Too Early

Chapter 1209: Everything is in the heart of the island

But now!

After Murong Chao’s short-lived surprise, he recovered the silence of a mountain-like forest and said faintly: “That’s okay, this can be known to you.”

"Haha, hahahaha..." A series of laughter came, and Murong Chao frowned!

"Your identity is really well hidden, but, unfortunately, I know."

Murong Chao’s look changed many times, and finally raised his eyebrows and smiled: “That... what do you want?”

Murong Chao did not think about killing Qing and Yun Lei, but the gap between the two people's own strength, as well as the other party's secrets, let Murong Chao do not dare to act rashly!

Qing and Yunlei were silent for a moment, and finally they sighed with a sigh: "Anhe Bridge..."

Murong Chao was silent for a moment, his eyes were dull, and he closed his eyes and said: "Know it."

"Oh." Qing and a chuckle came, and then disappeared between heaven and earth.

In order to prevent the disciples around him from being too suspicious, Murong Chao also chased him out and made it look like.


In the early days of teaching.

Huang Long saw his ancestors into the fairy land of Qin Haoxuan. For the time being, there was no serious problem. The dignified look on his face slowed down and said to Qin Haoxuan: "Hao Xuan, take the empty space and mix the Tissot to give it a seat..."

“Teaching this is...?” Qin Haoxuan curiously asked while removing the treasure from the dragon scale sword: “What to do?”

"The ancestors did not get in the way. At the beginning, there was no serious problem. In this seat, I went to pick up the heads of the Qing dynasty..." Huang Long took over the void and mixed the Tissot and left, but was blocked by the guardian Sun Wei.

"Teaching ... Hugh to be like this." Sun Wei is not low, and he talks like another person. Huang Long has already been unhappy, but Sun Wei is an old man, so he can only make a laugh.

"Sun skin care, there are counts in this..."

"The teacher also said that Jinyun's town teaches the baby to be gone, but it is not enough. When I turn back, I sent a large army to attack. It is that the person is insidious and poisonous. You go alone... It is not appropriate. !"

"Sun's law is right, it is too little to consider."

Huang Long’s words made Sun Wei relax her vigilance, and that was the moment she relaxed her vigilance, Huang Long set up a void and mixed Tissot, the first time to escape!

"Teaching!" Where Sun Wei protects the law from chasing Huanglong, the gas can only complain about it: "As a teacher, you can take such an adventure!"

"This seat will go back! Waiting for this seat to come back, Sun Hufa wants to punish and punish, this seat recognizes..." Huang Long’s answer made Sun Wei frown again and again, and his mind appeared in the same way when Huanglong was still young. Such as today's hairy.

"No... It’s not safe to teach it, and it’s not authentic. How can he be addicted to himself?” Chi refining the child with a sword and chasing it out, was stopped by Qin Haoxuan.

"Qin elder, what do you mean?" Red refining son dissatisfied looked at Qin Haoxuan, said: This time you should stand here! Follow me to chase people! This kind of awkward opportunity, are you willing to fall?

Qin Haoxuan can't see the temptation of the red refining in the inquiry, just sigh, why don't he want to follow the piece of the teacher to hack the 裴 裴 裴 真 真 真 ! ! ! !! But people are the Taoist palace! In addition to the ancestors in the beginning, other people went to... It is very likely that they will become helpless.

How strong is the current teaching? Other people are not clear, Qin Haoxuan is very clear! I am afraid that it is this time, even the sixth sword has been practiced? At that time, he was already very close to the Taoist palace. Today, he is afraid that he should have entered the Taoist Palace!

The same as the palace! Qin Haoxuan firmly believes that he can teach the real person's ability to hack people and give him two watermelon knives. He can cut from the early days to the clouds, and then cut back from the clouds to the beginning, killing a dozen or so back and forth no problem.

"Do you still believe that you are going to teach? Let him kill it. Since the 霄云阁 sent troops to commit crimes, it has been a long time since the evil spirits in the mind."

Qin Haoxuan’s words are not more clear, but everyone is not a fool. Naturally, Qin Haoxuan’s worries and trusts are everywhere. Gu Yuntang and Baihuatang disciples went to clean the battlefield; Bizhutang and natural disciples went to Jinyunge. The headquarters, the treasures of their treasures, all transferred can be transported back to the early education; Xia Yuntang's disciples and Xiaojin led the monkeys, to help the sect elders to repair the array, and Sun Wei guards with other disciples as foreign aid, where is needed Where to go for help.

The red refining son shook his head and looked uncomfortable to go to his own cave house. He wanted to retreat. He felt a lot of feelings in this war. He should have reconciled his enlightenment, but he thought that the people in Jinyun killed many people in the early days. The heart is very uncomfortable.

"Old things..." Qin Haoxuan shouted the red smelt to go.

