Too Early

Chapter 1107: Changqiao Xiuxian does not see the head

When Qin Haoxuan was inhaled into the fairy tomb, except for the initial surprise, there was no hint of panic.

When the irresistible suction disappeared, Qin Haoxuan found himself standing on a bridge.

"Where is this? Is this the fairy grave?" Qin Haoxuan looked around, and after seeing it clearly, he could not help but frown slightly.

This piece of heaven and earth, smog, can not see the sky, can not see the margins, and the bridge he stood is three feet wide, the color of white jade, but the shape is simple, there is no pattern, as for the length...

Qin Haoxuan looked far and wide. Even with the Taoist eyes, he couldn’t see where the end was. He could only say that the end of the bridge seemed to be connected with the sky.

Under the bridge is a raging water area, but it is impossible to tell whether it is a sea or a big river, but the piece of water is not ordinary water, but black water with a thick color of ink.

When Qin Haoxuan thought about it, he turned his back to the wing of freedom. He wanted to fly and look at the sky, but what he expected was that he could not fly.

When the brow wrinkled, Qin Haoxuan immediately felt the aura in his body and found that everything was normal. He could use the spiritual method completely, but he could not fly.

"This is similar to the mountain that was originally found in the ninety-nine leaves." Qin Haoxuan looked at the long bridge that had no end, and did not know where to extend. He secretly guessed, "Is this long bridge also used Test the immortals?"

If this is the case, then there is nothing to say. Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly and lifted his legs and walked forward.

Step by step, Qin Haoxuan calmly and calmly, with an unusual attitude, walked on the bridge.

There was no wind, no birds, no human voices, and some were just from the bridge, and the sound of the raging waves of water.

Looking up, the sea and the sky are intertwined and extend to places that cannot be seen farther. The long bridge at the foot is still silent and there is no thing.

"I guess wrong, this is still very different from the mountain."

I don't know how long I have gone, I can't predict how much I have traveled, and I don't know how far I am from the end of the bridge. Qin Haoxuan is secretly surprised. This bridge is more testable than the mountain.

At that time, there is at least one peak that can be seen in front of the mountain. There are some unrepeatable mountain scenery to admire, and some of the beasts are in the forest, and there are birds singing.

However, this bridge has nothing. Not even the wind.

If it is not the occasional change of water waves under the feet, Qin Haoxuan will have an illusion that time space is frozen.

It seems that I have not really walked, but I am standing in the same place, repeating monotonous and tedious movements day after day.

The feeling of silence, slowly appearing.

However, Qin Haoxuan still walks step by step, his eyes are looking into the distance, the light in his eyes has never weakened a little bit, he knows that he is sure to be able to reach the end.

Isn't this the way to cultivate the immortals? There is no end to the long road, but thousands of people are squatting.

It took too long to go. Even Qin Haoxuan thought that he would go on forever, and went all the way to the end of Shouyuan. He thought that this bridge was so empty and there was nothing.

Therefore, when he saw some of the bones that gradually appeared on the bridge, the look in his eyes was still somewhat fluctuating.

The flesh and blood of those people have long been weathered, leaving only a pile of dead bones.

Those bones, some are as jade, some are dark and inky, and some have strange shapes, not like human bones.

"Is this the one who has ever walked from this bridge?"

Qin Haoxuan walked all the way to observe the bones on both sides of the bridge. Some of them sit on their knees. It is obvious that they are dead in this place. Some are lying on the ground like sleeping, and some bones are like a big fight before death. Even if it has become a bone, it also carries the madness and warfare in front of him.

It is a kind of war of despair to madness, a kind of warfare that is silenced and lonely.

When Qin Haoxuan closed his eyes and opened it again, there was no sadness and no joy, and he was flat to the extreme. He continued to walk forward.

"Brush, brush!"

A voice different from the waves came from the front, and Qin Haoxuan looked up.

A figure is in the distance, holding the broom in one hand, holding it in one hand, bowing his waist, sweeping the floor.

Brushing the sound is the sound that he sweeps the ground.

Qin Haoxuan raised his eyebrows and said to himself: "It’s not easy to meet a living person after so long."

Shaking his head, Qin Haoxuan stepped forward and walked closer. He discovered that it was not a person who was sweeping the floor, but a thought.

The faint light is scattered from the body formed by this idea. His sweeping motion is stiff and monotonous, and his mouth is also smashing.

Qin Haoxuan listened carefully, but the idea was saying: "Why can't it be cleaned, why can't it be cleaned? If I clean it, I can become a fairy. Why can't I clean it? Why can't I clean it? When I am clean, I can become a fairy..."

Then there is endless repetition.

