Too Early

Chapter 1349: Xiaoxian Wang to the little devil

Ebara’s gaze crossed Lotte and looked straight at Gongsun Meng on the main seat of the house.

Others turned their heads to look at the original, and the atmosphere was once again tense.

However, Ebara was not angered by defeat, but he raised his eyebrows and his face was not reduced. He said three words to Gong Sunmeng: "Interesting."

Very calm, Sugawara turned and left.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the back of Sugawara's still tall and straight, and thoughtfully, I feel that the people here are really interesting.

"Go with tea."

The voice of Gong Sunmeng came, and several people in the room sat on their seats.

Lotte took Qin Haoxuan to sit down. After the interruption of the original, the atmosphere in the house became much more relaxed. Not only did Qin Haoxuan's favor for these people rise, but Gong Sunmeng and others had a better impression of Qin Haoxuan.

After all, as a newcomer to Qin, the performance of Qin Haoxuan is indeed remarkable. When he was challenged by Mo Xiu, he did not have the slightest weakness; when Gong Gong Meng Liang debuted in the palace, he did not have a half. Charming and astonished, these two points alone, Qin Haoxuan's strong heart, can be seen.

Tea is transpiration, tea is fragrant, although there is no laughter, everyone is still faint, but the atmosphere is surprisingly good. Qin Haoxuan relaxes and listens to their occasional words, secretly thinking, how long has it been so quiet and so quiet It is.

"Hao Xuan, what is your first mission?" Gongsun Meng took a sip of tea and asked.

Others are also looking at it with a little curiosity.

"The free magic master asked me to open the altar to the group of demons."

Others listened, and they were not surprised at all. Qin Haoxuan said: "Why, have you taken this task?"

Gong Sunmen nodded slightly: "This task has been taken by everyone, but the number of times is different."

Qin Haoxuan sighed and asked: "Why is the number different?"

"Because, this task is very simple, but it is especially difficult." Xiao Heng shrugged and said, "We have been there once, and some people have said it five times."

Lotte explained: "Only if the demon Lord feels that you are doing well and achieves the purpose of the teaching he wants, will you let you continue to open the altar."

"Yeah, like Xiao Heng, only once, I was sent out to do other tasks." Su Qiteng said ridiculously.

Xiao Heng’s face was black and he was unceremoniously going back: “Where are you going, you’ve talked twice.”

Qin Haoxuan smiled and then turned to ask Gongsun Meng: "How many times have you said?"

Lotte brows one thing: "He is the most talked about by us, and he talked five times."

Gong Sun Meng nodded and did not seem to be proud of it.

Qin Haoxuan had a clear heart and listened to what they meant. It was not easy to open the lectures. Some people only talked once or twice, but this Gongsun Meng said five times. It is indeed not normal.

"However, I don't talk the most." Gongsun Meng touched his teacup and said the voice calmly.

Not the most? Is there anyone who has more lectures than Gong Sun Meng?

Qin Haoxuan revealed doubts in his voice, and asked other people: "Who is that?"

Everyone else has some silence, or Lotte replied: "The man is not here, it is the one we met on the road when we came."

Qin Haoxuan’s mind flashed through the way of An Ziqing’s moment, and his heart was slightly different, but he did not feel any awkwardness.

"That man, she has said nine times." Xiao Heng reached out to a nine-character, enough to show the weight of this number.

Qin Haoxuan nodded: "Nine times."

In fact, Qin Haoxuan did not know whether it was more or less in the end of the nine times, but the meaning of several people present, this nine times should be a lot of meaning.

Gong Sunmen put down the teacup in his hand, and his mouth overflowed with a light smile, and admitted calmly: "In this respect, I am not as good as her."

Lin Zihua stroked the folds on the sleeves and said, "I don't care." "Oh, nine times? She has already entered the devil, but she has spoken about ninety times. What is the use?"

Gongsun Mengyu also brought a sigh of relief: "It’s a pity."

Everyone in the house thought of the experience of the woman, and she was silent.

Qin Haoxuan picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip of tea. The fragrance was light and elegant, and the aftertaste was long. It was a good tea.

"Right, Qin Xiaoxian Wang, everyone is the same way, I also tell you, here is the free magic palace, you can not only open the task of the altar, always go out to do things." Sitting next to Qin Haoxuan Wang Ruo-Zhao, who had never said anything, shouted Qin Haoxuan when he was chatting, and said seriously, "When you go out, you must be careful."

Qin Haoxuan strangely said: "What happened?"

"Because people in the magic palace, it is not good to mix outside." Xiao Heng inserted a sentence.

Wang Ruoxiao nodded. "You don't look at the magical master. It's very powerful. No one dares to provoke him. But he also almost offended half of the world. He has more enemies and can't move his own magic. Can't he still move? Who is in the magic palace?"

Qin Haoxuan asked a little strangely: "They dare to move their own people in the magic palace, not afraid of the magic master to find them to settle accounts?"

When the words came out, the people present were laughing.

"What's wrong?" Qin Haoxuan asked a little confused.

