Too Early

Chapter 1257: The most different kind of blind date

At this time, Ge Aisheng, the manager of the Taichu religion in this mystery, is not calm, although he knows that his deputy teaching is the master of the fairyland, but here the secret refinement of the cultivation of the immortals, even if it is against the sky, it is time. This space is also not a repair of the fairy leaf.

Ge Aisheng listened to his hand and reported that Zhang’s deputy had gone deep into the secret. He quickly ordered more than a dozen disciples and ran to the depths.

Zhang mad all the way, all the way to harvest the unknown Mozu, he did not even use weapons, one hand, it is a Mozu killed.

At this time, Zhang’s face was cold and his eyebrows were high. His face was like an ice. It was the meaning of chilling, and his eyes were only a few bright colors because of several shots. The momentum of the whole body changed, as if there was any lurking. A long time has awakened from his body.

After Bai Ping’s madness, she was a little scared, but more of a kind of peace of mind. Even though she is completely strange, it is a secret of crisis everywhere, but she believes without any reason, following the madness, she is safe.

powerful! Bai Ping heard that Zhang was powerful, but did not expect to be strong to this point, it is definitely the existence of crushing! Bai Ping is also a genius, can face the mad power of the mad, she estimated that Zhang is afraid that only 20 leaves can kill the full existence of the forty-nine leaves.

For a time, Bai Ping was a little discouraged, everyone is a genius, the difference is too big, right?

While Zhang was madly going inside, some of the Mozu's spies had already explored their madness and reported the strong of them.

Zhang mad again progressed into a few miles, suddenly stopped, indifferently looked up to a place in the void.

Bai Ping also wondered why he would not leave. After a while, he suddenly felt a cold breath coming from not far away.

A face full of cockroaches, full of two cows high monsters smashed out, and his place is exactly where the madness just looked!

The devil has a double horn, a strong mountain, and two arms as thick as an old tree. What is even more shocking is that his body is covered with black scales and looks hard!

Then several monsters of similar individual type also came out from the broken seam!

"Hahaha, hahahaha, it’s really an idiot!" When the first landed monster saw Zhang Man and Bai Ping, he laughed loudly and was extremely hoarse, but the voice was loud and thunderous. "I heard that A big man, it turned out to be the deputy of the early teaching, really big enough!"

Zhang mad face did not change, heard the words and looked at them, but the flash of light flashed, as if the hunter stared at his prey, vaguely with a flame that made people feel scared.

However, those demons did not realize it at all. Instead, they went two steps toward Zhang, and said extremely arrogantly: "Now the idiots in the cultivating world are so arrogant? Dare to come here alone? Let you cultivate it outside again." It’s also a fairy leaf here!”

There are five demons here, each of which is the cultivation of the peak of the fairy leaf. Naturally, there is arrogant capital. In their eyes, the madness has been automatically turned into the food of their mouth.

And the words of the Mozu are completely ignored by Bai Ping.

But the demon behind him is smirking out: "Big brother, your eyes are stunned, don't you see the little girl who is so delicate?"

Said that the Mozu licked his mouth, showing the wretchedness of Bai Ping's nausea: "How long ago was the last time I had eaten such a good female repair? This time I caught this little girl, first play Enough again..."

After Bai Ping followed Zhang’s madness, he heard these people’s words, and a delicate face was flushed with anger, as if two red faints were floating on his face, and they even provoked two Mozu slang!


At this time, the hurricane began, and a black shadow seemed to be shot like a thunder, and the thunder was smashing. The horrible pressure caused the fragments of the void to sway slightly, and the aura of the whole mystery rushed toward him!

Bai Ping is so big that he can't help but watch the madness that has fought with the five fairy tales!

It’s crazy! It is only the madness that can make a shot, it is such a powerful momentum, even though he is now only the cultivation of Xianyejing!

At the forefront of the Mozu suddenly appeared in front of the eyes, there is a moment of blank in the brain! Completely occupied by fear, forget to think!

That momentum is terrible, like death is coming!


Zhang madly punched out, with endless killing and fighting power, set off a stormy sky, even the void of the whole body was shocked!


The foremost Mozu actually did not even have a chance to shoot, and instantly became a black fog!

The death came so fast that the other demons returned to God instantly and hurriedly greeted them!

Zhang mad and mad dance, all the ink robes are contaminated with almost crazy fighting, obviously fighting in a dark space, his whole person seems to be heavier than the dark color!


Zhang mad for a long time did not have such a hearty fight, he did not sacrifice any kind of weapon, even Fu Long did not summon, completely relying on his own body in the wild!

The power of the devil's body has always been several times that of the immortal! But at the moment, these demons can't help but be amazed. Who is this madness? ! A fist is like the power to break the heavens and the earth!

He is only immortal!

The rise of Zhang’s madness, every fist fell and brought a piece of earth to shake the mountain, such as the stars falling to the ground, full of power!

The mad fist attached to the golden light, traversing the void, and punching it down, it was splitting the broken void again!

The Mozu finally panicked and released their signals, and countless black shadows fell from the void crack!

When Ge Aisheng came to bring people, he saw such a scene.

