Too Early

Chapter 1374: True immortal

The remaining disciples of Puguangge were stunned and stunned in the past. Several ancestors who could hold them supported each other to reach the ancestors of Ming. The head was deeply draped and dared not to show a trace of disrespect.

Someone looked into the abyss and looked at the eyes.

Before the strong men of the Nine Palaces, it was a series of mountains and dense forests, but now it has become an abyss.

The power of the strong remains is still stirring in the abyss, and the smoldering smoldering gas flows from the ground.

It’s terrible, this is the power of the Nine Palaces, and everyone in the world can be destroyed!

"Dare to ask the ancestors, the little beast..." asked the elder of Pu Guangge.

There was no expression on the face of Daming's ancestors. The heavy shadows shrouded him completely. He slightly exuded his knowledge and swept the entire abyss, turning and leaving, leaving only four words: "The soul flies."

The ancestors of Puguangge listened to the news and glanced at each other. They did not dare to answer the words. They only sent the Da Ming ancestors with respect.

They stood silently for a fragrant time, and some people blinked and breathed out.

"I just had a feeling of being killed." The elders wiped the cold sweat of a forehead.

"Oh, this battle is too fierce, and the deputy teaches him..."

"At the very least, Qin Haoxuan is also dead. We will report this news to the owner of the cabinet, and then we will give the deputy to teach the funeral."

Pu Guangge touched six ancestors and a deputy teacher. At the end of the battle, Qin Haoxuan did die, but there are only three people left on them, so fiercely paying, even if the final result is They did not want to laugh out.

"Go, what are you doing?" The two ancestors had to return, turning their heads and seeing the ancestors standing in the same place.

For a long time, when the two were a little impatient, Su Feng showed a reassuring expression and followed.

"What are you doing?"

"I am investigating here with my knowledge. I am afraid that Qin Haoxuan will still survive."

"The results of it?"

"Although there is interference from the residual strength of Daming's ancestors, I can confirm that Qin Haoxuan is dead."

"It’s really a move. How can Daming’s ancestors make mistakes? He is a nine-dollar palace, and half of his feet are on the throne of the king..."

"No, let's go!" Suddenly one of them shouted at the others.


The people of Puguangge have just left, and a black shadow has come from the horizon.

The self-defeating Lord looked at the lonely land under his feet, and his anger filled his eyes a little. He looked at the position where Puguangge was, and the whole body was full of killings. With a wave of his hands, countless mountains collapsed and the wind blew!

Immediately, the devil turned and left.

The night turns around during the day, and there is only a screaming voice in this place.

In the outermost part of this abyss, in an extraordinarily deep shadow, the little shadow corpse looks serious, and the whole body is rigid in the shadow, and behind him, he is trying to hide, and the unconscious Qin Haoxuan is bloody, pale, and weak. .

After staying in the shadow for a long time, Xiaoyingjing felt the increasingly weak atmosphere of Qin Haoxuan. Some of them rushed to push him, but they did not see any reaction. He thought about it and put the Lingshi from his pocket to Qin Haoxuan. The mouth: "Eat, eat."

Qin Haoxuan, who can be comatose, could not give a reaction.

The corpse king looked at Qin Haoxuan with some worries, and then looked at the sky outside. He frowned and thought for a long time, and he got into the dragon scale sword that was labeled as scrap iron. From the inside, he found out what was left. Some spring water, then rushed to hold the spring water and ran out, and fell into Qin Haoxuan's mouth.

Feeling the coolness of his mouth, Qin Haoxuan finally gave some reactions. He subconsciously rubbed his lips and lips, his eyes moved hard, his whole body seemed to be crushed and painful, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The little shadow corpse looked at Qin Haoxuan who was fainting again, and his face was more worried.

The night, gradually deeper, the little shadow corpse king from the shadow of the boulder to find his head, carefully investigated a little, determined no one, he only laboriously dragged Qin Haoxuan out, walking away from a small river in the distance past.

After trying to throw Qin Haoxuan into the river, the little shadow corpse stood on the shore and looked at the broken robes of Qin Haoxuan. Once he found out that he had to fall into the river completely, he would go up.

In this way, one night, the little corpse king was drowsy, and the sun over the mountains made him feel uncomfortable, so he tied the broken clothes in his hand to the tree on the side, and he hid himself into the scrap iron-like dragon scale sword. in.

When Qin Haoxuan tried his best to open his eyes, he felt that his whole body was soaked in the river. With a little movement, there was pain in his body.

