Too Early

Chapter 1368: Sakamoto is a fairy

The self-defeating Lord said that you should not keep it. It is indeed very tricky to read this wave of people. Qin Haoxuan did not dare to take care of it. He took out the dragon scale sword and the fairy palace was faint.


Qin Haoxuan felt a mountain-like pressure coming from the side of his body. He looked at him with a strange look. After seeing the body of the demon, the ten palaces were vacated, and each one was like a fairy palace. It’s amazing!

"There was really such a genius in the world, this seat is going to stay!"

The sound of the immortal king is falling, and the strongman who is controlled by him is attacked like crazy!

Qin Haoxuan smashed the cold light and greeted him!

The self-defeating master is faster than Qin Haoxuan, no one can see how he shot, the whole person seems to be a blast, wherever he goes, the broken arm remains!

Qin Haoxuan dragon scale sword sent out the sound of dragons, the dragon of the dragon attached to it, Jianguang seems to be able to kill the sky, killing the Quartet!

The witch is physically strong, the action is like a wind blowing a weak willow, and the sleeves are the ultimate killing in the wave. She looks like a sickle in the war. Every move makes people feel tremble!

This is a terrible killing, the boundless light and shadow overlap and add, the shocking power can crush the void!

Qin Haoxuan felt that he hadn’t played such a fun and long time, and his whole body’s blood was already boiling. Wherever he went, the **** Buddha was not afraid!

Although Qin Haoxuan played cool, but he also found in the process of the showdown, today's Xiu Xianjie is really a generation is not as good as a generation.

In the modern monks, the same realm, Qin Haoxuan can kill a few people; and in front of these ancient people who have survived from the ancient times, the same realm, he has already felt that it is not so easy.


A sword will fly in front of the person who is in front of him. Qin Haoxuan’s twilight sweeps into the self-defense master, and the ten Taoist palaces hold it in the air. He is like a real god, with a wave of hands, it is several enemies. The demise!

Qin Haoxuan's doubles are tightening, too strong, and the free magic master is really too strong!

I used to know that he was very strong, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he realized that he was powerful and terrible!

Self-defeating Lord is the true Tianjiao of our generation!

The self-defeating Lord who completely shot, entered the place where no one can stop, but the enemies that are in front of him are all gone!

The entire boiling battlefield, because of the few ways of the Lord of the Lord, was cleaned in an instant, and the monks controlled by the King of the Kings were killed.

After Qin Haoxuan cut the last person, he set the dragon scale sword in the palm of his hand. A kind of instinct for danger made him back cold. He almost screamed at the devil without thinking: "Beware of the will of the king!"

Since the Lord of the Lord faintly glimpsed the Taoist dynasty, he saw a mighty wave of power that went straight to himself!

The ten Taoist palaces bloomed in a dazzling array of Huaguang, and they collided with the mighty power that the immortal king played!

The shock wave is so powerful that the whole piece of Xinghai is a tremor. Qin Haoxuan tried to stabilize his body, but he was still knocked out for a few steps. His chest was a pain, and he stood firmly in the air. The robe and the hair are quietly hanging on her body, and the energy shock around the monks can't shake her!

"One by one is too strong..." Qin Haoxuan licked his own faint chest and went forward again.

After the glaring Guanghua disperses, the "Indefinite Doctrine" disappears with the will of the immortal king, and the body of the self-defeating Lord disappears with them.

At the moment when the body of the demon Lord shattered, it turned into nothingness, and only one hair fell from the air.

"Not my own..." Qin Haoxuan looked at the hair and pumped his mouth.

Without the guardianship of the "Indestructible Doctrine", this piece of Xinghai once again became ordinary and dimmed.

The body of the hungry ghost road slipped when the king of the wills began to move, and opened up a space, leaving only Qin Haoxuan and going against the sky.

Against the sky, I looked at the clean battlefield. Some boring picks raised my eyebrows and brought the hood back. I screamed at Qin Haoxuan: "I am leaving."

Qin Haoxuan asked strangely: "This is going? What are you coming for?"

Looking back at the sky, the huge objects, big and small, like stars, are shining in the darkness of the night, and the mist is misty, creating a feeling of true starry sky.

"In my time, my chances have not arrived. Although I have heard of this piece of Xinghai, I have never seen it. Now that I have a chance, I will come over and see."

Qin Haoxuan opened his mouth and secretly said that it was a sightseeing tour.

Looking up against the sky and smiling, adding endless bright colors to this faint Xinghai, she said: "Not bad, still a little help for my practice."

"I am leaving." Against the sky, Qin Haoxuan waved his hand, and even a goodbye did not say that he would leave.

Qin Haoxuan didn't know the difference. When is the next time I meet again, I quickly said: "And slow, can we talk?"

The figure that went against the sky was a meal, and then the squad turned and turned, and the voice said crisply: "Yes."

