Too Early

Chapter 1371: Reincarnation

Qin Haoxuan is full of eyebrows and his eyes are bright and bright. He knows what he wants and knows how difficult it is to block him. But since he has embarked on the road to cultivation, he is ready to fight with all.

"Since these centuries, I have not found my own way, then I will leave this one."

Qin Haoxuan’s body was slightly shocked, and Daogong appeared behind him, and the power of reincarnation stirred up in him.

"I want to include the heavens and the earth in my reincarnation. It is not something that can be done overnight. I have to step by step."

Qin Haoxuan closed his eyes and let the power of reincarnation turn into a clear stream. "When you want to drive the world with the power of reincarnation, you must first drive yourself with the power of reincarnation. You can use the power of reincarnation as an arm to study it. thorough."

"However, if I really reincarnate myself and kill myself, what should I do?" Qin Haoxuan, who just wanted to start, made a slight meal. He thought about it and then smiled. "Buddha said that I am not going to **** and who goes to hell." Since I am afraid of death, I still pursue what road."

The power of reincarnation with Qin Haoxuan's spiritual power poured into his body, the blood of the skeleton veins, a little bit across, the shock washing and stirring, one place not let go.

Qin Haoxuan’s door was never closed. After Ali and Zheng Hu got up, they were practicing in the courtyard of Qin Haoxuan. Therefore, Qin Haoxuan, who was sitting on the top of the group, could also be seen at a glance.

But everything that happens every day makes the two half-children who are new to the immortal path tremble with fear.

When the sun rises, their masters are still black-haired shawls, handsome young people with tight skin. Whoever thinks, with the circulation of the sun on their heads, their master’s vitality seems to slip away together, his skin begins to relax. His black hair began to become mottled and white, and the night came, the master in the house, has become a drowning old man, far away, can feel the shocking of his body Helium and decay.

Zheng Hushen looked out on the window, and he was still a little scared by the child. He looked at Ali’s arm and asked: "Master, Master will not die."

Ali Shuangyu looked at Master's room with concern and tightened his fist. He said, "No, Master, Master is just practicing a very good effort."

Compared with Zheng Hu’s complete ignorance, Ali has heard of Qin Haoxuan’s countless deeds. No matter which rumor, Qin Haoxuan is the most fierce and strongest force, he was besieged by thousands of people and was sung by the Supreme Master. The pursuit of the killing, the ancestors who have survived the Taoist regime, and their masters, how could they die while practicing?

Consoling Zheng Hu and comforting himself, Alice vowed: "Don't worry, Master is really practicing a very powerful Tao."

Zheng Hu’s eyes are not looking at his master: “But what Master is like now, it’s like the old man in our village is dying...”

Ali: " really won't die."

Zheng Hu’s wish to cry out, Ali had no choice but to extinguish the lights in the room, and then said: “Sleep and sleep, it’s okay.”

This evening, Zheng Hu didn't sleep well. Just closed his eyes, he had to climb up to see that Master was still absent, and even did not sleep well with Ali.

The next day, the two men ran to the room of Qin Haoxuan with a huge black circle. When they saw their master, they found that Qin Haoxuan became the young man of the black hair.

Zheng Hu’s eyes widened and looked at Ali: “Sister brother, Master is back!”

A Li is also happy, but in front of the younger brother is still a steady look, so the old man said: "I will say, Master must be fine."

"It’s amazing, this method can grow old." Zheng Hu looked at Qin Haoxuan in an incredible way.

This miraculous change has continued, and both Ali and Zheng Hu have become calm and waveless from the beginning.

The power of reincarnation is always on the body of Qin Haoxuan. It is a youth at sunrise and a leap year at sunset. Qin Haoxuan’s physical time has been controlled by himself. He is more familiar with the mastery of reincarnation and can do whatever he wants. Manipulating the power of reincarnation.

Qin Haoxuan is in the immersive exploration of the power of reincarnation. The time of one year has passed quietly. Ali Zhenghu and the two are also diligent and diligent, and they have taken root in this year.

"Based on the Taoist Demon, I have combined the two methods of cultivation of the demon and the devil, taking the path of reincarnation of the heavens and the earth. The law to be taught by the Taichu Church has already taken shape, and all the stages of practice can be."

Qin Haoxuan showed a smile on his face. Then he glanced at the disciple who was practicing in the yard. He remembered the fairy king, the demon statue and other people he had seen before. Whoever had his own law, he thought: "Since It is my own way, then I should have my own law."

