Too Early

Chapter 1327: Reincarnation has no trace

Qin Haoxuan actually did not go far, but now he does not want to kill again. He has to go all the way to think about where he should go.

"Be quiet, you can't be found; you have to conform to my path and help me to understand." After thinking about it, Qin Haoxuan evoked a smile. "Actually, there is such a place."

And more than one.

Qin Haoxuan remembered the tomb of the reincarnation of the king who had been mistakenly entered, and the body of the reincarnation in the Valley of the Immortals.

According to Qin Haoxuan's own wishes, he still tends to reincarnate the fairy king, but he remembers that when he died in the first nine days, he shook his head: "It is really dangerous to reincarnate the fairy king, let alone practice, enlighten, if you really go And maybe even life will be lost there."

In comparison, although the reincarnation of the demon is also a crisis, but it is true that he has really entered, is familiar with, and finally it is the whole body retreating, and now the reincarnation of the demon has no guardian of the bones. It is even less troublesome.

I remembered the reincarnation of my own cultivation and the seals in my body. From time to time, I also wanted to make waves of the wind. Qin Haoxuan made a decision: "Go to the reincarnation first, hope to be inspired there, realize the road, help me in one fell swoop. Enter the palace."

Avoiding the monks along the way, Qin Haoxuan easily came to the Valley of the Immortals again. According to the route in memory, he found the small island where the body of the reincarnation was placed. Qin Haoxuan was stunned.

"Naihe? What is going on?"

Originally, it was like a practice around the island, and the Naihe River surrounded by it was gone, leaving a blue-white river ditch that was not deep.

Wrinkled his brows, Qin Haoxuan released a hint of spiritual power on the river ditch, plain and faint, no ghosts.

"No, is there a big power to come here and take this instrument away?" Then he turned to think, "Impossible, even if someone actually came in, it is impossible to go out."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the quiet island in front of him, the trees were covered, and several broken palaces showed a pointed dome from the treetops. There was nothing unusual.

Still secretly gave birth to a warning, Qin Haoxuan took out two zombies at the peak of Xianying, let them go in the front to open the way, and then they themselves.

It was not until the well-filled well, and no traces of other people had been found.

"But the Nai River can never disappear by itself..."

Qin Haoxuan muttered in his mouth, thinking back to the time when he met Naihe, the rich ghost and the murderous intention of Naihe, slowly falling from the wellhead, and once again came to the catacombs of the body of the reincarnation. .

The chilly forest, the meaning of ice cold is still straight through the soul of the people, but Qin Haoxuan feels a little changed, it seems to become, not so much pressure.

Looking around, the same darkness, misty and misty as if the veil is generally laid in the air, farther away is a thick black, like the end of the world, huge, the reincarnation that occupies this underground space is still slowly rotating, everything It seems that nothing has changed.


Qin Haoxuan had a cold back and his eyebrows were tightly picked up. He looked around again and his body was a little stiff.

The reincarnation is gone!

The body of the reincarnation is gone!

Some of the stiff standing in the same place, Qin Haoxuan carefully felt everything in this space, and even separated into a sea of ​​gods to explore, for a long time, only slightly relieved, this space is indeed only him alone.

But what about the reincarnation? Where is the reincarnation? Or, where is the body of the reincarnation?

After carefully recalling everything that I have entered into the Valley of the Immortals, Qin Haoxuan is infinitely certain that no one else has come in and retired 10,000 steps. Even if someone has come in here, it is impossible to remove the body of the reincarnation, even if it is as strong as Jiang Baibai. It is also categorically impossible to do this.

The power of the king, it is stronger than the true fairy.

What the **** is going on, is it true that the reincarnation of the demon is really successful in reincarnation and survived? Going by yourself?

This, this is too ridiculous, that is, Qin Haoxuan did not dare to make a decision.

And if the reincarnation is really alive, with her pride, how can there be no news at all?

There was something happening here. Qin Haoxuan was completely unclear. He let his mind fly in the air and walked aimlessly in this strange space.

Without the body of the reincarnation, it is no longer so terrible, and there is no need to worry about which step is wrong. It will be destroyed by a powerful corpse, and he can walk around at will.

A little bit of joy rises from the heart, Qin Haoxuan is like a king who patrols his own territory, and enjoys exploring here. He feels a move, and the whole person floats up and walks through the cold fog of the whole piece. This is in his first It was impossible to imagine when I came.

The reincarnation method spreads through this space, and Qin Haoxuan flies up and feels the close-up of the circle of the reincarnation.

