Too Early

Chapter 1378: Who is the deer dead?

"No." Qin Haoxuan said concisely.

The old ancestors looked at him.

Qin Haoxuan shrugged his shoulders: "Persevere but not good."

"Impossible." said against the ancestors of the water, "I think this person is still very arrogant, can hide..."

"Ah!" a scream rang.


A figure fell heavily under their feet, and there was also one arm missing, blood flow raging, and mourning on the ground.

It is dead wood.

Everyone was shocked and the audience was silent.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the broken arm of the dead wood, picked up his eyebrows, and then looked up to the table.

The beast used the tail to lift the arm that was cut off by the dead wood, and shook it toward Qin Haoxuan. The mouth also called: "Original price!"

Qin Haoxuan can't smile.

Did not go to the table to be full of enthusiasm, but also want to take the broken arm for the Lingshi of the different beasts, Qin Haoxuan slightly squatted down, shot like electricity, sealed the meridians at the broken arm, stopped him for blood, and then patted him Face: "See you, your arm, a million top grades can be exchanged."

The dead wood doubled and fainted.

And the men who followed the dead wood, also bitter face, how can they get together a million top quality stones?

The strange beast is still waving the broken arm toward Qin Haoxuan. Qin Haoxuan shrugged his shoulders: "No."

The beast squirted a few breaths from the nose, and then the tail smashed the arm with a force, and looked at Qin Haoxuan like a provocative one.

However, Qin Haoxuan really does not care.

The beast is more and more arrogant on the stage, full of madness: "This is your free ten magic? But so."


The devils in the audience are resentful, but the reality is in front of them. Their people are really unable to beat them. They don’t know what to say at once.

"Is there anyone else? It is a waste of my strength to play with you. If the Lord of the Magic does not come to pick up the invitation, then I will bring the invitation back to Yaoguang!"

Under the stage, the demons looked at the invitations of the streamers on the tails of the beasts, but they were coveted, but they were helpless.

At that time, Qin Haoxuan’s eyebrows moved and he felt what he was looking at.

A black cloud covered the black mist, as if a group of black clouds came from the sky. The speed of her movement seemed to be very slow, but it was passed by this distance, floating like a ghost, standing quietly above. .

After a while, she was followed by several witches with a beautiful face and a wonderful figure. These witches stood behind this person, with low eyebrows, respectful and humble.

Everyone can't see the face of this person, but who in the field does not know her?

The second in the ten devils is the moon.

As the only woman in the Ten Devils, she is a devil who may be ranked first in the rankings, but her mind is meticulous, and she is far better than anyone else in the Ten Devils. Even the Devil is very popular.

It is said that there are only five people who have seen the true face of the Wuyue Moon in the Magic Palace.

The glory of the moon is beautiful, but it has never been commented on. There are rumors that she is beautiful, and there are rumors that she looks better than a sinister.

And these rumors that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, add more mystery to the moon.

When the witch fell to the moon, the demons all bowed their heads, and there was no excitement at the time when the Eight Devils came to death. They didn’t even dare to say it.

Although the old ancestors and other people have just arrived at the Magic Palace, they are very familiar with everything in the Magic Palace. Now they will tell Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan looked thoughtfully without saying a word, it was like a cloud of black clouds standing still.

Shortly after the fall of the witch, several people appeared in the moment, and the people who came here were familiar with Qin Haoxuan.

Since Sanyou, Gongsun Meng, Xiao Heng, Su Qiteng, and Lin Zihua and others who have seen it.

After Gong Sunmeng and others came, it was like a sorrowful moon in a high-altitude gesture. There was no intention to play on the stage. I saw the music in the sky and found that Lotte’s injury was stable and the tight face was loose.

"What's the matter? These seemingly arrogant people are coming, so don't you shoot?" The ancestors of the mountain frowned.

Qin Haoxuan regained his gaze and took out his own reincarnation debris.

"You don't know this? They are of course self-sustaining. When they get to their cultivation, they will not easily shoot. There is a different animal on the table. It won't win. If it is lost, it will be ugly." "The anti-water ancestors said leisurely."

There are so many amazing guys, the beasts thought they could fight a lot. As a result, these people just looked outside and didn’t mean to do it with themselves. They were not happy at the moment, waving their hands. Invitation: "I still can't fight? If I don't fight, I will leave, a bunch of waste."

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes smashed the second sorcerer’s moon in the Ten Devils, and Gongsun Meng and others, shaking their heads and laughing, this group of people really can bear.

"Give you." Qin Haoxuan threw the debris on his hand to the nearest ancestor.

The anti-mountain ancestors came over with some doubts, and asked: "What do you give me this?"

Qin Haoxuan’s next sentence made the villain’s ancestors almost jumped up and said: “You go up and fight.”

"Ah... ah?! What?" The ancestors of the anti-mountain trembled pointed at themselves and pointed to the table. "I? Go?"

The old ancestors and other people have also looked over, a little bit of what they want to say.

Qin Haoxuan took a picture of the shoulders of the anti-mountain ancestors and asked seriously: "Do you believe me?"