"What do you want to talk about?" Going forward in the opposite direction, came to Qin Haoxuan and asked.

Qin Haoxuan thought for a moment: "If it was the reincarnation of the year, when it met the immortal king of the heyday, who would be stronger."

Against the sky, I smiled and smiled. A pair of eyes revealed the shadow under the hood, reflecting the brilliance of confusing people: "Nothing compares, who knows?"

Her tone is light, with a sense of the king's self-confidence, as if nothing in the world can stop her.

"Although the immortal king is the first immortal king in the era of immortality, I am not afraid." The voice that goes against the sky is like a clear spring out of the valley, and the music is confusing.

Qin Haoxuan nodded and thought for himself. This may be the confidence of Xianwang. It has reached the realm of Xianwang. Under the heavens, will there be rivals?

"You will go early, this place is full of evil." Going against the sky, Qin Haoxuan will leave.

"Wait a minute, I still have a question."

He nodded against the sky and motioned to him.

Qin Haoxuan coughed and said: "The six reincarnations of magic, I have not been able to repair the body of the sixth person."

Against the sky, the mouth and the corner of the hook, the past breeze blowing through the hair she scattered in front of her, although the five senses did not reveal, but there is a thrilling beauty.

"Oh, this is a person."

The simple four words, but it seems to be a hammer, knocked on Qin Haoxuan.

He suddenly remembered that in the ancient ancestral temple, before the spiritual tower, he wrote to those who sought to teach the disciples four words: 汝本为仙.

It turned out to be the case.

Qin Haoxuan went deep against the sky and made a deep impression: "The younger generation is taught."

Going against the sky and laughing and hiding half a body, is equivalent to only half a courtesy of Qin Haoxuan, she smiled gently: "You and I have this relationship, do not have to thank, well, now I have to go."

"You, no one can go!"

A very majestic, with a murderous sound from the air, like a thunder, it is a pain in the chest.

Qin Haoxuan and his face are all changed, because no one of them feels the trace of the coming person!

Not far from them, suddenly turned into a whirlpool, a shadow like a hill came out from it, and behind this person, the nine Daogong Palace was in parallel!

"The first battle of the immortal king will be slaughtered." The voice against the sky became cold.

Qin Haoxuan didn't hear the name, but he didn't want to provoke it at first glance. He turned his head and looked at the sky. He found that his face was not good-looking, but he was not afraid, as if he felt trouble.

Chapter One

The slaughter fell from the void. He wore an armor, and the red color became more and more strange in this faint space. With a kind of blood-stained suffocation, the smack of a face and a pair of eyes seemed like a bell. The void is a trembling.

Just a long way across the road, Qin Haoxuan can feel the power of the nine Taoist palaces, and his blood flow has become slow, and the whole person is extremely uncomfortable.

This person is too strong!

Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but secretly bite his teeth. How do you have any monsters in this starry sea, and all of them have been hit by yourself!

The side looked at the bad looking of the sky, Qin Haoxuan thought, will find a chance to run, really fight, still do not know what will happen.

"Hey, big guys, why didn't you just appear when the magic master was there?" Qin Haoxuan would stop on the side of his body and look up to Tu Yu.

Tu Yu smiled and revealed a big tooth that seemed to be able to eat people: "I can't beat him."

"Can't you just hit it? Why are you so embarrassed?" Qin Haoxuan was provocative and looking for a route to escape.

Tu Yu looked at Qin Haoxuan like a fool. "I can't beat it, I am stupid?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled and said: "Then how come out now."

It’s even more joyful to slaughter: “Because no one here can beat me.”

Qin Haoxuan looked at him with his eyes open and felt that this fierce battle was inevitable.

"Oh ~ ~ a sneer came out from the void, Qin Haoxuan, against the sky and the slaughter are a glimpse.

"It’s been a long time since I heard such an interesting story."

Qin Haoxuan’s body was shocked and looked out. He suspected that he was blind.

Reincarnation of the king? ! Why is he here? How can this be? !

Reincarnation of the king wearing a white robe, the simplest and most simple style, but in his body uploaded the spirit of the gods, his face is calm, eyebrows and peace, step by step.

Before the slaughter, the momentum of the mania was gone, and it was as shivering as the eagle’s chick. He couldn’t say anything. He looked at the fairy king who came to him, and his heart turned up. wave.

How can it be? ! How can there be a fairy king in this world? !

The most calm of the three people may be to go against the sky. She faintly glanced at the fairy king who suddenly appeared at the beginning, and then she said nothing.

Tu Tu swallowed his throat and he felt that he was wrong. He wanted to run.

"Oh." Another sneer came from the mouth of the immortal king. The slaughter of a small mountain was broken and the palace was turned into a powder.

Looking at the slaughter that was so easily destroyed, Qin Haoxuan already did not know what to say.


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