Too Early

Chapter 1385: Personally lead the team to find rewards

.. too early

"These slaves have all been branded, and we can pay for them to fight against them. Through these battles, we can improve our sense of fighting and understand the shortcomings of those Taoist repairs." Huo Knife explained a few words.

Qin Haoxuan: "Oh, it turns out."

After reading the fighting court, Hodge suddenly said: "You can spend money to buy a cultivator from here and go back to you as a slave."

Qin Haoxuan sighed: "Isn't a servant should be a mortal?"

Huo Knife smiled: "That is only the treatment of the underlying disciples."

Qin Haoxuan nodded.

Huo Kou pointed to the disciple who was **** in a row. "These people are now better than you, but as long as you give them a curse, these people will have to listen to you." Once there is a bad heart, you will not be able to ask for death. It is better than the usual slaves. You can use it as your own guard or you can call it."

"The disciple knows."

Huo Knife looked at Qin Haoxuan, obviously had something to say, and finally did not say, only took a shot of Qin Haoxuan's shoulder: "Oh, it is almost useful to you, go back, do a good job, don't give Master a shame, someone You must tell Master when you bully."

Qin Haoxuan: "Thank you Master."

After coming to his own cave, Qin Haoxuan discovered that the golden scent treatment was really different. Lingtian was covered with mountainsides. Looking at the green herbs in Lingtian, Qin Haoxuan suddenly remembered Xiaojin.

Shaking his head and sighing, Qin Haoxuan returned to the Dongfu. Now the most important thing is to put his own cultivation up. Others can only be said later.

Taking out the heart of the knife, Qin Haoxuan studied it carefully and smiled.

This set of minds is indeed powerful, but what is even more powerful is the sinister sinisters hidden inside. With the progress of the cultivation of this set of minds, the cultivator's body will condense a magical species, which is controlled by the knives and has no effect at all. But Master wants you to be born and wants to die. But if his master dies, the magic will disappear.

"Too sinister..." Qin Haoxuan shook his head. "It’s obviously a mentor, and it’s still so frustrating..."

However, Qin Haoxuan also knows that he can't practice now. If there is no such magical species in his body, he will certainly cause doubt.

"I am still afraid of this little thing when I practice cultivation." Qin Haoxuan smiled and closed his eyes and began to practice.


When Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes again, half a year later, he had already made twenty pieces of fairy leaves.

Twenty leaves, he only needed to be able to reach in a month, but he engraved a reincarnation map on each of his leaves.

The above reincarnation maps are all Qin Haoxuan's own sentiments. They are separated from the reincarnation of the demon and the reincarnation of the immortal king. They claim to be a faction, so the process is particularly slow.

Out of the cave, Qin Haoxuan wanted to test the power of his reincarnation on the fairy leaf. He came to the back hill.

The mountains behind Tianyan teach all over World of Warcraft. It is very dangerous. The large array of methods controls the Warcraft that is tough, but some of the fairy lands and even the fairyland of Warcraft can come to the vicinity of Tianyan.

Qin Haoxuan stared at a wild demon leopard. This wild demon leopard is dark in color and red in both eyes. Although his age is still small, he is already a big realm of forty-nine leaves.

Qin Haoxuan glanced at it and walked toward it step by step.

The wild devil leopard immediately put up an attacking posture, and even made a low squat from the throat, and then it jumped up, showing an unusually sharp claw, and rushing to the face of Qin Haoxuan!

Qin Haoxuan smiled lightly, and a piece of fairy leaves in the body moved slightly. The reincarnation suddenly flashed from the void and then slammed into the wild leopard!


The savage beast screamed in the air, and there was only one white bone left when it landed. The wind blew slightly and the bones became gray.

The power of reincarnation took its life.

Qin Haoxuan raised an eyebrow: "It's better than I thought. I finally have my own way."

Satisfied with a smile, Qin Haoxuan hit a finger, the shadow of the Tianyi wing did not enter the Dantian, completely shrouded his fairy leaves, covering the breath of reincarnation, even if the outsiders can only see ordinary Fairy leaves.

When returning to the cave, Qin Haoxuan received the words of Dao Tong, and Master had to see himself.

When he came to the Hooke House, Qin Haoxuan found that someone else was there, one of them was Jiang Wenxiong who had seen it.

"The signs of the Devil's War are getting more and more fierce. The two sides are going to completely tear open their skins and fight." Seeing Qin Haoxuan coming in, Huo Kou said such a sentence.

Qin Haoxuan was slightly surprised. Didn’t he have an accident, really want to cause the devil to fight?

Huo Knife said to the disciples in the room: "Our friends are beaten by the group of hypocrites of Taoism. They are ordered to go out and support each other. You are all ready."


Huo Knife looked at Qin Haoxuan: "How is your cultivation?"

Qin Haoxuan bowed his head: "The disciple is stupid, and now he has reached the realm of the twenty-leaf."

"Twenty leaves?"

"I have twenty leaves in half a year? It’s too powerful. It’s a golden fairy."


The exclamation sounded in the room, Qin Haoxuan just smiled.

