Too Early

Chapter 1351: Wilderness

Qin Haoxuan looked at the gangsters who had been completely excited, and smiled helplessly.

The endless sea is spread out infinitely in front of the eyes. The sun shone on the surface of the sea, the sea breeze, the waves and the waves, this is undoubtedly a fascinating picture of the waves.

However, if you look at the beautiful and magnificent picture for a year, you will also experience aesthetic fatigue.

Qin Haoxuan stood at the head of the big ship, and the black hair scattered on his shoulders was gently blown up. His eyes passed through the floating mist on the sea and looked straight into the distance between the sea and the sky.

For nearly a year, it has always been like a straight line, and it has become a mountain that rushes straight into the sky. The mist of the far-off is floating on it, and the radiance of the sky is dyed with a magnificent color.

It is like a fairyland.


"It's here! We are home!"

"finally come back!"

"Ha ha ha ha go home!"

At the moment when the land appeared, the monks on the ship burst into laughter.

Blue eyebrows came to Qin Haoxuan with a smile, pointing to the distant water and the sky: "Look, that is the sea of ​​heaven."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the blue eyes and nodded. He was dark and dark, with a thought that others could not see through.

Blue smoke, I finally came to your hometown.


The ancient sect of the ancients is the supreme master of the heavens. It is the hegemon of the sea of ​​the wilderness. It is close to the magnificent coast. It relies on the ancient peaks of the sharp cliffs and the sharp cliffs. It builds a palace floating above the sky, and the hail of mist is not scattered all the year round. Unreachable, never close, I already feel the magnificent atmosphere.

"Sovereign, please." Lan Hao was slightly stunned by Qin Haoxuan.

Looking at the wild ancestors who had a full picture in front of their own eyes, countless thoughts came.

The mountains that are steep and straight and sharp like a sword are suppressed by the magnificent momentum. As you can see, the tall trees of Cuibi occupy the mountains, the springs are clear, the water is flowing, and the birds and animals are occasionally cool. Cicada, several floating clouds in the Qionglou Building are burning hearts, and the more you get closer to the main hall, the more you can feel the rich and incomparable aura around you.

If you are a fairyland.

What surprised Qin Haoxuan was the attitude of the entire ancient ancestors to treat themselves, gentle and courteous, and eyebrows, which was friendly and acceptable without disguising.

Every ignorant disciple who met Qin Haoxuan looked at him with curiosity and surprise, but he did not have a half-hearted arrogance, without a host of hostility.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly remembered the scene of the first encounter with the blue smoke. She may have a slap in the face, but the temperament is peaceful and friendly. There is no arrogance and rudeness of other Supreme Masters who Qin Haoxuan has seen.

Only such a sect of gentle inheritance can cultivate those disciples.

Qin Haoxuan sighed in his heart, and the cold face always brought a gentle smile. With the guidance of Lan Lan, he stepped into the main hall of the ancient ancestral hall.

The shape of this hall is simple, red brick wall, glazed tile roof, sunlight scattered down, reflecting the colorful Huaguang, dyeing the fog around the main hall into a magnificent color.

Qin Haoxuan was silent for a moment in front of the main hall. He could feel the power that seemed to come from ancient times to rise and fall in this space. It was the power of the Supreme Masters to infiltrate countless generations of disciples over the years. Marvel and admire.

That is the rhyme that can be possessed by the Supreme Masters. It has been linked to the Tiandi Avenue, which is powerful and shocking.

"The Sovereign please sit down, and the disciple is going to ask the teacher and his wife now." Lan Hao took Qin Haoxuan into the hall and sat down. He told the next person to serve the tea and then left.

Qin Haoxuan sat on the chair, his eyebrows were low, and he felt the rich aura in the hall. Then he flashed a surprise color.

"The spirit of the fairy spirit? There is also the spirit of the fairy spirit here?"

Qin Haoxuan looked up and looked at it. The whole main hall was not very magnificent. Every item was arranged just right. Everywhere, with the honor of Supreme Master, there was a gentle and extravagant atmosphere that seemed to emerge from the bones. .

However, there is nothing that can release the spirit of the Faerie.

"Abandoned ancient ancestors." Qin Haoxuan meditation of these three words in mind, and then gently sighed, "the spirit of the fairy spirit is such a treasure that does not come out of the world, even if it is placed in the Supreme Master, it is also a big deal."

"Teaching, madam, this is too junior deputy, Qin Haoxuan." The sound of the blue singer sounded, two middle-aged people with temperament and grace were taken over, with restrained excitement on the face.

Qin Haoxuan moved his mind and stood up, deeply intertwined with the two.

This should be the parents of the blue smoke.

"You don't have to be polite."

After the crowds were seated in turn, Qin Haoxuan really looked at the two people above the first seat.

Lan Zhichuan's figure is tall and straight, his face is beautiful and handsome, the blue-eyed eyebrows are very similar to him, but it is more soft, and Mrs. Blue is the woman who once saw the single person who had seen the Puguangge, but only for many years. Mrs. Blue’s face has a few more griefs that she has never had before.

Qin Haoxuan could not help but close his eyes when he thought of the two elders who missed them every day.

Lan Zhichuan and his wife are also looking at Qin Haoxuan.

From the time when her daughter was taken to cultivate the mainland, for decades, the two had tried their best to find a daughter, and even did not hesitate to touch the war against the Supreme Master Puguangge. However, the world is unpredictable, they are always intertwined with their daughters. And, God is always separated.