The anti-mountain ancestor swallowed and replied more seriously: "I believe in you, but I don't believe in myself."

"Well, don't believe that you are right, I don't believe you either." Qin Haoxuan calmly said, "So you just have to believe me."

Anti-mountain ancestor: "..."

Listening to the ancestors of the anti-water and the ancestors of the wind: "..."

The anti-mountain ancestors bitterly said: "But..."

Qin Haoxuan swept his eyes, and the old ancestors of the mountains were stunned.

"You took this round of debris, and if you feel that you can't hold it up after going up, you will inspire it." Qin Haoxuan said.

The anti-mountain ancestor took this piece of debris that was not the same as the broken tile. My heart was very unfinished, and I looked for the help of the ancestors.

The anti-water ancestors coughed: "That, the hill, the ancestors said, you will go."

The old ancestors against the water have widened their eyes. Is there such a brother who is such a brother? !

"But, the ancestors, the strange beast that has never been seen for thousands of years, the combat power is very, the average person can't win!" The anti-mountain ancestor still wants to fight for himself. "You change others."

Qin Haoxuan pointed to the debris in his hand, very serious said: "With it, even if the ancient animals come, don't be afraid, really, give you a chance to make a comeback."

Anti-mountain ancestor: "..."

I don't want this opportunity...

Under the eyes of Qin Haoxuan and his two brothers, the old ancestors of the waters were crying and crying. They could only tighten their fists and turned their heads toward the free platform.

"How do I feel that his back is so tragic?" The old ancestors touched the chin.

The anti-mountain ancestor with a tragic back view thinks that I will motivate this round when I go up.

"Hey, come back to find a dead." The sound of the nine demon smashed into the ears of the ancestors.

No matter what the platform is like, once you step on the platform, the back of the ancestors will straighten up. After all, it is a person who has been known for many years. Both the momentum and the combat experience are very rich, and the losers do not lose.

"Whoever wants to die is not necessarily a small beast." The anti-mountain ancestors looked at the nine demon coldly.

Nine demon smiled: "This time I will not leave only one arm!"


The mouth spurted the fire, and the flame ran like a tidal wave against the ancestors of the mountain!


The anti-mountain ancestor condensed, and behind the fairy-blooded dance, countless tactics suddenly began, but in the void of the sky into a virtual mountain, slammed into the overwhelming fire!


The flames are scattered, and the blue smoke rises. The fiery flames collide with the mountains that the ancestors of the mountains are fascinating, melting each other! The sultry power flocked to all directions!

Although the old ancestors and other people in the water said nothing about it, but the eyes looked straight at the table, for fear that their brothers were miserable.

The anti-mountain ancestor emerged from an ashes. His Dafa mountain was completely submerged by the fire. The spells on his hands continued, and the sacrifices were repeated. The cracks and swords were even... and even the sands were released!

The nine demon screamed, the sound of the waves screaming, the sky rune even his body is not close, it burst at high altitude!

The anti-mountain ancestor's face was white and white, and I really knew that the nine demons were really thick and fleshy, and the swords and guns did not enter, and the attacking power and the defensive power were also abnormal, and the beasts could be repaired to be weaker. The monk was born and died!

Estimated the combat power of both the enemy and the enemy, the anti-mountain ancestor is no longer hard-hitting, hurriedly wandering, want to find flaws.

However, the speed of the nine demon is not much anti-mountain ancestors are chased by the incomparable wolf!

"Small beasts, today, this seat will let you learn a little longer!" The ancestors of the anti-mountain snorted.

Nine demon laughed and the speed became faster again. He rushed to the back of the mountain ancestors and opened his mouth. He planned to eat him raw!

All the people under the table were nervous, especially the ancestors who were against the water, and the clothes behind them were wet with sweat. Only Qin Haoxuan still looked calm.


The anti-mountain ancestors put most of the aura into the pieces of the reincarnation of the palm, and then threw the past into the nine demon that was about to catch up!

Originally it was only a faint light. After receiving the aura of the anti-mountain ancestor, the fragment suddenly burst into a force that stunned the heavens and the earth!

Qin Haoxuan's production of reincarnation is not just a matter of inputting the power of reincarnation. It is a combination of what he has learned for so many years. Even though it is just a piece of debris, there is also the power of Qin Haoxuan!


The nine demons were directly beaten by the sudden strength. When they were caught off guard, they spit out a few big mouthfuls of blood. After a few moments, the pain was flooding the whole body like a flood!


The fragments of the reincarnation rose sharply, and the face of the anti-mountain ancestor became paler and paler. He could clearly feel that the power in his body was being absorbed by the shards, and the shards broke out more and more powerful!

A huge disc of virtual shadow appeared under the nine demon, and the nine demon suddenly found that his body was completely out of his control, as if it was stuck, the body agility surged and gradually weakened. !

Not only the anti-mountain ancestors and the nine demons on the stage were shocked, but the people under the table were also shocked by the scene!

They watched the huge body of the nine demon getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a domestic cat size!


Change again!

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