Thinking of my own understanding of the reincarnation of this time, Qin Haoxuan thought, reincarnation of this road, life and death are connected, is a road that connects end to end, then my law can completely establish a reincarnation.

In the brain, there is a reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation, which is also the condensed thing of the reincarnation. However, the reincarnation of life and death is more vivid. In the real reincarnation, the boundary between life and death is actually blurred. The death contains a breath of life.

"So my law should be a reincarnation, which limits life and death, but combines the two."

Such an idea made Qin Haoxuan's eyes brighter. The more he thought about it, the more he felt. He was very good. He called his two disciples in. When he looked up, he found that his yard was more than just two. Children, there are only a few dozen people in the yard, and there seems to be people outside the yard.

"What is going on?" Qin Haoxuan asked Ali, who had been standing at the door. "They are all coming in?"

Ali received these people, and his busy forehead also sweated. He smiled and said: "Yeah, Master, these people are all wanting to enter us."

Qin Haoxuan looked at these people. There are a small number of children who are half-large, completely mortal. Among the rest, there are magical monastic repairs.

Ali got closer and asked Qin Haoxuan: "Master, do you want to point them out?"

Qin Haoxuan thought for a moment, to A Lidao: "I still need to retreat. For those mortal children, you and Ahu take them to practice nuzzling into the body. As for others, let them practice their previous exercises first, wait for me. Go out and teach again."

Ali looked at the outside and looked at the disciples who were waiting to see their master and wanted to get directions. It was still very well-coordinated.

Looking at Ali's door and taking care of other people's appearance, Qin Haoxuan waved his hand, closed his door, isolated the noisy sound outside, and set up a line in the room, which was once again cultivated.

Now that there is a prototype to be done, Qin Haoxuan’s next path has become clear. He has reinstated his reincarnation, and then integrated what he thought and thought. The power of reincarnation conformed to his ideas and lie in Dantian. On the side of his own fairy, he gathered a little, combined with what he learned, slowly forming a prototype of a disc.

At the beginning, black and white, symbolizing the two ends of life and death, but with the formation of this round of reunion, the boundary between black and white becomes blurred, the two blend with each other, and finally merge into one, the whole reincarnation plate presents a light gray color. The ray of light shrouds over it, and the power that belongs to the reincarnation overflows.

Qin Haoxuan tried to get an aura into it.

The aura is a group, like a newborn baby. The power of reincarnation overflows from the reincarnation. The reincarnation slowly but firmly turns, the baby grows slowly, childhood, youth, youth are extremely strong, and the moon is full, the body loses. The strongest age of strength begins to age, and then a little bit of chaos, is the baby's initial place.

Looking at the reincarnation of the gas on the reincarnation, Qin Haoxuan sneaked a touch of laughter.

"This round is better than I thought." Qin Haoxuan thought, "If it is in battle, I can release the reincarnation disc put the opponent at the weakest point, then one move Kill it."

With a wave of fingertips, the aura of reincarnation on the plate also dissipated.

Deeply exhaled, Qin Haoxuan looked at the void in front of him: "The other year has passed."

At the time of the reincarnation of the reincarnation, Qin Haoxuan appeared more than once in the eyes of the "reincarnation" that he had been puzzled in.

In the inheritance of the reincarnation of the demon, the first and second layers, he has already thoroughly penetrated, but only the third layer of the word "reincarnation", but it has not been a little bit of insight until he left.

"It turned out to be like this." Qin Haoxuan felt the reincarnation in his body and chuckled. "It turns out that the third layer is to go out of its own reincarnation."

"I have built my own reincarnation, then, what about?" Qin Haoxuan frowned slightly. "My own reincarnation is now only a fur, then what?"

After thinking about it, Qin Haoxuan smiled helplessly: "The invention is not something that can be done in the first place. It must be sentimental."

"But with this reincarnation, some of the power of the heavens and the earth can also be driven by me." Qin Haoxuan thought, "Hao Hao took a step, and waited for the ability to use the power of the heavens and the earth, put the heavens and the earth in my reincarnation, not far away. It is."

After playing for a while in his own body, Qin Haoxuan thought again: "I want to build a magic weapon myself, a real reincarnation."

Already refining a reincarnation plate in the body, Qin Haoxuan thinks that there are many resources in his hand, and it is very simple to refine a magic weapon.

When he really made it, he realized that the refining magic weapon was not as easy as he imagined. The power of reincarnation was really too overbearing, not only for the eternal life, but also for the uncontrollable destructive power of the inanimate objects.

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