He frowned, and he stood up from the river with a strong pain. He was sweating on the bank of the river. Qin Haoxuan carefully felt his body and found that the broken bones had grown up in these days. He After a bitter smile, and then want to gather aura to check the damage of Linggen, I found that I really can not laugh.

The fairy palace was broken and destroyed in one body. This is the worst situation he can think of, but he did not expect that the actual situation of the body is even worse.

I want to gather the aura of the world, but these auras are like the wind that slides over my fingertips, and I can’t gather them in my body!

Qin Haoxuan closed his eyes and began to examine his body.

Within the dantian, a gray-smelling atmosphere, the original fertile sage, is dying a little bit. In the middle of it, a crack is on the top, and Qin Haoxuan’s aura gathers and falls into the fairy. But it escaped from the cracks in the fairy.

"It won't be so unlucky." Qin Haoxuan smiled and looked up. The bright sun in the sky was soaking in the eyes, and he was soaked in the river, and he noticed that it was cold.

Sitting for a long time, Qin Haoxuan sighed and stood up strong, but in the next moment, a resistance came from behind, and he almost plunged into the river.

Awkwardly turning back, a rope smashed from his robe robes straight, one on the tree on the river bank, the other...

Qin Haoxuan twisted his head and looked at his back, and the other side was on his own.

Biting his teeth, Qin Haoxuan didn’t know whether he should cry or laugh now. Others’ life climbed up the rope along the rope, and effortlessly opened the robes that didn’t know how many knots they had, and then came to the whole body as black. Before the worn-out scrap iron sword, I sat down slowly and reached for it. "I said the little guy, you will play."

The little zombie who was sleeping was hearing the voice of Qin Haoxuan and gave a giggling laugh.

"Don't even dare to laugh." Qin Haoxuan played the dragon scale sword again, and then provoked a little laughter of the little zombies, and then he could not help but laugh.

After laughing, the point of Qin Haoxuan’s heart was also depressed. After all, it’s not the first time to repair it, but it’s just starting from scratch. This is something that I still have.

Relying on a big tree, Qin Haoxuan looked around his own, and he had no idea in his heart.

"I should have been beaten to the Devil's territory now." Qin Haoxuan smiled and laughed, and then some tangled thoughts, "The celestial being destroyed is still the first time... How should this be fixed?"

"Do you want to be a big man?"

Qin Haoxuan silently recited the slogan and transported the exercises, but he vented this breath when he was a fragrant incense. As in the beginning, the aura could not be gathered in the body, and there was no way to connect the magical Dafa. Don't mention patching the genus.

Just when Qin Haoxuan was about to try to practice it again with the heart of the beginning, the stomach suddenly rang, he instantly stopped, and then it was very novel and touched the stomach: "Hungry... This feeling of hunger, there are two It hasn't appeared in more than a hundred years."

"Hey." Laughing and sighing, Qin Haoxuan supported his body with the dark dragon sword around him, and began to look around to see if there was anything around him.

The place where he is now belongs to the world of the great denominations of the Devils. The small rivers around him flow down from the top of the mountain to the farther side. Although there are many trees around, they are not dense, and the growth is casual. It is a place where few people come here.

Qin Haoxuan went up the river and he could see the white smoke rising from the distant mountains.

"The people in the mountains, looking at the near, it is really far away."

Qin Haoxuan walked for half a day in the world, his body was soaked with sweat, and the small village that he had determined to cook, but it seems to be still far away, the distance between them has not changed at all, thinking that when they are still repairing, This distance has always been blinking.

"This is the difference between Xianfan."

Walking step by step, watching the trees growing on both sides of the path, listening to the sound of the small river flowing, feeling the subtle coldness of the early winter season, Qin Haoxuan has a different mood than the time of Xiu ~ At that time, he was too busy. From the south to the north, the distance of thousands of miles was never passed. There was no chance to take a good look at it, let alone feel it.

When I was tired, Qin Haoxuan stopped and rested. I thought about changing my clothes. I found out that I am now like a real vulgar person. I have no aura at all, even the dragon scale swords are playing. Not open.

Really a little can not stand the messy robes, Qin Haoxuan took off the broken coat, washed a few times in the river, and then took a little care with the robes of the river.

After finishing the arrangement, he probed his reflection in the river and smiled.

The man in the river, the hair is unkempt, even if he wash his face with the river, it is still not clean, gray, his cheeks are covered with fine scars, and the neck is green and purple, as if dragged away. All the way, if you say that you are a monk at this time, don't say other people, even you don't believe it.

"It’s awkward."

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and stood up from the river. He stretched a lazy waist and felt more hungry in his stomach.

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