Too Early

Chapter 1353: True ancient spirit in the sea

The night gradually receded, and the white fish belly was exposed to the sky. The sun jumped out of the coast a little bit, splattering the earth for the golden light.

Qin Haoxuan came to the collection of the ancient books of the ancient ancestors.

Speaking of it, Qin Haoxuan has visited a lot of library books, the teachings of the early Taisho, Ren Xia Dian, and even the books left by the great teachings of the Wanjiao immortal, the books of the Lord of the Devil, he has seen them one by one, but their No one in the book, compared with everything in front of me.

Qin Haoxuan seems to have entered a small town, with an orderly stack of bookshelves. The quaint and exquisite staircase is faintly visible. Looking up, the whole library is full of mountains and high mountains.

"This is too much..."

Qin Haoxuan gave birth to a dazzling feeling for the first time. Here, the various collections of books are not placed in different categories, as if they were randomly placed here, not only the secrets of the exercises, the Taoist sentiments, but even the introduction of customs. Qin Haoxuan even saw the rise and fall of a common country.

After the surprise, the feeling of excitement was born a little. Qin Haoxuan went to the bookshelf closest to him, and did not pick it. He picked up a book and looked at it.

Speaking of the speed of reading, Qin Haoxuan is not slow. In a few moments, the book on his hand has been changed, and each of them has been carefully read, and the contents of the book are firmly printed in his mind.

After reading the books on the whole shelf, Qin Haoxuan screamed twice: "If you look at it like this, you will not necessarily see it in ten years."

Looking at this book full of Dangdang, Qin Haoxuan frowned and thought about it, and counted his heart.


The vastness of the gods of the sea spread out between the moments, and the stars fell on books of all kinds.

Qin Haoxuan leaned back on the bookshelf and closed his eyes. If the whale sucked Changhong, he took the contents of countless books into his mind.

The sun rises and the moon falls, and the spring comes to the autumn. Qin Haoxuan is like a veteran who is sitting in the library, and does not move.

"This year has passed, and the Sovereign has not yet come out?" The child who is watching the library, will go into the head every day to have a look.

"This is a powerful person."

Although these children are just new disciples of Xian Miaojing, they still feel that they can stay in the library for a year as the legendary lord, and they are so fascinating.

On the day when Qin Haoxuan walked out of the library, the drizzle stopped at the beginning, the green leaves were fresh and delightful, and the air was filled with fresh earth fragrance.

"Lord, you are out!" Qin Xiaoxuan, who was watching the library, looked at Qin Haoxuan who came out of the library and looked very surprised. He smiled and said, "The disciple will tell the teacher now!"

Qin Haoxuan: "..."

Looking at a child running away from the smoke, Qin Haoxuan smiled helplessly, picking the way to the main hall and hiking up the mountain.

The sound of the water, the mountain wind smashed through the woods, the rustling of the leaves, Qin Haoxuan walked step by step, a wonderful sensor did not know when it was entangled in the heart, he could not help but stop, listen carefully to the wind belt The words that come.

It is like a loving elder who whispers to his children and grandchildren, and the boundaries between time and space fall into the ears of Qin Haoxuan. He clearly does not even hear a complete word, but the moment when those words fall gently, he But yes, understand, and realize.

Everything in front of me has changed quietly, and a picture that has never been experienced has invaded Qin Haoxuan’s brain like a drizzle.

He saw the vast coastline spreading in front of his eyes, and saw the young disciples who had traveled abroad accidentally got a natural spring of fairy spirits, cultivated immortals, became stronger, and established martial art. Everything looks so natural and conforms to the weather.

The martial art became a little bit stronger. Their disciples were warm and jealous, and they did not like to kill. Later, they created their own divination method. They measured good and bad, and they were unknown. They avoided several big robberies for the sects. At the same time, they are doing a picture of cultivation, and they are getting farther and farther.

This is the history of the establishment of the ancient sect.

When Qin Haoxuan saw the moment of the fairy road, he understood it. He sank his heart and followed the power of the mysterious and slowly realized this.

The arrogance of the ancient ancestors of the ancient times appeared in front of Qin Haoxuan. These people are all amazing and unique. It is their own strength and weakness that is irrelevant!

Qin Haoxuan even saw a different kind of seed, just a hundred years, cultivation to the dilemma, almost half a step of the king of the king, but still did not escape the destiny, death and death.

Innumerable generations of Tianjiao, all of their own cultivation methods, the sense of enlightenment, unreservedly presented in front of Qin Haoxuan!

In addition to the sentiment of Tianjiao, even the life of ordinary monks has flashed in front of Qin Haoxuan. What surprised Qin Haoxuan is that it contains countless people from the world.

Everything was blasted in the mind of Qin Haoxuan, as if he had experienced everything that he experienced in the picture. He was old and sick, loved and hated, and countless alpine Daze, a strange place, scattered one by one.

And more pictures are flashing past, thousands of years of robbery, tens of years of robbing, and even 100,000 years of teaching and robbing, under the destruction of the power of destroying the earth, the ancient sects have survived, among them The degree of dependence depends on the path of the Faerie.


