Too Early

Chapter 1212: From the beginning, it was the lord.

The people in Puguangge had already heard about what happened at the Yunyun Pavilion. It was just that everyone was not very vocal. It was very polite to invite the group to the living room.

Until the third day, the short-selling talents met with the red and other people.

Perhaps in order to highlight the majesty of the Supreme Master, when the red sculpt and others passed, the aura in the hall was foggy, and some heavens and earths exuded a breath of excitement.

Paying the real person sitting high above the main seat, the eyes are slightly combined, faint sweeping through the red.

However, the Puguangge’s faction was misused. For other people, there may be some shocking look for this scene, but this time, the people who taught at the beginning were red-skinned.

One heart cultivation, simple and rude red practice.

This is why Huanglong chose to redeem.

After the red quilt came, I was only surprised by the strong aura in the hall, but I quickly went straight to the subject. According to Huang Long’s account before the departure, “The big lord, you know, the first few days.霄云阁 disregards the same morality, swears at the resources of my early teaching, carries personal grievances, leads people to commit crimes in one fell swoop, and teaches disciples in the first place. In order to survive, they are forced to fight back and fight up, and they have to go to heaven and destroy them.霄云阁."

A series of words of the red temper, said fast and urgent, but the words are clear, do not know how many times to practice, and finished speaking in one breath, so that the original person who wants to chill a few words is not interested.

After paying attention, the real person raised his eyelids and glanced at the red-skinned man. He spit out a word from his mouth: "Oh?"

Regardless of what he said, he continued to say: "When the Yunyun Pavilion is destroyed, our region has lost its lord, and it is in a state of stagnation and turmoil. We urgently need a new ally to stabilize the hearts of the people. The martial art, we teach Huanglong real people, unite with other sects to teach, and specially send disciples to ask the big ally, this new ally, the big lord can have a favorite candidate?"

The short-lived real person can hear the corners of his eyes, and he is full of disappointment. This is the most obvious meaning in the words of the red-song, but he can’t hear it.

However, this is too early, but it took only two days to complete the 10,000-year-old teaching. How is it so strong?

and also……

"Oh, since you have destroyed the Yunyun Pavilion, do you know that their sect has a treasure of the town?" The singer’s eyes are also full of greed.

That Tongtian Island, set in a single attack, is the master of the Supreme Master, and is also very heart-warming.

At this time, the red scorpion said in his heart: "Qin Haoxuan’s kid is really personal. He said that this big lord will definitely ask the island of Tongtian, and he really asked."

My heart sighed, and there was no idleness in the mouth of the red scorpion. He said directly: "Yes, the island of Tongtian has been accepted by our ancestors and became part of the early education. We lost too much in the beginning of the day! Fortunately, they have their Tongtian Island, give us some supplements at the beginning, but this is not enough. If the Lord is merciful and willing to give some resources, I will definitely try to keep the stability of that domain in the first place and not give trouble to the big league owners. ""

Paying the eyes of a real person, the heart has already greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the early dynasty, but it is not a secret, but you lose a fart! Really do not know this seat? If you lose a small amount, you will break a few hairs! I got this Tongtian Island out of thin air!

Give you resources? You are too big at first, right?

It’s a secret to paying attention to the real person’s heart, but there is nothing to help. Can’t you really grab it? That is the loss of identity, this kind of thing, once it is made...that is, regardless of the rules of the cultivation of the immortals! Will definitely cause turmoil in the Xiuxian world! Other Supreme Masters don’t necessarily have trouble with the manipulators looking for Puguang! The cultivation of the celestial world is stable!

In particular, ... the sea of ​​heaven is a sight to everyone! There are also extraterrestrial demons! At this time, if there is no good excuse to do it... it will cause turmoil!

There are thousands of thoughts in the minds of the real people, but they have not thought of the sects that are more suitable for the position of the lord except for the early teaching.

After all, Jinyunge was destroyed by the early teachings, and the prestige of the early teachings was established. Secondly, the town’s teachings and treasures of Jinyunge fell into the hands of the early teachings. Even if they appointed other sects, would they dare to do so?

It’s impossible to pay for the real person, but it’s just a small lord. Since it’s too early to teach, give it to him.

With a wave of sleeves, there is a golden paper in front of the real person. He condenses his aura at the fingertips. The brush brush has a few words on it. The idea is that the position of the lord belongs to the early education, and then directly throws it at The red practice.

"Since you have taught the lord at the beginning, you must unite the people in the position of the lord. Do not do vests from the ethics. You must live in harmony, love each other, and fight against the demons. Do you know?"

"Yes, yes, follow the Bishop of the League."

When the red sculpt saw the matter, the heart was happy, and the verbally carelessly responded, and hurriedly bid farewell to the real person, the day was brought back to the beginning.

After Qin Lianzi took people to Puguang Pavilion, Qin Haoxuan also took the opportunity to return to the mortal world, paying attention to the mortal war.

