Too Early

Chapter 1307: Single film alone

They are now in the back mountain of the Split Mountain School. The swamps are everywhere, and no one will come at all. Now they come because the underground is buried in the corner of the mountain.

Qin Haoxuan knew the position from Wang Yang’s mouth, and used his own knowledge to test and find out that there is indeed a formation of the law. This is the case where the dragon scale sword is held down, and the sword is light and smashed. The North Point of the Shoushan Daban, which was buried in the underground for hundreds of years, was completely destroyed by Qin Haoxuan. It was silent and could not be detected.

Wang Yang looked at Qin Haoxuan who came out soon. His eyes were already in a gray defeat. He began to think about where he should go. He couldn’t wait for the split mountain. If he was known by the sect, he would take the outsider to guard the mountain. Broke it...

Waiting for yourself is definitely worse than death...

Just thinking about it, Wang Yang was shocked by a cold sweat.

"Go." After breaking this battle, Qin Haoxuan turned his head and walked toward another corner without hesitation. Wang Yang could only keep up.

The two used half an hour to completely break the mountain squad of the Split Mountain School. Qin Haoxuan slammed Wang Yang and smiled gently: "Let's go, see our teaching, and talk to him well."


When the disciple reported that Wang Yang was coming back, the Qingsong Taoist finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly let people enroll him.

"How is this so long? How is the situation? Qin Haoxuan?" Qingsong Taoist asked Wang Yang when he came in and couldn't wait to ask.

Then a tall and straight figure walked out from behind Wang Yang and walked steadily to the side of Qingsong Taoist. He said faintly: "Qin is here, Qingsong people have something to ask, it is better to ask Qin directly. Well, I have some words to ask you."

Wang Yang Khan is like a pulp, and his limbs are rustling. He does not dare to look at the Qingsong Taoist.

Seeing Qin Haoxuan, Qingsong Taoist was shocked, but he did not want to understand for a moment, shaking his finger and pointing Qin Haoxuan: "I am Chishui's younger brother? My disciples?! You killed them?! Devil!"

Qin Haoxuan’s face was a little cold. He turned his back to the sun. There was a dark shadow in front of him: “I am the devil? Qin has sincerely exchanged items with you. You also agreed, but Qin did not expect it. A big sect said that if he lost his faith, he would lose his trust. When he turned around, he came up with various tricks and wanted to kill me. So, should you give me an explanation?"

After the initial horror of the Qingsong Taoist people, they have already recovered their calmness. Here is the Split Mountain School. Why should you be afraid of a Qin Haoxuan?

"Explain? What explanation do you need for this devil to kill? This is to kill you. It is a demon guard!" Qingsongdao took a few minutes, and his eyes were full of dangerous light, sneer at Qin Haoxuan. One song, "Qin Haoxuan, you are also stupid enough. If you don't hurry and run away, you dare to come to me and let me go. I think you are alive!"

After the Qingsong Taoist finished, he raised his hand and waved: "Since you are looking for death, then this seat will be yours!"

A few lines of law were printed from the fingertips of the Qingsong Taoist. He slammed the ground and took all the seals into the ground!

Qin Haoxuan stood in the distance, and a pair of eyes looked at the Qingsong Taoist people with interest.

The Qingsong Taoist waited for a few moments and noticed that something was wrong. Some flustered again sang the law of the Shoushan squad, but as the first time, the whole Guardian Mountain had no movement!

"How come..." Qingsong Dao suddenly squinted and his face was unbelievable!

How can the mountain squad suddenly fail? What happened in the end? Is it not...

The Qingsong Dao people were shocked to see Qin Haoxuan and Wang Yang on the side. The panic of panic immediately occupied his heart.

Qin Haoxuan slowly pulled out the dragon scale sword, and looked at the Qingsong Taoist people with a slight look: "You, so, then, will you come to me?"


Jianguang pours out from the hands of Qin Haoxuan, and the sharp swordsmanship covers the entire hall. The cold cold light shines out of Qin Haoxuan's sizzling killing!

Qingsong Dao people threw a few black shields in front of them in shock!

Oh la la!

It was useless at all. Qin Haoxuan’s strength was too fierce, the sword was too strong, and a sword smashed into the air, directly smashing the seven shields, and then the sharp swords did not stop at all, once again to the Qingsong Taoist!


The Qingsong Dao people flew out with horror and smashed through several tables. Although the danger avoided the swordsmanship of Qin Haoxuan, the arm was still cut off a large piece of flesh and blood, and the blood spurted out. Out!

Wang Yang hugged his head and hid in the corner, and he did not dare to look at the unsuccessful teachings of being beaten.

Qin Haoxuan did not pause at all, and jumped forward. The dragon scales in his hand flashed a cold light and drove hard to the neck of Qingsong Dao.

Because of the pain in the arm, the Qingsong Taoist who closed his eyes, felt the cold and sharpness of the bone marrow, and opened his eyes sharply. He looked at Qin Haoxuan with amazement and looked at his mouth: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I will give you Lingshi, give you baby, don't kill me..."