Their deputy masters are mad, like the ancient war gods, the black and black robe is unparalleled, and the whole body exudes a fierce momentum. When the Buddha kills the Buddha and kills the gods, there is no way to stop it!

The fullness of the killing will make the brilliance of the eyebrows more intense, a pair of sly eyebrows with amazing coldness, eyes like a black whirlpool, brewing a boundless storm, the wind blowing around him, rolling up the sky Stone, but nothing can get close to his body!

Originally, Ge Aisheng was still worried about the injury of his deputy church, but when he saw this scene, he only thought that the Mozu who had arrived was too terrible!

And Bai Ping looked at Zhang mad with a pair of eyes straight, and the cheeks with a hot girl saw the lover's blush, a heart thumping and vigorously jumping, she felt that her three souls and seven scorpions are not their own.

Bai Ping’s mouth was slightly open, and she wanted to yell at the madness in the fight. A heart was about to fly out, and that feeling made her completely uncontrollable!

So handsome, so handsome, how can I be so handsome! I want to marry him, I want to marry him!

Bai Ping’s eyes flashed with warm love, and her world was left with only the black-haired man, who was willing to sink.

The rise of Zhang’s madness, and occasionally the eyes of Bai Ping, who stood by the side, remembered that they were carrying people, and they frowned and shouted in the past: “You stand far.”

The mad voice was cold and low, and it sounded in the ear, making Bai Ping’s heart numb, and a heartbeat became more and more intense, but she could not bear to stand far, she had to watch the madness all the time!

The battle lasted for one night, and Ge Aisheng, who was watching, was stunned. He knew that he could play with his deputy, but he didn’t expect to play like this!

One night, the trick is to kill the demon in this deep, until there is no more demon to dare to come out, and the madness is still unfinished.

Forty-nine leaves full of open madness... Explain what is called... invincible!

Zhang madly walked toward Bai Ping, his black hair scattered behind him, his eyes seemed to be scattered with stars, and the light was amazing. At this time, he had the momentum of a heavenly king, so that others could not help but think To worship and surrender.

When I came to Bai Ping, I felt that Bai Ping was completely gazing, and Zhang madly picked up his eyebrows: "Go."

Only one word, but Bai Ping could not help long-lasting memories, her face shy color is full, really like a twenty-eight girl who followed her sweetheart, full of incitement and warm love, followed by Zhang mad back At the beginning.

Bai Ping was reluctant to go crazy, and wanted to continue to follow him, but was stopped by the messengers of several other sects and persuaded the place where they lived. After all, everyone is waiting to line up.

At the time of leaving, Bai Ping's fairy eyes fell on the madness of his eyes, and his words were shy.

Zhang was mad and didn't care. He waved his hand and said, "I am going to see my apprentice."

After taking a fight, I returned to my courtyard.

Waiting for the night, I picked up the moment, and the eyes of the excited gossip flashed in a pair of eyes. The voice asked: "How is Master?"

Zhang was cold and cold with a face, but he saw his eyebrows rise gently, and the brilliance was amazing.

Gently glanced at it and screamed in a chair.

I was anxious: "How is it going?"

Zhang madly nodded and said four words: "Good performance."

Blinking eyes: "Good performance? Who is doing well? The fairy is doing well or Master, are you doing well?"

Zhang madly thought about it, and said a long story: "I did a good job, and she did a good job. I asked her to watch me cut people, and she watched it overnight."

"Hey?! Cut people?" The voices were a lot higher. "Where did you go yesterday?"

Zhang mad mouth with a satisfactory curvature, remembering the fierce battle of the homework, the tone of voice is also a little lighter than usual: "Go to the secret of the secluded spring, I will destroy a demon base in the depths of the secluded spring And killing them dozens of bosses, killing all night, I think that in a short time, those monsters dare not come out again."

I was so stunned that I couldn’t know what to say.

For a long time, I found my voice back, squinting at the madness, and asked one word at a time: "Master... you mean... you cut a night in the secret?"

Zhang nodded madly.

Hey: "You didn't talk to someone?"

Zhang mad again nodded, then shook his head and said: "I let her back and stand, don't hinder me..."

"Oh... I have said something... it’s so powerful..." I feel like I’m almost speechless.

"Fortunately, normal performance." Zhang madly responded: "The Mozu is still not so resistant."

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Zhang thought about it madly, then nodded, did not say a few words.

Qilian mourning can not be done, she turned three times in the same place, and then stood in front of Zhang mad, very serious said: "Master, you can't do this! You are doing what you know?"

I’m crazy, I’m not talking, is this still used? Blind date!

Ruan said: "You are a blind date! The blind date should not be two people holding a small hand to say a night of the wind and snow?!"

I feel that I really want to be defeated by the arrogant incomprehensibility. She waved her hand: "No, no, you can't do it! People are afraid that they are not watching you! Fortunately, there are four beautiful people, you go find another one." But Master, remember not to go to the secret again!"

Zhang madly nodded and nodded, it is agreed, is it not to go to the battlefield? Isn't it just chatting? Not difficult or difficult.

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