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and observed it for a while. He did not find any abnormalities. Even the dead bones were not there.

"What is going on?" Qin Haoxuan did not want to understand, only that the bridge was really strange.

Continue to walk ahead, and more and more ideas appear on the bridge.

"When is this road going to the end?! I have been on this bridge for three years, where is the end? Where am I!"

The deafening roar came from the front, and Qin Haoxuan could not help but look forward.

It is a person wearing a robes that can't be seen at all. No, it's not right. It should be said that it is also a kind of person who is unwilling to hear the news. It is a human figure with a messy hair and a long beard. The face is mad, and from his eyes, Qin Haoxuan knows that the owner of the idea should have been driven crazy before his death.

Continue to move forward, all kinds of ideas have appeared, performance is different, there are crying and laughing, but they are the same, all the deep despair in the eyes.

Qin Haoxuan is unaffected and continues to move forward.

This piece of heaven and earth, there is no sun and moon, no Chen Xing, and some are just like the bridge that never ends, and the black water under the bridge. Occasionally I have seen a glimpse of thoughts, all of which are shocking despair and madness.

How long has it been?

Qin Haoxuan sometimes asks himself, he always feels that he has been away for ten years or even longer.

The immortal Shouyuan is long, and even has great power, new insights, and practiced on the knees. It can be a few decades. No matter how the outside changes, the sun, the moon and the stars will pass by.

However, the decade of cultivation is completely different from the decade in which we walked without doing anything.

Don't say ten years, even if you don't do anything, you can't see a little hope for a year, it will be desperate.

Along the way, Qin Haoxuan has seen a lot of high-level power, and this road is so turbulent that it is dying and eventually dies.

This bridge is not terrible. The terrible thing is the despair in the hearts of the people. It is the kind of repetition that can't see a little hope but in such a world that can drive people crazy.

In the past ten years, and even longer, Qin Haoxuan did not stop for a day. He is a cultivator. His body is stronger than the general cultivator. Ten years of walking is fundamental to his body. Not a trace of damage.

Even the repeated walks of this decade have not had any effect on his heart.

He is still walking seriously, his eyes are dull, but his light is not diminished. Although his face is indifferent, there is no trace of impatience and irritability.

"Help, save lives, save me..."

"I beg you, save me..."

The mournful voice came from under the bridge, Qin Haoxuan turned slightly and looked.

In the black water under the bridge, a group of people with horror were shouting at the bridge, there were women with good looks, weak children, and even old people like the dead.

All of them seemed to suffer tremendous pains, mourning, screaming, sticking out their skinny hands, eagerly waving towards the bridge, expecting someone to pull them up.

This kind of scene is really very fierce. Seeing Qin Haoxuan's eyebrows is a wrinkle.

"I will save you!" A cultivator who converted into a mind, shouted, and stretched out most of his body on the bridge. He shook hands at the people below, and shouted anxiously in his mouth. "Take me, pull. Live me."

The people who struggled in the black water, seeing someone really lend a helping hand to them, the painful color on the face was gradually replaced by a strange smile. Qin Haoxuan’s heart jumped, and sure enough, the idea was quickly weakened by the water. The child grabbed it and then was dragged down the bridge, and was eaten by the "people" in the black water!

Although I know that this is only a retrospective of a certain scene in the past, but looking at the screaming sorcerer who was eaten by those things, Qin Haoxuan is still a cold.

Those things in the black water, after eating the immortal, continue to cry on the bridge, Ai's crying "Save me", Qin Haoxuan found that the immortal who had just been eaten has become among them. One person.

All the way to go, Qin Haoxuan found that the scene has been repeated, many of the cultivators are deceived by the things in the black water.

"What is this bridge?" Qin Haoxuan closed his eyes and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, Qin Haoxuan felt something and jerked back. There is really a cultivator behind him.

The cultivator seemed to be in the distance not far from the road. After he came in, he first looked around and then seemed to hear something and walked to the bridge.

Qin Haoxuan changed his face and looked down the bridge. He saw a beautiful face, but the miserable female repair, floating in the black water, but struggling to reach out and whispering to the shore of the immortal cry: " Help me, I can't swim, beg you to save me..."

The sound is also very weak, and it can arouse people's desire for protection.

The immortal was obviously shocked, and then reached out to save the woman.

"Don't..." Qin Haoxuan just shouted a word and heard a bang, just that the cultivator had screamed and fell into the black water.

After a few moments, the cultivator was suddenly eaten by the things that suddenly emerged from the black water, and even the bones were not left.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the scene and stunned because he saw the soul of that person!

Even in the past, when the soul dies, it is only floating in the air, but it will take a break and disappear into the heavens and the earth.

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