Qin Haoxuan aggravated the strength of the dragon scale sword. He left a trace of blood in the neck of Qingsong Dao. The bright red blood left behind his neck. The Qingsong Dao’s body was stiff and he did not dare to move. He shouted: Don't! I will give you whatever you want, don't kill me!"

"I never thought about killing people, but you are too much for me." Qin Haoxuan said with a blank expression. "And this time I came, not to grab things, just want to come and talk with you. Do you understand?"

The Qingsong Taoist chicken nodded like a glutinous rice: "Understand!"

"You say no words, blame the baby on me, in the name of exchange, the murder and the treasure, the crime, do you still deny it?"

Qingsongdao's face is red, and he regrets being confronted with Qin Haoxuan. The moment he said in a hurry: "It's my fault, my fault! I was blinded by lard, greedy, almost cast a big mistake, Qin Xiaoxian Wang adults have If you have a lot, just spare this little time, no longer dare to dare anymore!"

Qin Haoxuan slowly collected the strength of the dragon scale sword. When Qingsong Taoist saw his attitude loose, he immediately said: "In order to apologize and repent, I will send another two bottles of water to Qin Xiaoxian Wang, please also ask Xiaoxian Wang. Be sure to accept it!"

Everything water? Qin Haoxuan remembered that due to changes in the rules of the heavens and the earth, some of the ineffective waters, in order to rehabilitate the sentence, Qin Haoxuan did not refuse: "Get it."

The Qingsong Taoist handed the two jade bottles carefully to Qin Haoxuan’s hands. Seeing that he really took all the water off, the tightly hung heart finally fell a little, and it’s good to accept it, which means he might Really don't want to kill me.

After Qin Haoxuan took two bottles of water, he put them directly into the dragon scale sword, then turned around, a little finger, and a chair appeared in front of him.

Looking at Qin Haoxuan sitting on the chair, Qingsong Taoist people have a tight heart. I don’t think this devil really wants my sect baby.

Looking at the face of the suspected Qingsong Taoist, Qin Haoxuan hooked his lips and said: "In view of the ability of you guys to reverse black and white, Qin felt that he could not go."

"Qin Xiaoxian Wang is relieved! My split mountain will never say that you are a bad word, never!" Qingsong Taoist said quickly.

Qin Haoxuan shook his head: "There is nothing left, let's make a voucher."

Looking at the paper that appeared in Qin Haoxuan’s hand, the face of the Qingsong Taoist was really distorted. He smiled and said: “This, it’s not that...”

Qin Haoxuan was indifferent. When he looked at the Qingsong Taoist, he did not bring a trace of feelings. The Qingsong Taoist who looked straight was stiff and cold.

"Remember to read the things that happened these days from beginning to end, carefully write them out, and finally, drop your name in the back." Qin Haoxuan did not talk nonsense, directly said his request.

The Qingsong Taoists no longer dared to oppose it, and they wrote it.

Qin Haoxuan took the written paper of Dangdang and looked at it from the beginning. Then he folded it up and patted the back of his hand. He smiled and said to the Qingsong Taoist: "As long as you don't make a fuss, the content on this piece of paper, you know, I know, I won't enter the eyes of a third person, understand?"

Qingsong Dao’s face was gray and he listened to Qin Haoxuan’s words and reflected his nod. “Understand and understand, Qin Xiaoxian Wang is relieved.”

Until Qin Haoxuan really left the sect, Qingsongdao talents stood up in a cold sweat, and after fear and fear, the fury screamed! In recent years, no one has ever pushed him to the point where he has just been!

Qingsong Dao’s eyes were full of haze and looked at the mountain gate. The anger and anger completely occupied his thoughts, and he made a fierce wave of his way!


"Hey!" In a dust, the Qingsong Taoist screamed and slammed his injured The sinister sinister angered Qin Haoxuan in the direction of departure, "Qin Haoxuan!"


After leaving the Split Mountain School, Qin Haoxuan is still trying to figure out what else can protect the soul of the punishment. The two bottles of water in his hand should be able to maintain the soul of the torture for 30 years.

"Thirty years..." Qin Haoxuan frowned. "It's still too little."

Wang Yang has been quietly following Qin Haoxuan, not far from it. Qin Haoxuan glanced at him and asked: "Do you know which sects have something to raise a soul?"

Wang Yang thought about it with his brains, and finally bitterly said: "This, in addition to the spiritual spirit of the spirits, the small really do not know."

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly, and he knew that Wang Yang was not in the heart. After all, in the cultivation of immortals, nourishing the soul is a rare thing. It is good to get a piece of soul-building wood.

Take out the soul tree in your hand, and the clear water of all things is also dyed with a layer of pale golden light, and the gentle and quiet atmosphere is scattered from it.

Qin Haoxuan stared at the Soul Wood for a long time, and then his eyes were slightly brighter: "I can't find the baby. I can also use the array method to build a small array that blocks the rules of the world. Can it make the effect of all things better? ?"

Wang Yang has been stealing Qin Haoxuan. Now he sees his mood obviously getting better and he is relieved.


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