After Qin Haoxuan came to Xianglongguo, he discovered that the mortal wars had already ended early, not much slower than them.

In the first battle, Xianglongguo has annexed several neighboring countries, and the country has greatly increased and the country has celebrated.

Qin Haoxuan is still surprised. How did they win this difficult battle, until after listening to the report of the Emperor Xianglong, I realized that there was a monk in the army of this mortal, and the name of this monk was called Cao. Tsinghua.

According to the Emperor's Road, after Cao Qinghua helped Xianglong to overcome the mortal war, he traveled again and again, and his whereabouts were not discerned, and there was no words left.

Qin Haoxuan stood on the wall of the city, overlooking the sky, and the sunset was covered with Yin Hong.

"It turned out that you are here, but now, where are you going?" Qin Haoxuan recalled the original Cao Qinghua, remembering his stubborn temper, and his heart was also feeling a bit, the two counted this time has been missed twice.

"Maybe it's time to come, I hope to meet next time, you have grown to the point where I am surprised. I look forward to your growth." Finally, Qin Haoxuan smiled and said to the sky.

Determined that nothing happened, Qin Haoxuan also returned to the early education.

Just after returning to the Nature Hall, two people came to see you.

One is the main flower of the Baihuatang, and the other is the main defender of the Xiayuntang.

"How did they come over?"

Qin Haoxuan went to the main hall, but felt the atmosphere in this hall was a little subtle. Luo Jinhua and the defending squad seemed to be in a hurry.

"Cough, I don't know if the two church owners came here this time. Is there anything?" Qin Haoxuan asked the disciples to offer the spirit tea, and then asked.

Luo Jinhua show Yan Yixiao, like a blooming flower, very beautiful, she smiled and said: "Nothing can not come to walk more?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at Luo Jinhua and looked at the tea that had always been tasted. He did not say anything about it. He said: "Nature is capable."

Luo Jinhua smiled again, then the jade hand, a scented bag with a scent of flowers appeared in the hands, this colorful bag of color outside the Qiankun bag, at a glance, the things inside are absolutely nothing.

"Qin elders, this time cleaning the battlefield, we have a lot of good things in Baihuatang, these little things, but also a little meaning of the sister, you will accept it." After that, Luo Jinhua like a finger on the green, The Baihua Qiankun bag flew toward Qin Haoxuan.

However, Qin Haoxuan did not take over, let the Qiankun bag float in front of himself.


At the same time, the defending champion also offered a Qiankun bag to see the brilliance above it, no worse than Luo Jinhua.

The defending haha ​​smiled: "This time we have some things in Xia Yuntang. Although there are not many, but how to remember the nature hall, this one is my heart."

There are two extraordinary Qiankun bags floating in front of you. The amount of things inside will be surprising. However, Qin Haoxuan did not move.

Qin Haoxuan took a sip of Lingcha, and then sighed in his heart: "These two people must come here, there must be something! Otherwise, the church owners are all extremely secretive groups! It is impossible to send things out!"

Now the Taichu teaches the fifth lobby. Although it is really like a family, once there is really a good thing, it is never hesitant to fight in several lobbyes.

Such a plain and unblemished bleeding, to say that there is no greasy inside, Qin Haoxuan first do not believe!

" cousins... This is boring... In the end, you will say something, you know that Haoxuan has just returned, I don’t know anything." Qin Haoxuan said with a smile. .

Luo Jinhua is not a tweaking person. The mouth of the mouth screams: "Since the elder Qin asked you to ask, then I would just say it. The day before, I learned the news and said that I want to develop the place of Jinyunge into us. Another branch of the early teaching."

Luo Jinhua point to the end, Qin Haoxuan a little through, understand.

After all, Jinyunge is a 10,000-year-old great education. The depth of the book is deep, even if it is too early, it can't be compared. Although after the war, the early teachings moved all the Yunyunge to the early education, but it has already been tens of thousands. In the mountains and rivers of the year, the aura of heaven and earth cannot be moved.

Establishing a branch in Jinyunge is more eye-catching than the West Pole. After all, this time the battlefield is no longer the Yunyun Pavilion. The mountains and mountains and rivers are almost intact. Once they become the Yunyun Pavilion. The owner of the other school is tantamount to possessing the wealth that makes the little sects covet!

Moreover, once the people have been sent, they will certainly not go empty-handed, and they must develop with sufficient wealth.

This position, to the vulgar, said that it is rich and oily, and few people can't afford to think.

The reason why Luo Jinhua and Wei Wei came to Qin Haoxuan is because Qin Haoxuan is not a heavy weight in Huang Long’s eyes. If Qin Haoxuan’s recommendation is made, this matter can be said to be seven or eight.

Qin Haoxuan nodded slowly, and then the body slightly shocked, directly sent the two Qiankun bags in front of him back.


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