Too Early

Chapter 1268: Little family to come together

I don’t care about it. I only think that Qinghong’s reaction with Qin Haoxuan is very interesting. I thought I understood something. I immediately patted my chest and said: “Aunt Qinghong is not afraid, although I just said it in the hall, I only recognize Xu’s aunt. My mother, that's because I forgot you, Qinghong Aunt, you can also be my mother!"

Qinghong Pity only felt that her cheeks were like a hot fire. Her heartbeat was so fast that she was nervous and helpless. She was afraid of being dismantled because of her thoughts that she had suppressed for many years. Now she recalls the blue and uses his clear children. There are so many voices in the sound, so Qinghong does not know how to react.

In the boundless tension, Qinghong listened to the words of the blue, and even some expectations, some of the secret sorrows she could not tell...

"Recalling what you said about blue?" Qin Haoxuan was anxious to pull this swearing little scorpion behind him.

Recalling that the blue is like muddy, he doesn’t keep his hand, and suddenly he has drilled out from the other layer. He stood between the two and stared at Qin Haoxuan. He said very loudly: "What happened? Since Qinghong’s aunt also likes you. You will marry two!"

On the blue-red surface, the blush was even worse, and the fingers were tightly twisted. At this time, she heard Qin Haoxuan’s harsh words saying: “Aridly!”

"How ridiculous! Look at the people's madness and uncle, but it is four or five at once!" Recalling that the blue was repeatedly reprimanded in the day, only felt very wronged, said loudly, "Hey, you are just two, just Don't even have this daring? If you are afraid that Xu Aunt is angry, I can tell you that she hurts me the most..."

"Do you know what you are talking about? What do you know about adults?!" Qin Haoxuan will recall the blue to the side, wrinkled his brow.

Qinghong listened to Qin Haoxuan’s reprimand, and the blush on his face faded a little and gradually became pale. Her mouth was filled with a bitter smile. It was really sad to laugh at herself. Qinghong pity, what are you thinking about?

"Let's go! What are you doing? If you want someone else, you still want to marry my sister, I don't think about it!" With a crisp and squeaky, a young female doll flew over!

Qinghong Pity and Qin Haoxuan are all slightly stunned.

"Exquisite, how come you?" Qinghong said with a frown.

However, at this time, the exquisite and exquisite, but did not pay attention to her own sister, just staring at the blue with the eyes of the enemy, angered: "You are a little early education, but also want to marry our Qingyun Zong's saint, 癞蛤蟆I want to eat swan meat!"

I have never seen an adult or an old man since I was born. I have never seen my own peers. I have seen such a female doll with a delicate face, and I am very surprised and very interested.

However, the words that the female doll said were very unheard of, and the blue was slightly frowned.

Linglong drummed his face and stared at the big eyes. He continued to say: "The saints of the great religion, after that, we must lead us to become supreme, and it is possible to become a fairy king. There are not many of the whole Xiu Xianjie that can match my sisters. How can I share a husband with others, and marry a little teacher who is a little early teacher!"

Recalling that the blue squirting head is empty, still in the middle of the day, Linglong looked up to Qin Haoxuan, and said with anger: "Oh my sister is always in love with you, and I never forget, I know that you may become her love." It’s also sweet! But your shameless person has to be a prostitute to marry someone! Do you have a conscience?! You won’t be jealous?”

"Stop! Where does the little nephew come to talk like this? I tell you, no matter what you are, this is our site, what are you noisy?!" Recalling Blue, looking at Linglong, talking to his father. I couldn't help it anymore, and stood directly opposite the exquisite.

The two of them are all children who are not stinky, but when they are really right, they have a sword in them. On the momentum, no one loses to whom!

Why did Linglong have been shouted at the scorpion since birth? All of a sudden, I was so angry that I was angry: "Where are you from the mountain boy, dare to talk to me!"

Recalling the look of a blue elder, since he was born, he is the youngest, and he is the one who is reprimanded. Now there is a woman who looks smaller than him, or a woman who wants to bully and bully her. Not to mention that this exquisite is still a savage person, the chin is slightly carried: "Warning you, a little girl..."

"Warning for me?" Linglong did not hesitate to take a step closer.

The two eyes met in the air, and the atmosphere was extremely tense, as if it would be hit in the next moment.


Qin Haoxuan looked at the two children who had already quarreled and even wanted to start. There was a layer of anger in the eyes. This is the place where the prisoner is a prisoner. How can Qin Haoxuan endure the two children here?

The left hand moved slightly, and a thick force suddenly came out, directly bounced the two children out.

"What is the nuisance of the patient's cultivation?"

When the two men were blasted out, Qin Haoxuan’s fierce voice also sounded in the ears of the two.

As soon as the door opened and closed, the source of the Zhongtian Pavilion was gone.

Qinghong Pity and Qin Haoxuan were able to get along with each other.

"Sorry..." Qin Haoxuan whispered to Qinghong.

Qinghong’s pity is complicated, and she naturally knows that Qin Haoxuan’s sorry is not only because the exquisitely rushed out, but also to...

Qinghong pity slowly shook his head: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

I like you, I have always been a person, so you don't like me, it doesn't matter, you have to marry others, it doesn't matter...

But my heart was really hurting. Qinghong politely bent down slightly and then sat down on the ground slowly. She said a little embarrassedly: "I sit for a while, you sit with me for a while, sit for a while and I will leave. ”

Qin Haoxuan looked up and didn't sit down. He just stood in front of Qinghong in a guardian position for a long time.


Unexpectedly, I was driven out, and the exquisite roots were itchy, and no one ever dared to do this to her!

"Are you too early to teach such a person? Is it a man to bully a child? Is it bullying if you are high?" The exquisite voice is crisp, like a yellow ostrich, but the sound of melody is ridiculous. It will be unpleasant.

Recalling Blue is also a master who refuses to suffer. Now the voice is also mentioned: "I have done You are not finished yet? Isn't it just bombing you alone!"

"You are being bombarded and deserved!" Linglong immediately went back. "I am your guest. Is this the way to hospitality in the early days? I am not afraid to be jokes by others!"

"Hey, you are a little girl!" Although Yi Lan never thought that he was a disciple of Taichu, but his father was, and he was the master of Taichu, naturally he did not like others to say bad things at the beginning. "It is so arrogant. Believe it or not, I will teach you for your elders!"

"Lesson me?!" The exquisite anger suddenly reached the peak, and she smirked with anger. "Through you dare to tell me, I will teach you for you!"

The two people have not moved, but they seem to have played against each other, and the air in the whole body is tight to the top!

"See you in the ring!"

"See you in the ring!"

Recalling that Lan and Linglong are both activists, after deciding to start, they flew directly to the platform used by the Taichu teaching contest.

One is the most favored young girl of the Qing Dynasty, and the other is the genius son of Qin Haoxuan, who is the same as the legend of the early teaching. Both of them are incomparable and there are only disciples who have just come to the ring and are seen. The spread of the beginning of the beginning, but a few moments of effort, a lot of disciples have come around.

"What happened? How did they get right?"

"I really want to fight? How can anyone stop? Both are children, and no one can hurt."

"Who dares to stop..."


There are more and more onlookers, and even a few church owners and elders have come.

I am very excited about it. This is the first big thing that he did after he woke up. It was the first time.

The blues and exquisites standing on the ring, although the shape is just a teenager, but the danger is not afraid of the momentum, but it is not a large number of onlookers under the collapse.

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