"Small nephew, still want to teach Laozi? Tell you, I am a bit counted!" Chi refining a face of uncomfortable, and restored the same state of Qin Haoxuan daily proud.

"What do you mean by the cave house?" Qin Haoxuan said, "Going forward and turning, it will help you."

"Isn't it a piece of broken earth? What is it with you! It seems that no one has ever seen it, and has never been in the same place." Chi refining a man complained while walking into the fairyland and said: "If it is not in the ancestors In this fairy land, people need to be taken care of, and this seat will not enter your broken ground."

"You are right, you are right, you have been to the fairy world yet?" Qin Haoxuan also responded to the other day's daily dialogue: "You are all from the fairy world, but you did not master when you came down, you are The face is on the ground first..."

With the retreat of the Red Refining Son, the entire Taichu Church was also busy.

However, the five lobby owners and the elders of each church, after leaving for a long time, arranged everything, they rushed back and took Qin Haoxuan to the back mountain of the early days, so that they could visit and study a Yunyun Pavilion. The town's town teaches the baby.

It has always been a scholarly appearance, but the defending champions who always have the ambiguous color have first laughed: "I look at this island, the intrinsic posture, the whole body with the immortality, a closer look, even in line with the world gossip day The yin and yang of the month is very compatible with the summer and summer peaks of our Xia Yuntang. Therefore, Qin brother, this island... I personally think... If it is placed in our Mingxia peak... I am afraid it should be very suitable..."

Qin Haoxuan laughs very weakly, this scene... very familiar! At that time... mad, Zhang Yang, they just entered the early days, when the previous generation of ancient Yunzi, they also turned around and wanted to pull people, but today changed to the problem of studying this baby.

Qin Haoxuan shut up, these years have passed... Whether he is old or senior, or cultivated or status, he is no longer a former child, and the group of people in front of him has a few children in his eyes. Look like it.

Once Luo Jinhua, now Luo Baihua, Baihuatangtang! Seeing the attitude of the new Xia Yunzi, she gave a cold sigh on the spot. She was beautiful and charming, and her voice was lazy and delicate. This kind of sly, naturally, no one would be upset, but her eyes were moved to Luo Jinhua.

Luo Jinhua’s eyes squinted at the island, but the words were directed at the defending: “I said Wei’s younger brother, don’t bother to go up to your gossip yin and yang. If it’s so powerful, why didn’t you figure it out before? A piece of treasure will fall to our sects? I see this island, the aura is strong, and the exotic flowers bloom, which is the most suitable for our Baihuatang."

"Luo Shijie is not right. We have been living in the valley for so many years. It is time to build a peak..." Wu Yue, the owner of the ancient Yuntang Hall, has always opened his mouth. It is obvious that this island is indeed amazing. Heartbeat.

"Old Master... You used to be the owner of our natural church... this Tongtian Island..."

"You are not right! The elders of Qin used to be the lord of the natural church, but they were also taught by the early princes! The five princes of the first time never separate from each other. You are a bit of a living." Luo Jinhua took the call and said: "More. If it is a round relationship! Elder Qin and the elder of Xu Yu of our Baihuatang, that is a Taoist..."

"Attention to the words! I have not visited the temple, how can I say that I am a Taoist..."

"It’s just a form..."

"What you mean is that Xu is always giving the body to Qin Elder..."

Qin Haoxuan listened to the crowd and said that the more outrageous, just want to talk, while listening to Zheng Qingming light cough, but the owner did not have time to talk, they were brought with a majestic ~ ~ as if from the eight The sound that seems to fall directly into the human ear is interrupted: "I said that you guys, do you want to run before you learn to go? You dare to fight the attention of this island, not afraid to be countered by it?"

It’s a real life!

Everyone looked like a change, all looked at Qin Haoxuan!

The Qiankun bag at the waist of Qin Haoxuan is emitting soft white light. The ancestors are sitting inside the fairy soil, but they are all aware of everything that happened outside. He waved with one hand and three tokens appeared. The white light is like water. Gushing out, rolled onto the island, and then the island, in the eyes of everyone, turned into a white light, awkward, entered the Qin Kun Xuan's Qiankun bag.

"This island husband has received it first, and the old man has studied it thoroughly," he said.

When the old ancestors came out, who would dare to say no?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and look at the back mountain that is completely empty. I don’t dare to sigh loudly. I don’t know what to say for a long time, only the peaks. It is.

Qin Haoxuan returned to the natural hall before he laughed. When he thought about the faces of the church owners, he couldn’t help but laugh.


On the second day, Qin Haoxuan was still in charge of the natural church and the disciple of Bizhutang. All the resources moved from Jinyun Pavilion were stored in the library. They saw a light and shadow flashing from the horizon, and suddenly fell to the main peak of the early education.

"Teaching is back!"

Huang Long has just landed, and a **** suffocating anger is filled from his hands and rushes into the nose of everyone. It is a breath that can be exuded by a powerful degeneration!


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