From the few messages that came back from her daughter, their children found a husband who could make a living together.

The life of heterogeneous life is determined. Since the blue smoke was born, the Lanzhichuan couple knew their daughter's genius, and they only wanted to be happy and smooth for a lifetime. Many things respected their daughter's choice, since her final decision. It is to stay with your husband, as a parent, you can only fulfill.

Lan Zhichuan looked at Qin Haoxuan. As the elders looked at their younger generation, he nodded. Although he met for the first time and crossed the sea, Qin Haoxuan was always humble, with a sense of enthusiasm, and he was promoted at a young age. To the palace, it is also a heart-to-heart, and the blessing is profound.

Mrs. Blue held her husband’s hand and finally asked the sentence: “Hao Xuan, my daughter, blue smoke, she is real... really...”

Looking at the blue lady’s already red eyes, Qin Haoxuan nodded lightly. He whispered: "It’s Haoxuan incompetent..."

Lan Zhichuan took back Mrs.'s hand and shook his head. "How can you blame you? The life of the alien species is fixed, and there is no way for the fairy king."

Qin Haoxuan bowed his head and did not say anything.

When they were trapped in the town of Xianshan, they were willing to be intimate with the blue smoke, and would like to contact the ice seal. They would be a husband and wife couple with Qin Haoxuan, and finally they would take risks in order to give birth to the blue.

Qin Haoxuan’s feelings are deep in this world’s friendship.

Mrs. Blue don't overdo it, tears fall down line by line, for a long time.

Lan Zhichuan patted his wife's shoulder and whispered a few words, and the hall was in a low position.

"What about my grandson?" Mrs. Blue wiped her tears with a handkerchief and buried the grief of the white-haired man to the black-haired man. The voice was low and dumb.

On the surface of Qin Haoxuan, there was a hint of embarrassment. He shook his head: "Since the beginning of the first battle, I have separated from the blue, and I have never seen him again."

Mrs. Blue sighed softly. "He used to tell us about the blue, I know that you are a good boy, the smoke knows, will..."

Qin Haoxuan couldn't bear to let the two two sad. He said: "The younger generations have heard the news of Yilan in the friends. They said that they recall the blue sky and the people are smart, so you can rest assured that he will not have anything."

Qin Haoxuan said this on his mouth. He didn’t miss his son in his heart. He recalled that blue was smarter and stronger. In the eyes of his father, he was only a child.

Lan Zhichuan's double eyebrows are slightly stunned, and the face of fortitude has also brought a touch of helplessness: "The hatred of the beginning, we have thought about helping you with the power of the ancient ancestors, but unfortunately, something happened later, and we are now powerless."

Qin Haoxuan looked up and looked at the two elders. His voice was clear, with a touch of persistence: "The enemies of the early teachings, Hao Xuan can be one..."

Before Qin Haoxuan finished, Lan Zhichuan waved his hand: "You and I are already a family, so don't say anything."

Qin Haoxuan heard that his heart was spreading with enthusiasm, and then he was deeply moved. The feeling of this loved one, he has not felt for a long time.

"I don't know what is taught by the teacher?" Qin Haoxuan looked at Lanzhichuan Road. "Hao Xuan came all the way. It can be seen that the ancient ancestors have experienced a recent war. It is reasonable to say that Supreme Masters should not be easy. The war has started."

Lan Zhichuan has not yet opened, and the blue dragonfly who has been standing on one side has said: "It’s not the group of villains of the ruins of the moon, but they collude with the people outside, and when I teach the levy of the Puguang Pavilion, it is the time of weakness. I took the opportunity to provoke the war, which made us lose a lot of disciples, but the group of people did not benefit!"

Qin Haoxuan heard the anger and anger in the blue slang discourse. He thought about it: "The ridiculous moon ......... Do they have purple seeds falling in the Wanjiao immortals?"

"There is such a thing..." Lan Lan said a little touchless.

Qin Haoxuan’s mouth evoked a cold arc: “That’s really a coincidence.”

Lan Zhichuan and Mrs. Blue looked at each other: "Is it true that the people who tried to fight the sea and killed them..."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and everything was in the air.

Lan Zhichuan took a smile at the table and only felt a bit of anger in his heart: "Good job!"

Mrs. Blue looked at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes with In their view, Qin Haoxuan was able to cultivate to the cultivation of today’s weak form, which is not easy, but he did not expect that he still has this. Brilliant record! Force the purple, even kill the purple!

In the face of the two predecessors with an appreciation, Qin Haoxuan did not show much self-satisfaction, but asked a question in his heart: "Hao Xuan in the cultivation of the mainland, there is always such a legend, saying that the sea, The endless sea is the world's end, and the monks can't cross the whole life. However, in recent years, Hao Xuan has discovered that no matter whether it is the sea or the endless sea, it can be between the mainland and the mainland. This..."

Lan Zhichuan smiled and said: "What is this? In fact, the sea of ​​endlessness and the endless sea are far and wide, but they are not without end. For a supreme master, it is not easy, but not not. Possible things, if you are fast, you can do it in a year, even if you are slow, you can cross it in three or five years."

The blue dragonfly on the side also said: "But this is what the Supreme Masters can do. It is impossible for the great missions to cross the sea. Their resource resources are not enough to support the possible occurrence of the sea. Everything, just because the sea is unpredictable, the resources that need to be spent to cross it are difficult to measure, because the Supreme Master can pass the sea, but even if it comes over, it will not benefit, and there is no mutual Coming in and out."

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