Qin Haoxuan frowned. He saw several generations of teaching, all of which were hurricane around the path of the Faerie.


The picture progressed a little bit. Later, the content of the picture changed. It is no longer a history of obsessive development of the ancient ancestors, but more of a picture of the world.


In the past history of the ancient ancestors, in the moment when the dust in Qin Haoxuan’s brain fell, the whole ancient sects shook a little, and with a gratifying sigh from the depths of the mountains, from all directions, overflowing from the sky.

Like praise, like communication.

The sect has a spirit.

The older the sects, the more sectarian the sects, the more powerful the teachings are.

However, the spirit of the church is not going to happen for many years, and even the big players can easily wake it up.

But now, the spirit of the ancient ancestors was actually awakened by Qin Haoxuan!

Everything that has disappeared, after this sigh, has lived up in vain, no longer a cold picture, but a voice, a color, an emotional spread, and a lively display.

Qin Haoxuan has a very wonderful feeling, as if he is sharing his vision, hearing and smell with another "person"...

He is using another "person" body to perceive everything that happened in the world of hundreds of thousands of years.

This can no longer be described as magical.

Hundreds of thousands of years, enough to transform the Bohai sangtian several rounds, enough to produce the supreme existence of several kings, devils, enough to make the world change, enough to destroy everything, more than enough to give birth to all new life.

This is really a long time, even the king of the king can not compare.

This has nothing to do with cultivation, but a dramatic improvement of one's vision and state of mind. It is a eternal life that has broken through the world, like a star that never falls.

It's like mixing two different hearts together, intimate and inseparable.

Qin Haoxuan stood for a long time, until the picture in his brain had disappeared for a long time, and he gradually returned to God.

"It turned out to be the case."

The gap between the Supreme Master and the Ten Thousands of Great Education is here.

Qin Haoxuan smiled low, and the whole body's temperament also changed in an instant. The heaven and earth aura seemed to be mad and poured into his body. Together with the most outrageous spirits of the ancient ancestors, he entered the Qin Haoxuan body.

"The 10,000-year-old great education is to put itself in the secular, but the supreme teaching, but it has already left this all, put itself outside the world, and incorporate the secular into its own power, so air and timid. It is not comparable to the Wanjia University."

Qin Haoxuan slowly spit out a breath, he can feel the aura of his body is slowly flowing, more can feel that he has been inseparable from the entire ancient.

"Since you sent me a chance, the ceremony is still coming, Qin has a sentiment here, but also invited the seniors to accept."

After Qin Haoxuan’s sound was finished, the gods knew that it was scattered, and countless golden light and shadows were instantly absorbed by the void!

That is four pictures, each of which is branded with what Qin Haoxuan and the Emperor and the Devil are opposite.

As if the true intentions are the same, Qin Haoxuan can clearly feel that his gods have been accepted by the other party. There is a sense of comfort in the spirit of the church. The momentum of the entire ancient ancestral temple is one of the times, as if a giant has awakened and is in the process of A little bit of release of his boundless power!

At the moment when the ancient religious spirits awakened, the whole sea was trembled!

A pagoda standing proudly on the peaks of the crowd, the pagoda that has been quiet for more than tens of thousands of years is bursting with endless brilliance in an instant! The colorful Huaguang rushed into the sky, and the boundless clouds came in, and the whole sky was covered. Thousands of ruins were laid down, and in the distance, the sound of the phoenix of the golden dragon was heard.

The teachings of countless sects have been shocked by this vision, and they have come out to see them. After discovering what happened, even the mysterious ancient teachings have been alarmed!

Teaching the spirit is actually a spiritual!

A spirit has awakened!

"Is it a wasteland?" In the banned land of the Great Scholars and the Moon, a voice of vicissitudes was heard in a light and shadow that did not recognize the figure.

"Returning to the ancestors, yes, just awakened the spirit of the ancient ancestors." Outside the cave, a middle-aged man replied respectfully.

A sigh slowly floated out: "Do you know what happened to the ancient priests? How many years have you been awake?"

Middle-aged men have a hard time on the face: "The vision is beginning to appear The disciples have not had time to do any investigation, just heard that their disciples who came to the sea to cultivate the mainland are back, the younger generation guessed, very It may be that the disciples have any adventures or gains."

The ancestral ancestors of the ruins of the white brilliance of the whole body, with a touch of heavyness in the eyes: "The sky of the wilderness may change."


Teaching the spirit, even if it is the same as the Supreme Master, may not be able to wake up. In the time when the spirits are silent, even if this sect is destroyed, after the most tragic disaster, burning blood can not wake it up. There must be a big chance to make a difference. .

And with the teaching of the spirit, even if it is to attack the ancient religion, there are many opportunities.

Correspondingly, the spiritual awakening also scores a level, and perhaps occasionally summons the awakening spirit, but it is a thousand years of teaching, and there are few opportunities to summon the same level of teaching as the sect.

Therefore, as long as the spirit is born, even a thousand-year-old teaching spirit is enough to laugh at the celestial world.

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