Too Early

: The 1246 lip slaps the price

Qin Haoxuan looked at the reaction of everyone and smiled: "If you don't save, watching those disciples die, we can't bear it; but saved, this is the elixir of saving people. We are too early to teach but a little teacher. Can not afford."

After the laughter is finished, Qin Haoxuan’s mouth is flattened. His voice is not big, but every word seems to be under pressure: “Further, if anyone can sneak a sneak peek, what is the face of our early teaching? If you save them for a year, the punishment is still light. If someone deliberately makes mistakes, then don't blame us for being too disciplined at the beginning."

When Qin Haoxuan said this, those who were careful when they were present were also shocked.

Because they know that Qin Haoxuan is a human being, they are even more worried about what Qin Haoxuan said. For a time, some people who want to be eager to move can only suppress these thoughts.

Qin Haoxuan said these words, naturally, they also have their own plans.

Regardless of what he just said on the face, Qin Haoxuan is also worried that if someone actually enters the sinister venomous valley and takes out some good things from it, what is the loss?

The hall once again fell into a quiet, except for those disciples who fell to the ground and mourned, others have hidden their own minds very well.

"Haha, Hao Xuan, you said it is very right, but also the old man considered some of the inconsistency." Xiyue real people flashed a flash, the first to break the silence.

Xiyue lived to the ladder, and Qin Haoxuan naturally stepped on this step. Now it is also a smile: "The big ally is also modest. There is no big ally to control the scene here. I think it will be more chaotic today."

Qin Haoxuan and Xiyue real people are laughing and laughing, and the uncomfortable silence in the hall is completely broken.

"After a few days of getting along, the old man really appreciates your descendants, and there are some things that I want to ask you for help. Let's talk about it alone?" Xiyue's real face is peaceful, and even the elders look at the love of the younger generation. The color.

Qin Haoxuan naturally can't say no, nodded at the moment.

The rest of the hall was also eye-catching. The people of the sects such as Zishanzong immediately retired with their own disciples. After a while, the bustling hall was empty.

Qin Haoxuan made a requesting gesture to Xiyue real person and welcomed him into the partial hall.

Compared with the grandeur of the main hall, the partial hall is more refined, the open windows are facing a cluster of green, and the creek water flows far and near. The elegant interior of the hall, the fresh and pleasant outside the hall, the rich aura is almost It doesn't have to be absorbed by yourself to enter the body. It is indeed a good environment for chatting.

The two sat down near the window, and the boy who gave the tea was also the first to offer the best spiritual tea in the early years. He also withdrew. The entire temple was left with only Xiyue Zhenren and Qin Haoxuan.

"Please." Qin Haoxuan pointed to the spiritual tea on the table and laughed at the real people of Xiyue. "This is the new Lingchao that was collected this year."

The real person of Xiyue picked up the teacup made of Lingyu, took a sip and nodded praise.

"It was only heard earlier that the Qin Xiaoxian Wang, who was newly promoted by Wanjiaxian, is a model of the younger generation. Since the beginning of the day, the old man knows that Haoxuan is indeed a rare talent." Sincerely praised.

Qin Haoxuan shook his head humbly, saying that he did not dare to act, but his heart was secretly vigilant.

"You don't have to be modest. The old man is watching you for a few days. You will know that you are not a pool, and sooner or later, you will be a legendary figure in this sacred world."

After that, Xiyue real people sighed and sighed: "We are Puguangge, a supreme teacher, and there are some children with good qualifications in the teaching. However, compared with you, in the world, there is still a lack of it. One thing, they should learn from you."

The hat is so high, Qin Haoxuan also knows that this Xiyue real person is definitely something, and he smiles quietly: "The disciple of the Supreme Master is naturally Tianjiao. If you say so, Hao Xuan is really embarrassed."

Xiyue real people put their hands on it: "They can't compare with you. Even if they are repaired, they may be slightly better than you, but other aspects are incomparable. For example, alchemy, Hao Xuan, you will treat those children's detoxification, and before. I have saved the soul of the Mu Qing fairy in these days. I think it is very good."


Xiyue real person just said something to export, Qin Haoxuan's heart is also fixed, knowing what the other party wants, can see the move.

In fact, since the rescue of Mu Qing fairy, there are many people who express their intentions explicitly or implicitly. However, Qin Haoxuan has ignored it and has never given a clear answer.

Those people who are obsessed with the current predecessors are naturally afraid to come hard.

The Xiyue real person is the deputy of the Supreme Master. In the face of his inquiry, Qin Haoxuan is not as ignorant as before. Moreover, he also knows that things like the sorrowful Dan cannot always be unique to the early teaching. Otherwise, it is likely to bring disaster to the beginning.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Xiyue’s real person and asked, “What do you mean?”