Su Qiteng raised his eyebrows: "The people who are in the magic palace are being bullied outside, and the free master is almost no matter what."

"Ah?" This Qin Haoxuan did not expect.

Lotte said: "It is true. Once there was a magic repair that grabbed a bunch of good things outside. When I robbed it, I ran to the magic. After I had not ran to the magic palace, I was robbed by another group of people. At the time of the Magic Palace, even the swords on the body were gone, and they were beaten to death."

"If the devil knows, he will give two words 'live'." Xiao Heng continued.

Su Qiteng sighed and said: "Because the Devil Lord is very concerned about his personal ability, being robbed by others but not robbing himself of his own things is a waste in his opinion. Therefore, people who are in the Magic Palace are not bullied anymore, He doesn't care, he just kills people and doesn't care."

Qin Haoxuan listened to a few words, but it was instantly understood, and he remembered that the self-defeating Lord had said that he had been chased to the desperate situation, but later he became stronger and destroyed the group.

What the Lord of the Devil cares is that you are not strong enough. If it is not strong enough, what is the pity of death in this world of the strong?

Lin Zihua reached out and touched a long scar on his face. The scar stretched from his brow to the chin, traversing half of his face, making Lin Zihua’s beautiful face suddenly become awkward and terrifying. Shen Wuguang, with memories, said: "Not only should we pay attention to it outside, but it is also very powerful inside the magic palace."

Others looked at Lin Zihua and nodded silently.

"Except for a few of us in this house, and any other words in the devil's mouth, don't believe it, because the mouth of the devil's head is all lies." Lin Zihua's tone is sullen, and the face that was ruined by the scars is brought with him. A gloomy.

Qin Haoxuan thought, this Lin Zihua must have suffered losses in the magical repair of this magic palace.

The atmosphere in the room was once again somewhat repressed.

"Don't say it, drink tea and drink tea." Gongsun Meng smiled slightly and made a gesture to a few people. "Don't let this good tea."

The stagnation of the atmosphere flowed, and the scent of tea dilutes everything.


When Qin Haoxuan returned to his small courtyard, the sun was still hanging in the west, smearing a large piece of orange light.

Slowly stopped, Qin Haoxuan saw a magical repair in the stone in front of his own courtyard. He was wearing a robe of the magic palace. The black hair was **** behind him, and his appearance was good and his forehead was wide. Long eyebrows into the sputum, double sputum black as ink, skin color is wheat color, with a wild and free and easy.

The man still holds a book in his hand, and he is looking at God. He suddenly looks up and sees Qin Haoxuan, who is not far from himself. The eyes of the stars are bright, and the whole person looks more heroic. .

The book was smashed into the arms, and the magic repair jumped from the stone, and immediately fell in front of Qin Haoxuan, smiling, obviously a stranger who first saw, but the two were very familiar.

Qin Haoxuan’s brows that he saw were slightly wrinkled. I wondered where I have seen it?

"Qin Xiaoxian Wang?" Mo Xiu said with a smile, although it is a question, it is a positive tone.


After Qin Haoxuan promised, the magic repair surface was even more exciting. He came over to take Qin Haoxuan’s shoulder, but was smothered by Qin Haoxuan’s brush. The Mo Xiu was not annoyed, and he pointed his finger at himself and cleared it. Qing Zizi, said: "Right, introduce yourself, I am the little devil of this free magic palace."

Little devil?

Qin Haoxuan thought about it and asked: "One of the ten devils?"

The hundred miles swayed and waved, and one of them said proudly: "No, the Qin brothers came to the first time, and they are not very familiar with the free magic palace. There are ten demon kings in the magic palace, that one king..."

Baili pointed to himself.

Qin Haoxuan raised an eyebrow, a king? This really didn't listen to Gong Sunmen, they said it. What is this person doing? Fighting?

Bai Lizhen accepted the eyes of Qin Haoxuan and waved his hand again: "Don't be nervous, I am not coming to find you to fight, but I am curious about the style of Qin Xiaoxian Wang, especially come over and see."

Qin Haoxuan smiled and said: "What do you think of me?"

Baili’s exaggerated praise; “unusual, amazing.”

Qin Haoxuan blinked, but I really didn't see what this person was doing.

Baili’s friendly invitation: “I’m just like the Qin brothers, I’m happy, I have time to go to my place to have tea.”

Qin Haoxuan secretly smiled, this person who is in the magic palace is very interesting, no matter where it is, the invitation is to drink tea.

"Yeah, time is up!" Bai Lizhen suddenly screamed.

Qin Haoxuan was a bit confused: "What time is up?"

The mile of Qin Haoxuan’s arm is going to go out: “Walk away, I will show you something good.”

Qin Haoxuan was in a stable shape, and he did not move. He used his skill to pull his arm from the hands of Bai Lijun: "I will not go. I have to open a lecture in a few days, and now I have to go back and do some preparation."

Bai Lijun looked helplessly at Qin Haoxuan: "It is really a good thing, to ensure that you will not be disappointed, let's go, let's go together."

Qin Haoxuan politely refused again.

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