This method is complicated and exquisite, and it communicates with Tiandi Avenue. At first glance, it looks like it is turned upside down. It seems that the whole person has been dragged into the mysterious reincarnation avenue. With awe, but willingly indulge in it, willing to turn his own flesh and blood. Part of the reincarnation.


The fairy tree behind Qin Haoxuan is so big, the fairy baby dances, the fruit of the fruit blooms with a dazzling Huaguang, and the dragon scale sword is the sound of the clear dragon, which can recall the wisdom of Qin Haoxuan.


Qin Haoxuan was shocked, his back was cold, and he looked at the reincarnation method that was only a few feet away from him. He sighed and knew that he was careless.

"Reincarnation is unique in the illusion of enchanting illusion. I was once tempted by her magical species to commit a killing ring. I just almost got rid of it and stunned it. Even though I didn't have a reincarnation, she personally set it down. The reincarnation is still a shocking step in the crisis, and it cannot be lighthearted."

Shaking his head, Qin Haoxuan appeased the dragon scale sword and smiled softly. His eyes moved slightly, and the golden light rushed out of the eyeballs, then covered the entire eyelids, and then looked at the array in front of him.

Guanghua circulated, and some of the elusive and fuzzy reincarnation arrays gradually became clear in Qin Haoxuan’s Tao, and the strokes of each technique were all revealed.

Qin Haoxuan found that although this method is complicated and difficult to understand, in some places, it seems to be a simple one.

"The reincarnation of the demon, it is really amazing and amazing." Qin Haoxuan sighed.

The power of the reincarnation flowed in the formation, and Qin Haoxuan felt it with his heart. The reincarnation method portrayed on the fairy tree occasionally resonated and paved the power of reincarnation.

The two forces are in two spaces, but they know each other and compete.

This is a very strange experience. The Taoism of the two great kings fought each other through time and space, and all the evolutions were seen by themselves.

"The body of the reincarnation of the demon is still there. My whole heart is placed on the corpse against her. It is impossible to feel anything else, but it is different now..."

Qin Haoxuan smiled and looked at the foot in front of the round. He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and felt carefully. "I can feel everything here more easily, and the reincarnation of her reincarnation." It is gradually appearing in my mind. This is her way, my way?"

Sitting in the reincarnation circle and feeling the reincarnation that permeates this piece of heaven and earth, Qin Haoxuan is trapped inside.

His closed five senses are wide open in another world. What he saw in his eyes was all the pictures that flowed with the time in the world. The sound of all things sounded in the ear, and the nose ushered in the mud and the fragrance of the grass...

If everything can be reincarnation, then what time? What about space? Can my Taoism re-enter the cycle?

Behind Qin Haoxuan, the fairy tree converges on the exposed Huaguang, and the soft colors ooze out like water, illuminating the space where he is.

I have spent nearly a hundred years of conquest, combat, and improvement, but my own avenue has not been refined. This is my negligence...

Letting the power of the void pass through his body, Qin Haoxuan does not move, like a stone sculpture, a stream of water slowly condenses, only a small piece at first, like a small white cloud wandering in his body, It seems to be a blow, but it is magical to collide with the reincarnation of the air and the reincarnation of the fairy.

On the fairy tree of a thousand feet high, Qin Haoxuan’s fairy baby danced cheerfully, and the joyful mood was sprinkled from every leaf, and a little bit of brilliance paved the whole body of Qin Haoxuan.

I don't know how long it took, I don't know how much I will thoroughly understand the road of the reincarnation. Qin Haoxuan slowly opened his There is still a soft white light in his sight, for a while Only then returned to the world in front of you.

Rubbing his eyes, Qin Haoxuan said to himself: "Is it blind?"

Standing up, Qin Haoxuan looked at the space he was in for a long time, and surely it was not his own eyes. It really changed here.

There was a strange feeling in his heart. Qin Haoxuan walked forward in front of the thoughts and floated in the void. The gentle cold fog like a shawl with his movements retreated to both sides.

Just a few feet away from him, there is a dark black ink-like thing standing quietly, compared to the light gray dark surrounding, it is still very eye-catching.

Qin Haoxuan is sure that there is no such thing before he retreats.

Step by step to go there, Qin Haoxuan did not feel the danger.

The cold fog around him swayed uneasy, such as the undulating waves in the ocean, urging Qin Haoxuan to walk over, without any panic and fear.

Before the dark black, Qin Haoxuan looked at it and raised his hand. The spirit was like water. It suddenly came out and hit the dark black in front of him. It seemed to hit the hard stone wall. In a word, a line of golden letters shines one by one.

“Hey?” Qin Haoxuan’s stunned color appeared. He looked at himself in front of him and couldn’t help but mutter. “These words... are the remnants of the reincarnation left behind, or left behind after death?”

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