resentment."

For a time, the fairy tower was noisy with the mortal market. In addition to the Phoenix, the other giants of the Immortal Society said that they would not accept Qin Haoxuan to enter the Fairy Club.

Qin Haoxuan listened for a long time, and was annoyed. He put the tea cup in his hand on the table and the whole fairy tower suddenly quieted down.

Qin Haoxuan looked up and looked at the red-faced red-faced, fearing that he would enter the fairy-tale giants and smiled. He said, "I don't care about the name of the Big Ten. I don't care if I don't want to add a fairy, but I don't care what the first giant, I The reason why I came is because your leader invited me, so I came. Since you are not convinced of me, then let's do it."

When Qin Haoxuan said, Su Baishan had stood up and looked gentle, but his eyes looked at Qin Haoxuan with provocation.

Qin Haoxuan stood up easily and looked at the color outside. He waved his hand to the crowd and said, "Don't be a big giant. Let's go together."

what? ! Go together? Didn't you get it wrong?

Even Feng Yan’s eyes show obvious surprises. Is this... is it heroic or arrogant?

"Qin Haoxuan! Do you really think that you are invincible?" Gu Yang said with a bite.

A few giants were all killed by Qin Haoxuan. In their view, Qin Haoxuan is looking down on them!

Su Baishan sneered, and then the ninth giant chapter engraved with the tenth giant Yan made a look.

The engraving and the strictness suddenly understood, and the two rushed toward each other!

The speed of both of them is very fast soon collided together! However, it was not knocked open, but the two were united. After a glaring glory, the two men completely integrated into one whole. The height was two as high as Qin Haoxuan, and the muscles were developed and the whole body was bursting!

Su Baishan originally wanted to use this hand to scare Qin Haoxuan, but found that Qin Haoxuan was as calm as Gujing, and even had a playfulness in his eyes.

how is this possible? Su Baishan's brow wrinkles, many people do not know that the chapter engraving and strictness can be combined, and after the combination, the power will be several times their individual, the power can lift the mountain, almost no one can shoulder!

However, this Qin Haoxuan should be the first time to see it? Why are you so indifferent? Not even a trace of surprise!

These people don’t know, in fact, Qin Haoxuan had seen this kind of thing many years ago, just on the island of the fairy valley, Mrs. Yu and his hoe, two magical fits, and the strict visual impact Stronger!

"Hey!" The big giant after the slamming screamed, and there was a huge axe that was completely condensed by the golden light. He was unceremoniously going to Qin Haoxuan!

The force that weighed more than a thousand hurriedly swept through the air, with a piercing sound, and the blast brought up even the table and chair!

Qin Haoxuan did not move, did not retreat, and was as stable as a mountain. His hands condensed a gossip in front of him. The reincarnation was sent from his hands, black and white, rotating and reincarnation, pulling the power of the world. Under the attack, directly hit the chapter and the strict giants!

The giant was subjected to this strange and powerful force. When it was in midair, it was divided into two halves by hard and hard. The chapters and the strictness were never left to live, and they slammed into the wall and then slammed into the wall. Greatly fell down!

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