"Ha ha ha, it is my apprentice, good!" Huo Kou did not cover the praise, and at the same time to the human beings around him, "I have seen it, do you have to learn more?"


Jiang Wenxiong smiled and agreed with Huo Kou, while he said to Qin Haoxuan: "It is true that the progress of cultivation is really fast, but I don’t know how the cultivation of the younger brother is practicing?"

Qin Haoxuan thought for a moment: "It’s okay to cultivate."

Jiang Wenxiong immediately said to Huo Knife: "Let's let us know, Master, you give guidance."

Huo Knife: "Oh, but you have repaired it much higher than the younger brother. They are all forty-nine leaves and a half-step fairy tree, and a lower one."

"Yes." Jiang Wenxiong nodded, and then to a human being behind him, "Zhou Shidi, you go."

Zhou Teng hardened his scalp and went to Qin Haoxuan: "Please advise."


Zhou Teng is not weak. He is very skilled at the use of the attacking spirit, but unfortunately, he is facing Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan shot, a more mellow aura accumulated, turned into a fierce leopard in the void, and suddenly rushed Zhou Teng's attacking spirit, and flew him out.

Huo Kou sees that Qin Haoxuan is using his own magical power, and he is happy.

Jiang Wenxiong looked at Qin Haoxuan and tightened his teeth. He once again bowed to the knife. "The younger brother is really talented, and the disciples are willing to go down the wind."

"Well, it’s a good practice, it’s a reward."

"Ha ha ha, Master does not hurry to reward, disciples feel that the same realm is too easy for the younger brother, should be sent to a higher person to practice."

Huo Kuang thought about it and felt that his apprentice said it was good: "Alright..."

"Package teacher, come on." Jiang Wenxiong said softly.

Bao Lei received Jiang Wenxiong's eyes and nodded.

"Bao Shidi is now exactly twenty-two leaves." Jiang Wenxiong said.

Huodao nodded.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Bao Lei and smiled in his heart. It seems that he was being remembered by someone. What is the realm of twenty-two leaves, which is clearly the realm of twenty-five leaves, and it is concealed.

"Bao brother, please."

"Qin Shidi, please."

Bao Lei suddenly shot, he was charged with power, and attacked, even pulled out a long whip of lightning in the void, unceremoniously rushed toward Qin Haoxuan!

Qin Haoxuan felt that Bao Lei’s stock was killing, and he smiled coldly. He just stood still and waited for the whip to come to his eyes before he suddenly picked up his fist and waved a blow!

The shadow of the fist became louder in the air, and the thin whip was instantly shot into a powder. The huge power was wrapped in a fierce wind, interrupting the baggage ribs, and then soared out and hit the wall!

"Qin Shidi, you are too embarrassed to shoot, we are a brother!" Watching his own pieces were hit, and fell to the ground, Jiang Wenxiong angered together, preemptive martyrdom.

Qin Haoxuan gave a slight glimpse, looking at the knives, just to explain, just look at the knives suddenly smiled: "The kid is good, we will pay attention to the real magic, I appreciate this."

Qin Haoxuan: "..."

Jiang Wenxiong’s face was a stiff, then he smiled and said: “The right thing is right.”

After thinking about it, Jiang Wenxiong looked at Huo Dao again: "Master, since we are going to support, let the disciples lead the team, disciple..."

"No, this time I personally led the team." Huo Knife interrupted Jiang Wenxiong's words.

Jiang Wenxiong did not expect that the church master would take a shot and suddenly stopped.

On the surface of the knife, there is something unpredictable to say: "After all, this time, the woman also goes."

Jiang Wenxiong frowned: "She also goes..."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the look of these two people, and some could not touch the mind.

"Since we are going to prepare for the war, we have to be prepared." Huo Knife stood up and patted Qin Haoxuan's shoulder. "Come with me."

Qin Haoxuan went with it.

Watching the two disappear, Jiang Wenxiong's anger is even better.

Qin Haoxuan’s weird discovery, Huo Knife brought himself to the Fighting Court, is it to let him play a few games inside?

After the Huo Knife brought Qin Haoxuan into pointed to the road repaired in a row, asked Qin Haoxuan: "Do you want one?"

Qin Haoxuan has not spoken yet, and Huodao made a decision on his own: "Choose one, just be a reward for Master."

When approaching, Qin Haoxuan discovered that these Taoist repairs were more or less scarred, and some had been tortured without human figures, dying, and they had just been caught, and their mouths were still groaning.

"Look, which one do you want." Hodge looked at the Taoist repairs like the animals.

Those Taoist monks are different, ages are different, and they are not fixed. There are even a few women who are repaired inside.

Among them, there is a female repair, which looks like she has just been caught in, and she looks like she has a long-lasting appearance. Even if she doesn't paint powder, she is a city. She has a pair of eyes and eyes. She is looking at the magical repairs in the fighting club. In addition to a little dirty, the robe did not have any traces of wounds. It was obvious that it had not been tortured by other people, and Qin Haoxuan could judge that the martial art of this female repair was definitely not a small group.


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