Xiyue real people leaned forward and explored the body slightly, and the voice was slightly lower: "Broken Dan, can help people break through the realm, add life Yuan, even can be said to be a person's second life, ask, such a baby, if How much benefit will you get when you sell it at a real price? Hao Xuan, you can refine such a thing, it is a genius."

"Actually, it is also because I accidentally got a medicinal jade slippery a long time ago, and then I was able to refine the antidote. And the jade slippery was broken because it was too old for a long time." Everything is luck." Qin Haoxuan also lamented.

"That Hao Xuan your luck is really good." Xiyue real people first praised Qin Haoxuan, and then changed the words, "I don't know how many medicinal drugs you have in your hand, I want to sell."

Do you want to sell?

Qin Haoxuan naturally thinks, after all, these drugs, in Qin Haoxuan himself, how much can be refined, but for the outside world, this is a unique elixir.

Because only he owns such a drug, so the price, it can be said that there is no price.

"Despite the disciples, there are still some points, but there are not many." Qin Haoxuan said euphemistically, "You also know that refining such medicinal herbs requires a lot of elixir, so..."

Even if Qin Haoxuan has a large hand, he will say that there are only a few points. After all, if it is more, it will be worthless.

"I know that although you said that you are a lord at the beginning, but the bottom line is still lacking a little." Speaking of this, Xiyue also has a glimmer of pride on the real face. When you open it again, there are more words in the speech. A little unbelievable.

Xi Yuezhen shook his head against Qin Haoxuan and said with a sigh: "Your resources, the technology of refining medicinal herbs, is still too bad, but it is a pity that the elixir is not like this..."

The eyes of Xiyue’s real eyes flashed, with the fox’s groan, he lowered his voice: “Hao Xuan, you see, our Puguangge can provide unlimited resources and technology of alchemy. You have the secret of the spirit, we are better to share. How about the secret recipe and the joint development of this drug?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled and didn't speak.

Xiyue real people are not annoyed, and continue to say: "At the level of your early teaching, although you know the method of refining, you have also refining it, but I am afraid that you are not fully understood. If you share it with us, it will be different. As long as we tell us about the method of refining the medicinal herbs, we can not only make the medicinal preparations more thorough, but also make a lot of refining. At that time, everyone will get rich."

Qin Haoxuan made a reflection.

Xiyue real person lay down on the back of the chair, and smiled very easily: "If Hao Xuan you are willing, relying on the wealth obtained by the drug, Pu Guangge is willing to teach with the early education, five or five points."

Five or five points? Qin Haoxuan was amused in his heart, but the drip on his face was not exposed.

"I don't know what Xiyue is, but although we don't have the foundation of Puguangge, you have a profound education, but it is still a bit of resources." Qin Haoxuan said slowly and unhurriedly. "In the past few years, the early education was a big robbery." It is also a sect of Wanjiao, and has also played several sects. Counting down, our resources are enough."

When Qin Yuezhen just wanted to say something, Qin Haoxuan said again: "This technology, we are not without it. Just after the death of our ancestors and our teachings ~ is also the strongest of the palace."

Xiyue real people looked at Qin Haoxuan, although the look was still faint, but it also brought some cold meaning. This Qin Haoxuan, really is not the oil and salt, this is the first time I refused me?

"In fact, Hao Xuan, you don't have to be so vigilant, we don't want you to refine the way you break the soul." Here, Xiyue real people slightly indulged.

Qin Haoxuan's surface is not moving, but in fact, my heart is also sneer, Xiyue real people come to the forefront, not to break the soul of Dan Dan?

Once the Danfang gave it, how could he cooperate with the early education, and the final benefit, they must say no, they will not give it. At that time, there is no way to teach at the beginning.

Therefore, Dan Fang, Qin Haoxuan will not give.

"You know, we are also good for you." Xiyue's real mouth is slightly ticked. From the bottom up, I look at Qin Haoxuan. "How valuable this sorcerer Dan is, I don't need to say it. This is to save life." Things. For a monk, Shouyuan is something that he pursues throughout his life. If someone else wants this medicine, if you don't give it, it is easy to cause war."

Xiyue real people looked at Qin Haoxuan and said slowly: "When you really fight, the consequences can be difficult to say. Even if you have taught the past few years, you have a strong fighting power, but what if you come to Supreme Master? You What to take to fight?"

"It’s a great primacy in the early days. It’s just a sect of thousands of years. The bottom line is here. It’s really a great religion. You really have only one way left, that is, to destroy the church.”


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